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Posts posted by dpeti73

  1. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Maybe if the Farangs had the Thai licences they wouldn't have lost 500 Bt....But of course as usual...it's the naughty police that were in the wrong.

    Back in your country, do police not care if you have a valid licence or not?

    The point not the license thai or international by the way thai license requirements a joke compared with european. The point is the reckless drunk drivers during all year not just a holiday season!

  2. 1 hour ago, smotherb said:

    I was responding to bluesofa who said, "It would be interesting to see the video of this device in use.

    Years ago in the UK, it was claimed that spraying hairspray on the number plate would prevent cameras recognising it. No idea if it was true however."


    As I have said before, I do not like some of the new modifications made to TV; not showing the previous post confuses many posters who do not read the source of the comments upon which they respond.


    Check Mythbusters they tried many kind of spray and other stuff to make invisible the plate but can't :)


  3. "I saw a man trying to gain entry through a first floor window. I shot at him until he fell down then called police," he added.

    This sad, shooting down someone without having life threat to a person.

    Why to shoot someone who is not threat to your life ? Why not give warning to the thief and give him a chance to run or make an arrest ?

    So, police have a Gun mean they can shoot at anyone who comes in between their rouge motor cycle, or if they find they are not necessary for them ?

    Is it allowed to use his official Gun off duty ? If this police not punished, probably you can declare Thailand as a Police state.

    Warning??? That not enough warning that house is private property? Im sick about this thinking who make crime they have to know this can be happening!

  4. Five year old on a bike in Thailand, probably no helmet? Parents should have had more sense, but maybe they did not know Thailand is about the most dangerous place in the world to ride a motorbike.

    Yeah well done, just what the parents need at this moment in time. Finger pointing!

    You right, on this parents not helping the finger pointing, but those hundreds, not only Thais who take children to motorbike (sometimes couple of month old children), maybe they thinking after this. But i don't think so.

  5. Its very simple without any racism Thai drivers dangerous its because they don't care about rules, driving aggressive and when they sitting in those big car they think they are invulnerable. How many times we can see they hold a children on front seat, heavy raining daytime and darkness no way they turn on the headlights, etc...

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