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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I suggest he reads this story and sees if his situation is similar:


    PS. For 10 baht a month, I get an SMS message when any money is removed or added to my account.

    For another 10 baht, I get an SMS message when ever my Internet banking account is logged in.

    Is this with Kasikorn ? How do I set this up ?

    totster smile.png

    Just walk into your branch and fill in the forms - easy peasy.

    The deposit/withdrawal sms can be set up via an ATM. That's the downfall - anybody who steals or skims your card can also turn-off the sms request before nicking your money.

  2. A bar I (um.....occasionally) frequent, has a travel agency next door and the owner routinely tries to parallel park in the shop width outside his business. The record so far witnessed is 19 independent movements to get the car "parallel", although by no means close to the steps. A typical attempt is probably 10 movements - and every 3rd or 4th movement involves him getting out of the car to check, or his wife or kid giving ever confusing directions. I can down two beers in the time it usually takes him. ironically his Mrs is a little better. It's a Yarris - go figure.

    I love the parking on Sukhumvit - just nose into half a space and leave the arse end sticking out at virtually a 90 degree angle - with the hazard lights flashing obviously. You can park anywhere with the hazard lights on, especially if you're a bus whistling.gif

  3. I think our Gsxrnz means; to get rapped over this post, and not to get raped over this post. Although perhaps it`s just wishful thinking on the OP`s part?

    Good idea, it would certainly make the posts more interesting.

    How about introducing a few button categories? There could be; Loved - Liked - Disliked - Detested - and hope the poster gets blown up in a nuclear holocaust buttons?

    My point is that, Like is enough, otherwise it could go on and on.

    No, our Gsxrnz did intentionally use the word "raped" and not "rapped", in a metaphorical sense of course.

    And contrary to my initial expectations I am rapt (pun intended) that the comments and views of many posters are in agreement with me, and it would appear that as many are in disagreement. Irrespective, the dialogue has been constructive and the critique has been balanced, virtually without exception.

    Some posters have highlighted perspectives of a Don't Like button that I hadn't considered, but taking all observations into consideration I still believe it's a good idea in principle.

    Perhaps the one decisive factor is that this forum has previously had this functionality and according to many posters it was abused, which would suggest that its reintroduction would result in a similar outcome - leopards not being able to change their spots etc.

    The one thing I can't quite get my head around is that many members seem to relate the "like" or "dislike" button to the actual person, as opposed to what was said in the post that is being liked/disliked.

  4. Jingthing had a big campaign to get rid of the one that we used to have. Please don't get him riled up all over again. crying.gif

    Bugger!! I usually find myself in agreement with many (not all) of his posts. Didn't know he lead the campaign to have it removed. Oh well, thanks for the info - do you think I should go and dig out my old tin hat and gasmask and hunker down for the duration. coffee1.gif

  5. Why bother ? The mods have those buttons and they use them and they are expected to their job properly.

    In case you're a 'wannabe-police' perhaps better apply for becoming a mod, if your workpermits are in order. smile.png

    Nuh, not a "wannabe-police". Haven't got the metal to be a Mod, haven't got a work permit, and I'm a lazy git at the best of times.

  6. Often, someone posts something that I could not have said better myself, so "Liking" it shows that. No need for me to post, because the original post says it all.

    On the other hand, sometimes someone says something that I find objectionable. Simply disliking it doesn't

    , so unless the previous post is so blindingly foolish as to be absurd, then generally a response greater than "No it isn't", or "dislike", is required. I do try to avoid being directly abusive, though, whether to other posters or to third parties. I find that abuse rarely encourages improvement.


    Thanks for the comments, I like your perspective. Love that youtube link by the way - classic Monty Python humour!!

  7. There is another option. If you see a post that you don't like simply ignore it.

    Because ignoring something implies passive agreement - therefore I'm suggesting an alternative. I didn't realise the subject had been raised before or in fact that there has been a "dislike" button on TV in the past.

    Maybe I should have asked for a "I respectfully don't agree" button instead - more PC an' all that! biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  8. Been there done that. Didn't work out. System abuse via cliques getting together and ganging up on someone, grudges held, member just not liking another member and going after them with Don't Likes, etc. Takes a lot more to get a member to Like someone than to Dislike on Thaivisa. biggrin.png

    I take your point. It's a pity really that disliking or disagreeing with something somebody says automatically implies that the person themselves are "disliked". There are a few posters that I regularly "like", but on several occasions have also disagreed with their points of view, and said so. It's the destructive and abusive comments I find it hard to tolerate - good old intelligent disagreement and argument are healthy and I enjoy it. Abuse and bickering are a waste of everybody's time.

    • Like 1
  9. The problem is that Pattaya Second Road and Jomtien Second Road are completely different roads? For years people here at TV complained about the construction on the road between Pattaya and Jomtien and always referred to it as Second Road construction, since the route started out on Pattaya Second Road

    Based upon jbrain's post, the road that I always thought was Second Road in Jomtien is in fact Thap Phraya, which now extends all the way South to Chaiyaphruek and beyond


    I may be wrong Langsuan man, but I think the correct naming is that Thappraya road ends at the Thepprasit intersection and from there on either Jomtien beach road or Jomtien second road starts.

    I am myself a little confused but East of the Hanuman statue idirection Chaiyapruek s Jomtien second road while South of the statue is Jomtien Beach road. Not sure what the section between The Hanuman statue and Thepprasit road is called.

    As I understand it. Thappraya Road runs all the way from Pattaya Sai Sam intersection (at the overpass) going south all the way to Thepprasit Road intersection. Technically that is where Jomtien 2nd Road starts and runs all the way south past the statue, past the Rhompo markets, and all the way through the intersection at Soi Wat Boon (Soi Boonkanjana) and on to Chaiyapruek 2. It also runs past there but the road has been partially closed for ages although I see that it can now be driven on - not sure where it winds up but I think it runs eventually on to Sukhumvit heading south.

    I see that they've installed traffic lights at the three intersections (The statue, Watboon, and Chaiyapruek 2), maybe 3 or 4 months ago but not been commissioned yet. ironically one of the lights at Watboon was taken out in a car smash last month.

    I'm not sure of the name of the soi that runs from the statue to Jomtien Beach Road - many of the locals just call it Soi Zero as the next cross Soi heading south is Soi 1. Or it's sometimes called Soi Jomtien Complex, or "the soi with the gogo bar"

  10. It's normally around that 50klm point in my experience in most cars/trucks I've owned.

    Had a VE Holden (Chev) that had a fancy trip computer that would count down the distance you could travel on the fuel remaining. Once I was caught a long way from the next gas station and I watched the warning light come on and the trip computer said 58 klms of available fuel. Next town was 65klm away as I calculated later.

    I nursed her at 80klm/h and watched the trip computer count down the kilometres. It got to only 3klm's of juice left but I still had 6klm's to travel. At about 3klms to go the computer said I had 1 klm of gas left. I made it. The computer stayed at 1klm but it was a bit hairy seeing that lone single digit on the trip computer for about 3klm of travel. I filled the gas tank up and managed to fit in 1/2 litre less than the supposed tank capacity, so I assume there was still a safety margin built into the system somewhere.

    • Like 1
  11. Here's the answer. $188,666,125.76

    And here's the link http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/

    Well if we are talking about inflation and that calculator is a fun calculator, just work out the inflation rate between 1980 and 2005 and then factor in that $100 of gold you bought in 1980 would cash out at $100 in 2005 and you find that your gold will have lost over 80% of its value. A total disaster. 25 years of it.

    Agreed re the price of gold. However, it traded in a huge range during that timeframe so anybody who felt gold was the correct asset to have their capital invested in would/should have been actively buying and selling to take advantage of the trading range. I'm a firm non-believer in the buy and hold investment strategy for any form of investment. The market (all markets) never move in only one direction - you have to take advantage of the ups and downs. Lord save us from a stable/stagnant market!!

  12. http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/List_of_Kawasaki_motorcycles

    This list seems extremely exhaustive. No KH750. And I always remember them as the H2 or just the Mach iv, but usually we just called it the H2 or obviously, the widowmaker.

    Edit: there's quite a bit of reference on the web to a KH750 that refers to a KH500 frame and fitted with a H2 750 motor - maybe that's where the legend has arisen?

  13. If they are serious, they will need 50 new courts and 100 new judges this is so widespread of a violation. Why are they wasting time and resources on this 'victimless' crime. Does anyone believe that Rolex will lose a sale on a genuine Rolex watch because someone spent 1,000 Baht on a fake? No one who buys fake/counterfeit would pay retail for the real thing anyway. Are they worried it will give their brand a bad name if it fails to perform like an original? Anyone who buys fake knows it is fake because of the ridiculously low price they paid and do not expect it to be as good as the genuine article. I don't see who is being hurt except some people trying to make a dishonest living (common in every country). This is good for Interpol and it seems to make them look useful but really, aren't there more pressing crimes with actual victims that should be a higher priority? Does Interpol have every other crime under control that they can now focus of pirated goods? I don't think so. This smells of corporations pressuring politicians.

    I suspect it's because the manufacturers of the genuine goods don't want copies to be available so that the prestige of the original goods remains high. Imagine a rich woman is sitting in a restaurant sporting her genuine Rolex, original LV handbag, and wearing some high fashion dress - the whole ensemble costing 30,000 dollars. In walks a chick fresh from her Thailand holiday sporting the same stuff at a cost of 3,000 baht purchased from street vendors in BKK. Watch the rich woman go green!

    Most of the fashion or brand name genuine stuff is horrendously over priced anyway - the best way to maintain the price and the demand for their goods is to eliminate the copies. However in SE Asia, it is a mission that is virtually impossible.

  14. Can't be much of a Fresh Fish market. At the market I go to in Jomtien the fish are still jumping around the table and have to be euthanized while you wait with the assistance of a wooden club. I feel a bit sad having to select a specific individual for euthanasia.....normally the one that's jumping the most.

    Buy a decent knife and try filleting yourself - it's easy enough and if you're going to eat more fish it might be a handy skill for the future.

    • Like 1
  15. It's bad enough with Thai words that mean different things in English. Seen a bar full of staff pissing themselves when the Farang staying in the room upstairs lost his key. Instead of telling the staff that he'd lost his key, he mixed English and Thai and said many times "mai-mee kee, mai-mee kee". The more the staff chuckled, the more he said it.

    kee/key in English = s**t in Thai.

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