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sua yai

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Posts posted by sua yai

  1. I'm guessing, but the resort/spa could be Evason. It's near Pranburi.

    The beach could be Sai Noi, on the way to Pranburi - clearly signposted. That is secluded and good for swimming - drops steeply. Seven odd years ago, I could go and be almost the only person there other than restaurant staff. Word's got out now though - and I don't suppose this post helps!!!

    During the week's best and maybe more so in a month once the tourist season quietens down.

  2. I've had the misfortune to be admitted to San Paulo on two occasions - once for 3 days, once for 10. I found them OK. The rooms were good and I seemed to get a lot of attention - I just love those nurses.

    For cuts and scrapes and keeping wounds clean etc, the hospital is OK in my book. However, if it's something really serious (say internal) I wouldn't be so confident.

    There's always BKK and a good hospital in Petburi and hour away - forget the name.

    Don't touch the public HH hospital with a bargepole.

  3. On Petchkasem Rd, heading south of town, on your right hand side.

    You can't miss it. It's the place that forgot to install traffic lights, so vehicles now heading south and wanting to make the U-turn back to the said store are queueing for 20 mins to do so.

    Oh yes, it's also the place with lots of official people blowing whistles at you, informing you the car park is full, so you've got to find somewhere about 1km away.

    And they've got lovely ladies taking your shopping out to your car, when you eventually retreive it from 1km away and then have to wait another 20 mins at the U-turn.

    Does that help.


  4. There's always TOT's own free dial-up service if they do cut the line for True. They say they can almost always give you at least a

    mind-boggling speedy 19Kbps connection. :D

    No, no no. You've just sent shivers down my spine. I put up with TOT free for two years. The computer's lucky it's still in one piece and the local TOT office hasn't been bombed.

    As for "free", my phone bills were knocking on 2,000 a mth and that was just for internet connections. No phone calls.

    Thank goodness for ADSL. I'm almost sane again - until I read that post :o

  5. I was down in Ranong yesterday and used my usual taxi/boat service. Was asking him about this incident. (I'm pretty sure that he's either worked at imm there before or, at the very least is well connected.

    His view was that it was nothing to do with imm. Just regular and tourist police looking for money. He was not amused about the situation, but didn't really want to talk that much with me about it.

    Just a local's point of view - although bear in mind that he has a vested interest in as many visa runners using his services as possible.

  6. Seems to be there's a lot of hot air, from numerous sources, about this topic. If people insist on knowingly booking a flight more than 30 days after their arrival then it's stupidity. If they intend to stay more than 30 days it does not cost a fortune to get a 90 day visa before leaving (the UK), can't comment about the RoW. Without a return ticket you're not going to be very welcome at immigration so there seems to be no excuse.


    Many farangs once here change plans. I am not talking about normal 2 week tourists but those maybe staying about 2 months and finding that they need an extra 2-5 days.

    Its not a matter they can 'afford' as farang the money, they feel ripped off and cheated when they see what they get charged for a few days extra. If Thailand wants repeat visitors, this is the way to make them go elsewhere... Some did and spend the last week somewhere else...

    Next quote...

    However, if due to unforseen circumstances, accident or illness, etc. overstaying becomes inevitable and it is not possible to travel then some form of leeway would be sensible, providing there was supporting evidence like a hospital receipt.


    I had this once, check with local immigration as it likely (!!!) needs a signed letter from a government hospital (ie not the international ones where fleece the farangs) and you will also likely have to do it in BKK in headoffice. Be aware that they know ALL the details, ie where visum bought, how much, how long and they are quite accustomed to having stupid visitors trying to lie their way out. DONOT try it...

    Start Quote

    For those deliberately overstaying then maybe 500 baht fine for the first day increasing by 500 baht/day until they leave, but that information should be made clear on ARRIVAL. For farangs 500 baht is peanuts. For a weeks overstay that is £200. How much was the airport tax in their home country about £100?


    I get pissed off by people saying whats cheap for farangs. You want tourists or rippoffed customers.

    Whats in their pockets is not the business of any Thai...

    Anyway, I havent had to leave the country now in many years and I hope it stays that way!

    The law sux...everywhere. SAme in Europe / USA..

    Firstly these overstayers were probably tourists as they make up the bulk of the visitors. They are entitled to stay for 30 days anyway. "Feeling ripped off and cheated" for blatantly ignoring the limit of your welcome is crass stupidity and asking for trouble, as is booking a return flight after the expiry date and making no attempt to extend your visa before it EXPIRES .

    First paragraph says get a 90 day visa if booking a return flight >30 days. So staying 2 months or 12 months is not problem as there is plenty of time beforehand to get an extension if you can.

    Can't see what your argument is about having to furnish credible evidence for an overstay. Where did I suggest people should try and lie their way out?

    A 200 baht/day fine is no deterent at all. WE TALKING ABOUT VISITORS WHO DELIBERATELY OVERSTAY. You're not a visitor so what's your problem?

    Tracer I suggest you read my post properly before firing off next time.

    The only thing I can agree with you about is that the law sucks everywhere.

    Thats a decent point about those who deliberately overstay.

    Most of them are passing through and couldn't give a ###### if for 1 or 2 days.

    The point they're missing is that they've broken the law.

    Most of these "crusties" have just come off a beach somewhere and walk around knowing they've transgressed imm laws, but couldn't care less because it was only "for a short while".

    Welcome to the real world.

  7. Last year, I nearly lost my leg in an accident. I was 25 days over before the doctor gave me the all clear to travel. I decided to go to Suan Plu in the faint hope that the fine would be waived. 1,900 for an extension and 5,000 fine.

    Years ago, I had a bit of bother with police upcountry and was out on bail for three months. During that time, at another interview, it was pointed out that I was 30 days over by the Chief of Police there. He could have arrested me again on the spot, but didn't as he understood that I was trying to comply with the Judge's direction not to attempt to leave the country until the matter was fully investigated (still had my passport, believe it or not). 36 days later, I was in Ranong trying to explain away a 7,200 fine. No way, but they were understanding.

    I've got no time for idiots who are one or two days over, almost certainly through neglect on their part. They have no excuse at all.

    Ignorance of the law is no defence.

  8. The only thing that ever got me on regular visits to the farm in Buriram was how quickly my cigarettes disappeared.

    Don't leave anything on a table that you don't want to share with others - or give up the cancer sticks.

    Generousity from the family was always first class. Free place to stay, free food and whenever they could, three bottles of Chang would appear for me.

    Have fun.

  9. On the sort of budget you're talking about, there's loads to choose from.

    As a general rule, head south of the town centre towards Kao Takieb, as already has been said. If you go north, the beach is not nearly as good.

    What I would say though, having lived here for 8 years, is that even the places "in the centre of town" are not really in your face places.

    It's really easy to find somewhere within a 10 min walk of the centre and when you get back there, you're miles from anywhere.

    Take taxis or songthaews. I've unfortunately known three westerners who were killed last year on their own bikes. HH is definitely not a safe place for traffic.

    I could recommend a map and places, but I don't think it would go down too well on this forum.

    Bang Saphan is great. If you want to know more, carry on posting, or PM. I know a number of farangs who are living there now very happily.

  10. Excuse me, but I remember this topic on TV at the time.

    I thought it was the "educational establishment" who were up in arms? Not the students.


    Fair enough. I hadn't realised that.

    Still, wasn't the original thing about condoms brought up by the establishment ie can't have them on campus?

    I'm not convinced that the students' response is anything more than a statement of freedom. If they were serious, surely they'd realise the potential implications of unprotected sex.

    The figures quoted by the BBC are frightening, though.

  11. I stayed at The Anantara (then The Royal Garden Village) in 1989 and it was fantastic. Returned with some guests for a drink last year and it hadn't changed that much, other than being more built up around it. It's not in the centre of town, but only a 10-15 min drive away.

    Havn't been to The Marriott. It's central, ie walking distance to the centre of town.

    If you're driving in from the Anantara, it can be difficult to park in town, particularly at the weekends. The main temple would be the best bet. 20 Baht I think, but the gates get locked up around 10pmish?

    Can't help you with directions from Pattaya.

  12. PKK's OK, but I've never stayed overnight. The beach at Ao Manao (if that's where you're talking about) is very pituresque, although I don't think it's so good for swimming because it's shallow like a lot of the coastline on this side of the Gulf.

    From HH, it's easily accessable. Under your own steam, the drive's about an hour - a little more by bus and there are plenty of them.

    Another spot worth checking out is Bang Saphang - about half way between PKK and Chumphon. I've stayed in BS Yai a nuber of times. Very quiet, great value and a number of Westerners starting to make it their home as HH expands. Not bad infrastructure and still a favorite of mine for a 2-3 day break.

  13. I'm sure it was reported on TVisa last year that these reenactments, together with the grusome newspaper photos of crime scenes were being stopped. The Crime Reporters Assoc of Thailand (or some such) was up in arms about it.

    Only a judge can order a reenactment if he/she deems it necessary. I didn't think the police could do it off their own backs any more.

  14. All those years ago, when my ex was applying for the visitor's visa, I had the pleasure of meeting the the Entry Clearance Director. The ex had been turned down twice and my MP once at this stage.

    I called The Embassy from Samui asking to speak to the ECO. Only when I explained who I was and the fact that the matter was with my MP at the HofC, did the staff decide that the ECO had just returned to the office. She agreed to see me, but explained that it wouldn't necessarily change the decision.

    When my turn arrived, I was astounded that there was the reinforced glass in the interview room. After a few minutes, a man appeared and introduced himself as the ECDirector. He sat down with his bundle of papers, put his head in his hand and just looked at me disinterestedly and asked "Now, what can I do for you?"

    I realised I had a problem then. He gave me about 30 mins and shot everything I said down in flames. The final straw was when he said that her three children weren't sufficient reason for her to return as they were being cared for by family, rather than the mother. I really had to bite my tongue then and not explode. I realised why there was the glass partition then.

    I was more than used to stressful environments through my work, but nothing could have prepared me for that half hour. Heaven knows how a Thai national feels.

    I'm certainly not condoning bad behaviour from sponsors - it gets you nowhere,fast, but the whole environment just lends itself to outbursts.

    The visa regime that was in place in those days - 10 years ago - has changed and I beleive it's not so intimidating as it was then. I hope so.

    Thanks for everyones' input, BTW.

  15. Thanks for that. I've looked at the other thread.

    By resident here, I assume you mean on a valid visa for Thailand rather than PR. At some point, I'll be applying for a multi entry Non O on the basis of marriage. Whether I do so in, say Penang, or when back in the UK I havn't decided yet.

    Will it strengthen the application if I've got it beforehand, rather than bowling up with a tourist visa or 30 day stamp?

  16. I'm British, 47 years old and have been with the same Thai lady for over two years now. We got married last July. She's 33.

    My brother's getting married back home later in the year and this is as good a reason as any for me to return for a while - maybe a month or so - at that stage. Naturally, I'd like to take my wife.

    I'm pretty conversant with the proceedures and the supporting documents necessary, but I'm a little concerned about the reasons my wife can give to return to Thailand. She dosn't work, has no money in the bank to speak of and dosn't own land. All we've really got are holiday photos here and email correspondence from two years ago when I went back for a few months to show that we've been together for the length of time we state. The marriage certificate, obviously. I can also show that I have lived here for eight years from visas in the current and old passports. We'll have the wedding invite and confirmation that we'll be staying with my parents. I can show a regular income from my London property to sponsor her visit. Will this be sufficient for the ECO? I know that it's not much compared to some others, but if it was our intention to stay in the UK, we'd be applying for a settlement visa.

    There are a couple of other issues. About ten years ago, I was sponsoring an old girlfriend for a visit visa. She was turned down twice. I took the matter to my MP who intervened on my behalf, also unsucessfully. Might The Embassy hold this against me now?

    Also, I was unfortunately involved in some police trouble here about four years ago. I'd rather not go into details, but I was arrested up country and released on bail for three months. The Embassy were aware of this as I contacted them and had an interview with the Pro Consul on my initial release. No charges were ever brought against me and the case was dropped. However there will be a file on this at The Embassy. Could this have a detrimental effect on my wife's visa application? She was in no way involved in this. We hadn't met at that stage.

    Thanks for your assistance anyone on the above points.

  17. I'm glad to see that Khun Wanchai had the presence of mind to state that drunk drivers wouldn't be allowed to continue on their journey until they'd sobered up!!

    Can just see "farmer joe" being stopped at a check point and falling out of his vehicle blind drunk. "Go to your local police station within the next week or so and pay the fine. Now you have a safe journey home,sir".

    Will this brianwave only apply over the festive season?

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