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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

    No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

    I go everywhere whithout wallet and I have done since I started to go anywhere with money and I know many people that do, so what is wrong with that??

    This ain't a robbery case 'cos the money was there in his pocket.


    the business competition

    sorry me .... I just guess

  2. hummm.. Do you think if we can sort it out with the Jet Ski Scam? Will they not alter their behaviors and scam you guys on another things instead? I can see this as an endless question... dude

    Oh - I get it - because they might do something else, we should just forget it and walk away......let them cary on.

    what's that they say about "evil persists only when good men do nothing"?

    For sure, I support him. It's an issue of morality in a Buddhist country like Thailand. Do you know I have seen this sort of jer*ks many times in Thailand and elsewhere? I fed up with 'em

    1.Motor bike taxi -over charge,

    2. taxi at the airport - no meter,

    3. over charge provincial Bus fare

    4. greedy street vendors,

    5.Thai chicks

    6. Thai close friends scam

    7.some Idiot Thai guys bullshit everything he said


    9. Burglar

    10. traffic police corruption

    i know someone will tell me off by listing those above. Hahahaha.....

    Gees ...... not a basher.:guitar:

  3. Do you really think these guys choosed Thailand because they wanted a vacation???

    It is not about Thailand bashing. It is about the thai bank system.

    These guys know they never can use a forged ATM card in EU because the ATM mashines over there read the informations from the chips and not from megnetic stripes.

    In thailand the ATM mashines read the information from the magnetic stripes.

    Thats why these gangs come to thailand.

    Where else in the world outside of EU have they moved even more than 50% of their ATM to the smart card technology? And as far as I know they have not fully done away with the magnetic readers in the EU ... if they did then it would certainly make it difficult for those from places such as the US to withdraw funds while on vacation.

    Thailand was a perfect destination because of easy entry and how many Europeans vacation here as well as spending time in the resorts areas offer a lot of fun. They certainly could have picked just about any where else in the world where ATMs that go off the magnetic strip are still in abundance. What I am sure about is they didn't think that, "at least if we get caught in Thailand the jails are nice"

    However they could have thought that they might be able to buy there way out of trouble here considering the corruption levels in most all developing nations.

    I'm certain that these guys ain't done a research for the Thai prison's life at all.

    Here is what Dave Mc millan, an Aussie/British told BBC(some said exaggerated): He was caught by Thai Police for the charge of Drug Trafficking in Yaowarat,China Town in 1995 .And he could escape(bravery) from the main prison, Klongplem in BKK before a near-certain death sentencewith a false document.

    The main prison's condition is too much over-capacity cos' there are 25 prisoners packed into one cell. Security is loosely bein' implemented as there ain't enough staffs. For the estimation, one staff is to take care of 120 prisoners alone. Bribing is vastly seen there. Bringing stuff in and out from the prison is a game of using money. Additionally, the security guards usually take a good snap in the nite time that forms his escapin' plan possible.

    Below is the picture to give you an idea of how it's like in many Thai Prisons.


    please read this book for more details. But some said Mc Millan exaggerated.


  4. Why Thailand dude? I am curious to know from these guys. Why not Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, the Philippines or where else? Is it Because the legal system is to weak? Or Thailand is a heaven for these crooks.

    At least partly because Thai ATMs are still using magnetic strips only.

    This kind of ATM card fraud has been around for a decade or so. Mostly practised by Malaysians and Indonesians. Many Malaysians come to Thailand to commit this kind of ATM card fraud because they feel it is more safe to do it in places like Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket, etc.

    Russia has introduced smart card based ATM cards in 2006, already 5 years ago. This kind of ATM fraud is impossible with such debit or credit cards...

    Why other countries are so sluggish to introduce ATM cards based on smart card technology? :o

    smart card ATM machines would prevent this happening in Russia. However it wouldn't prevent it happening to Russians as the cards usually still have a magnetic stripe so that they can be used in backward countries that haven't completely switched to smart cards (like the US, Thailand).

    After all, all credit/debit cards issued in the UK have had smart cards for years now. But they still have the magnetic stripe for use abroad, so people can still skim. If anything, it's better for the cardholder as the foreign transaction (using the skimmed magnetic stripe on a blank card) are easier to prove they're bogus.

    The downside of chip and pin is the increased opportunity for people to spy out your pin number as it's used a lot more.

    Thank you BKK_mike;

    From your thread, I become to understandin' very much of how the system works in many other countries including Thailand. I really appreciate it. Are you one of the electronic Engineers? Haha.... Good job. I hope Thaivisa fellows would read yours so they can understand thoroughly in order to prevent this from happenin' with 'em. How good would it be? if there are many people like you with the in depth knowledge here.. dude

  5. According to a website to do with doors made of teak and Phuketwan, JJ is back in action at Patong and recently tried to extort B100k from two Aussie girls. The Phuket governor's pledge to introduce compulsory insurance for jet skis was obviously just eyewash. Let's see if the Mayor of Pattaya is going to be any different but don't hold your breath. The only solution to this problem seems to be to ban jet skis entirely.

    Still his father have been disappeared for almost a decade....... I was told how he get elected as the Mayor. There are stories behind............ Now to prove he can work , clean the entire Pattaya up then.

  6. The very sad irony here is that countless members of the private sector – hotels, airlines, travel agents and other businesses which depend on tourism, do nothing to protect their own clients. There are numerous long-established collectives such as the Thai Travel Agents Association (ATTA) the Thai Hotels Association (THA) the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the regional SKAL Clubs, all of which have a highly respected membership, amongst whom are many influential and highly respected personalities representing the Thai tourism sector.

    Despite their obvious potential to bring professional, collective and sustained pressure on the powers that be, nothing happens, they all sit on their hands, attend meetings, and socialise, whilst the abuse of their own customers continues unchallenged, not only in Pattaya, but in the multiple tourist scams and rip-offs elsewhere. The Bangkok Gem Scam has been going on successfully for decades, with known complicity in high authority.

    Kudos therefore to Tim Bull.

    The only one, apparently, with the balls to do something, single-handed.

    Bangkok Gem Scam has been around for long long time ..........it's long enough to be out. then....... Quote: I ain't a Thai- basher by posting this thread but I want something to be fixed.

  7. After all the scams that Thais seem to perpetrate of farangs in their country, I'm really surprised that someone has not setup a ThailandScams.com website... Might serve as a portal to warn potential visitors and a place for those who have been scammed to vent their anger... :whistling:

    There is one already: http://www.bangkokscams.com/

    It should have been named ThailandScams.com as there are scams from all over Thailand, not just BKK.

    Thanks this is quite useful.......

  8. Sometimes the best offense towards crime is a good defense. Avoid using ATM's that are in high-foot traffic tourist areas. Try and use ones that are off the beaten track and also do a visual inspection of the card feeder. You can often spot that it has been tampered with or looks odd. Also change your password occasionally.

    Sound advice. I actually set up my US Bank account to alert me via email to my balance every day. Not sure about Europe but in the US you can only be held accountable for $50 or some minimal amount if you report the card missing/stolen with in 48 or 72 hours. As for this kind of fraud you may be 100% covered but whose to say how long it takes to get that money back. Very dangerous in the US too in terms of fraud because Bank Cards issued in the USA can be swiped just like credit cards at any place that takes Visa/MC without putting your pin number in. The difference with a credit card is that in the Bank Card situation the money is debited immediately from your account. The only time you need to enter your pin is if you are withdrawing cash.

    What I don't understand is how did they get the pin numbers? The card itself doesn't contain information on your secret PIN number and it sounds like a whole bunch of cards involved ... I guess a lot of spying by the ATMs where they set up the card readers.

    When I went to Kunming, Yunan, China durin' the new year, I bought a pair of jeans. I couldn't use my credit card as they asked me to enter the PIN but I couldn't remember. I always use it without the PIN almost everywhere except in Kunming,China.

    As for the case, I don't mind if they scam Thai banks cos' they unscrupulously make money from their clients. Charges are on every f*ckin' thing plus givin' poor exchange rates. The credit is for our Thai police again Bravo. However, there are some cases still mysterious up north where a few Farangs died at Downtown Inn........ :guitar:

  9. Sorry to disappoint all you Thai bashers:

    "The complaints from London and the bank reported that ATMs in the UK were fitted with devices to record account information to a USB drive.

    The USB drive was then brought to Thailand, where the account information was transferred onto blank ATM cards, after which money was withdrawn from the accounts using local ATMs, Maj Gen Panya explained."

    Should read before commenting ...

    Why Thailand dude? I am curious to know from these guys. Why not Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, the Philippines or where else? Is it Because the legal system is to weak? Or Thailand is a heaven for these crooks.

  10. Nothing 'rose tinted' at all, it's not because Thai atms are out of date, this is a huge problem everywhere. Google atm skimmer to find loads of pictures of them

    Here's an atm skimmer found in California, and they can get a lot more complex than this


    They can get your code through a camera or something like this that reads and records what buttons you press


    Beach resorts here are probably a good target for these people. Many people will be very drunk and going to atms late at night to get cash out and won't be paying attention if something looks a little weird.

    this thread is very informative............ gonna be a lot helpful................................thanks

  11. UMMMM Has anyone ever told or attempted to educate the REDSHIRTS to use their voting power and stop selling their votes to whoever gives them 100 Baht and some free Buffalo ??????

    YES ITS TRUE . This year someone is arranging volleyball games , parties , free beef , and 150 Baht in exchange for rural votes !! This comes from the family of my friends who live near Bueng Kan the newest province . Somebody wants to be elected !!

    Well that's what polititians do in the USA all the time !!! ... and WORSE .

    And in Australia's recent history, the John Howard led conservatives gave all the pensioners $300 ... as a 'gift'. And THAT is how HE bought votes, got elected, and returned time after time, until finally thrown out. (In the mean time he sold off Australia's assets to balance the books. After all, he is an accountant. .. or was.)

    Hey hey !! Someone wants to be elected!! ? Yep ;-)

    hum..... Apparently dude :guitar:

  12. They both have the right to protest but under the same rules and regulations of the country then. But please to use force and violence to get though your ways. Until now the government can't catch the one that assassinated a few top ranged military personnel on the spot plus a Japanese news reporter. It was more or less close to warfare. It's really a big headache being the PM. For now I can list some of the issues arisen :

    1. Cambodian disputed territory

    2. out of supply the Cooking Oil

    3. Eggs/weight

    4. southern guerrilla

    5. Jailed 2 activists in Cambodia.

    6. PAD rally protest for Gov. resign

    7. RED representing the poor to crackdown the Gov. again to bring back the big boss in Montenegro.

    8. Land reform protesters... they are somewhere in BKK.

    9. giant conglomerate cigarette corp tax avoiding

    10. many corruptions from the cabinet

    11. A childish Foreign Minister

    12. Bombs detect toys (gone quiet)

    13.Huge commission on many

    and many more.....

  13. Where are Tsunami alert Devices? Only on the Andaman side or Not applicable for this situation? To be able to measure the Tsunami waves so they don't argue. Whatta waste?.....

    You may need to read the post once more. Vietnam, Phillipines & Taiwan are not on the anderman side?

    I read this post and understood the poster to mean that the Tsunami alert devices in place were only put on the Andaman sea after the previous disaster but none placed on the side now in danger, seems a tight fisted approach seeing as Japan has had lot's of earth quakes in and around the country in recent years.

    Yep. I think similar .... ... If they are worried that the Tsunami waves from Japan will hit any parts of Thailand though. ..... These devices should be sittin' somewhere in the gulf.

  14. Is the Thai Gulf safe? On the map it looks like it could be hit almost directly. I'm not saying it could still cause damage but it's relatively close compared to many other countries that are already on the warning list.

    no way............Thai Gulf won't get this Tsunami ..

    And the basis for this statement...?

    Sulawesi is on the warning list, 4000 km from the location, expecting 60 cm to 1 meter of water. The southern part of the Gulf is 4500 km from the epicenter. I don't really want to rely on the local Thai authorities when it comes to events like this. I calculated that the first wave might arrive between 10 and 11 tonight.

    Look at the map and try to make sense dude............... how 'bout taking a good swim tonite?

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