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Posts posted by tuktukmike

  1. Hi Spitlid

    The reason you cant see out of a tuk-tuk is the way they design them out there, also most thais are quite small .

    Changes can be made to better suit farangs or westeners so you can have a good view of everything.

    But i do understand what you mean as we had this problem at first due to the low roof and the way it curves down the sides.


  2. Hi All

    And hello Sua Yai

    By the way you say west country maybe you do know me. and yes thanks we have type approval from VOSA as its now called and have been registering the tuk-tuks for the last five years in the UK.

    We are also exporting to other European countries and are now in negotiations with a company in the US. We start building from a new factory in october so all is going well at the moment.

    Had a few large Thai tuk-tuk builders asking me to help them build to EU spec but as you can imagine they want the help for free, even i am not that daft.

    Also all the probs with the Thai goverment have been cleared up after they realised i had never tried to register the name tuk-tuk as my own, But of course i never got an apoligy ( surprise surprise) if you do a search on internet under mmw imports you will see the fun i had.


  3. Hi All

    So the powers that be describe me as a Troll, and close the thread.

    1. I do not consider myself a troll i started asking if anyone with experiance had any idea of any views as to importing a car from the UK as i will be doing shortly.

    2. I replied to another person on this site who also asked about importing and gave him the same info that i have received from shipping company that i have used for the last five years and trust, and also thai customs.

    3. May i inform the last entrant on that topic that i think he may be ten years out of date as it does not take ten weeks to ship to thailand but in fact an average of 25 days, try contacting some shipping companys and you will see i am right.

    4. I am really sorry if some of the long time members are upset but i had no idea that was such a narrow and closed forum, there are people out here who do and have done a lot of work in Thailand and i always believe that you can never know everything about Thailand even though many people you meet here think they do.

    5. Am i a troll? Take a look at my company web site and then decide, www.tuk-tuk.co.uk I await your response with baited breath.


  4. Wow

    What a negative response from everyone,

    It can be done and at a reasonable price on the Ro Ro system, But i do understand why everyone feels like this.

    Firstly you must get a b visa and a work permit, Then it must come over as personal effects and you must show log book proving you have owned the car for at least two years.

    Then send the shipping company in Bkk all the details of the car ie Chassis no, Engine no, Engine capacity, Make, Model, and year of manufacture. The company can then ask customs for the import tariff for this vehicle.

    The problem i see with the person who asked this question is that he clearly does not own a car at present in the UK so would not have a log book showing two years ownership, also does he have work permit and the right visas for this type of import.

    Hope you dont think i am trying to be a know all but just going on my own experience thus far.


  5. Hi All again

    Well i have not seen anything posted yet that would put me off so its full steam ahead and fingers crossed,

    I am importing the car in the right way and am not going down the route of trying to bend the rules, having said that i have learnt from other friends who have shipped their belongings from EU that it does pay to help things along with a small payment to customs.

    As previously stated i have often had to pay small amounts to Thai customs to make sure that my export containers do get on the boat to Singapore that i wanted to avoid delay of arrival in Southampton.

    We are all aware of this sort of thing in Bkk but my feeling is that at least you can see it and its in your face, in the EU countries it is more hidden away but for sure it still goes on,

    The most crazy thing that happens in UK now is that customs have to x ray a certain amount of containers everyday and if one of mine is picked i have to pay in exess of £375 plus vat and also if they do a full container clearout search this costs £700 to £900, I have no problem with customs checking my containers but why the ###### should i pay for this.

    So as you see, things work out much the same as far as payments go both here in Bkk and in the UK.

    Many thanks all, Mike. Ps thanks for the threads.

  6. Hi all

    Thanks for your replies,

    I am going ahead with the export of my car from the UK to Thailand after speaking to the shipping company today, had to wait as yesterday was august bank holiday here.

    I am assured that the rate for me with a B visa and work permit will be 80% of CIF but that maybe the customs will try and increase the value of car, I am told to make sure i have log book showing that i have owned the car for two years and also the purchase invoice.

    I also used to be told that thai customs charge on new price of car but i can now assure all that this is not true, local gossip is a terrible thing.

    My car is a 1990 Toyota Supra and yes i know its not worth much to most people in the UK, but try to understand this car is my pride and joy and would rather swap my wife than this car, falang wife at that.

    I will for sure keep everyone updated on events as they happen but the car wont leave Southampton until 24sept04, Also i do expect to have to grease the palms of certain officials as i have been doing with shipments from Bkk to UK, I hate the idea of my containers waiting at the dockside until someone decides to clear it so it is always better to pay what to us is a small sum to hasten depature.

    Again thanks all, Mike.

  7. HI all

    Well i am surprised, no one on this site with any ideas of the probs i may encounter with this car.

    I hope all goes well as i meet with UK shipping agents today and had hoped that maybe someone on this site had done the same.

    Never mind i will go ahead and keep fingers crossed.

    Thanks all.

  8. Hi All

    I posted this on the wrong site before so here goes again.

    I am shipping my car from uk to bkk at the end of september and would like to know of any problems i might have missed,

    Ok shipping company who i have used for the last 5 years in bkk have had the full details of my car ie chassis no, engine no, make and model and i have been told that as i have a business visa and a work permit i will be charged an import duty of 80% of total cost including shipping costs.

    This is a relief as i know they can charge up to 200% import duty on imported cars, the only other problem i forsee is thai customs can inflate the value of the car which means paying more duty.

    So i have the feeling that i must try and make the car look quite rough and maybe get a respray in bkk, the only other quirk i have been told is that the reg documents have to show i have owned the car for two years, this is also no problem so anyone out there who has any horror stories please let me know as forewarned is forearmed.

    many thanks, mike

  9. Some good replies here as i have the same problem.

    I found an empty factory that suited the purpose that i needed and through my lawyer found the owner.

    The owner spoke to my laywer and said he wanted 150million baht for the property at which time my lawyer hung up the phone, about a week later i had a call telling me that this person could not sell the land or factory as he had not made any payments for about 2 years.

    Now the good part, i contacted the thai bank who repossed the factory and was later informed that the previous owner had taken credits of 30million baht but that if i was really serious obout buying they would let me have it for 20million baht.

    As the real value after having a good thia friend check for me was worth only 5million tops i declined their offer, i have heard a lot of things like this when dealing with thai banks and i cant understand why they think i would pay off someone else's debt.

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