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Posts posted by tromboneman

  1. Get a pistol. Put a tasty bowl of food infront of the dog and when he's eating shoot him in the back of the head. He won't know anything. Honestly, if you do it right it's probably the least painful. My biology teacher said he does this with so many stray cats on his farm. It's not from personal experience.

  2. I find the overt corruption more refreshing and "honest" than the more covert and sophisticated corruption that exists in developed countries like the USA and Great Britain. When westerners point the finger at Thailand, I find it quite amusing. Either they are blind to the widespread corruption in their own political systems, or they are in complete denial. At least I have access in Thailand because I am just as able to slip an official a couple of thousand baht as much as the next guy. In the USA, I am not allowed access.

    Thank you. I quite agree. Unfortunately, it doesn't make it helpful for most people in either country.

  3. Hi, I have a Thai friend looking for a blood donation for her daughter. She is married to a foreigner and says that only foreigners have type Rhesus blood. Her daughter had a motorbike accident and needs Rhesus blood group O for surgery. Her name is Por. Phone nmber is 087.661.4839. She speaks English and Thai/. She's in Lampang city at the hospital. Thank you too much

    Lampang, Chiang Mai, blood, rhesus, type O, donate


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