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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Ok, so this is pretty rediculous by any standards...a congratulatory banner that depicts hitler hailing right next to captain America. Sounds like a bad joke Does anyone know who the other characters are?

    I know the main superheroes, but who are the others towards the right of the picture? Are there other "villains" on here?

    I'm asking because the main thing I find offensive about this is that they've used hitlers image amongst the images of superheroes....something Hitler should never have been easily confused with. Mabey if I knew he wasn't the only "villain" on there I wouldn't feel as offended.

    If you google images for America+hitler, you'll see dozens of images of Captain America, and hitler together.

    You'll also see some interesting images that compare other real life people to Hitler.

    yeah ok...but it then begs the question of why would someone ever key-in "America + Hitler", unless of course they were doing some kind of historical research.

    You'll get the same stuff if you search Superhero.

  2. Ok, so this is pretty rediculous by any standards...a congratulatory banner that depicts hitler hailing right next to captain America. Sounds like a bad joke Does anyone know who the other characters are?

    I know the main superheroes, but who are the others towards the right of the picture? Are there other "villains" on here?

    I'm asking because the main thing I find offensive about this is that they've used hitlers image amongst the images of superheroes....something Hitler should never have been easily confused with. Mabey if I knew he wasn't the only "villain" on there I wouldn't feel as offended.

    If you google images for America+hitler, you'll see dozens of images of Captain America, and hitler together.

    You'll also see some interesting images that compare other real life people to Hitler.

  3. I hope they arrested the under cover pervert who originally made the indecent proposition? will he also offer her alternative employment so he can make his advances in private?

    Why is the headline to this artificial not "Massive Human Trafficking Ring Uncovered"

    The undercover foreign operative seemed to be working with/for the police - it would appear to be a sting. Why do you call him a pervert and want him arrested?

  4. I tend to agree with the 2 posts above. It's almost obligatory for the landlord to deduct something for whatever reason. Having said that I've quit two leases and managed to have only 2,000 deducted for a few missing plates and <deleted> like that - expensive plates but....TIT.

    Do you have a lease? You can probably wave the lease at her and say that you've complied with the terms of the lease and expect to get all of the deposit back. Don't push your luck too far as she may deduct more to prove her point. Don't try and involve the BIB because they will take a slice anyway.

  5. I think the law is that a summons or any other legal document can be delivered at the last known address of the recipient. It doesn't have to be physically handed to the recipient as we may expect in many western countries.

    The reason being that all Thais must be registered against a house book. It is then the obligation of the house owner to locate the intended recipient.

    I suppose the same applies to Falang - the IO have our last notified address (90 day reporting, or arrival card), and that probably suffices under Thai law.

  6. GSX - As someone who really understands the study of history, I can tell you that you are writing nonsense and your arguments are spurious - so an answer would be to join in the nonsense which I don't intend to do.....your premise is wrong so all your following propositions are irrelevant.

    I can't argue with someone who hasn't got a point in the first place.

    So why not take the time to educate me? You say I'm writing nonsense and my arguments are spurious, yet you provide no theory of your own to support your claim, other than that you claim to be "someone who really understands the study of history".

    I can't argue with somebody who doesn't put forward a hypothesis to support their argument. Or is your hypothesis that you're always right and the fact that you "really understand the study of history" should be sufficient to claim that anybody with a theory that differs from your own is inherently wrong?

    Oh don't bother, I find your posts depressing enough as it is....and usually argumentative. coffee1.gif

  7. Who disagrees that every 1st world country was built on a history of bribery and corruption that was probably more endemic than what we see in Thailand today?

    Thailand is still several generations away from maturing into a true democracy and can be compared to the social/economic/political climate in England or the USA in the late 19th century. Bribery and corruption was the very grease that oiled the wheels of industrial and political development.

    A true democracy is a Nation that has managed to convince its own people they are getting a fair deal and are free of corruption, while casually applying more Vaseline to their nether regions - i.e still equally as corrupt, just not as visible as it is in places like Thailand.

    A very naive point of view if you ask me - you assume that ALL countries go through the same line of development - which is patently not the case, so the rest of your proposition falls flat on it's face.

    All current 1st world countries went through the social/political/economic evolution that I have suggested.

    Can you name one that didn't?

    I believe it's a reasonable supposition to assume that Thailand will eventually attain the same level of supposed corruption-free true democracy in time. This is especially so with globalisation of the banking and financial sector, and the need to be more conformist by international standards. Politically speaking, Thailand is in short pants at the moment but they are slowly waking up to the need for change.

    It will take a generational change to really start the ball rolling.

    Anyway, you seem to have missed the main point of my post - 1st world democratic countries are no less corrupt than Thailand in real terms. They just screw us in a different way. coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  8. You mention visa issues in regard to your Thai partner living in NZ. You do realise that you will have visa issues living in Thailand as well? Complicated to explain your options as they will change if/when you marry etc,

    It's probably a damn site easier for your partner to get permanent residency in NZ, stay there to have your child, and then consider relocating to Thailand at a later date. If he has NZ residency he can always go back there at any time in the future.

    With the relative generosity of the NZ government in regard to benefits and medical care, I'd suggest it would be financially beneficial to have your child in NZ.

  9. If I am at a big chain restaurant then no, I won't tell them I have been undercharged. If I am at a 'family' run restaurant then I will tell them.

    If I get the wrong change at ANY place I tell them as I don't want a cashier etc having to put their hand in their pocket because of the mistake.

    But I don't care about large chain places if I am undercharged, as long as it doesn't come out of the worker's pocket.

    It's a bit like banks isn't it? If a mate gives you the wrong money you give it back. If a bank makes a mistake, well, they have been ripping us off and bending us over the bench for years so getting a little back is fine with me.

    Re the banks comment - in Thailand the cashiers are responsible for any shortfall. In fact, a bank employee must have a surety deposit at the bank as a safeguard against potential theft and/or shortages in their cash. This surety is often in the region of 1 million baht.

  10. I had a small piston type compressor back home. It was a no-name Chinese piece of <deleted> that cost next to nothing, maybe $40. As hard as I tried, I couldn't break it.

    Used it for bike/car tyres, took it to the track and half the guys there would drag it all over the place to do their own bike tyres. Used it to spray paint a huge wooden fence maybe 100m long with stain every year, blew up inflatables at the lake.....this sucker just kept on going and still isn't dead after 5 years of abuse.

    For what you want, just make sure it will go to 80 PSI, and I'm sure anything you can find will do at least that. You don't need a huge tank either as all you're doing is a 3 second blast into a bike tyre, or a 20 second blast into a car tyre.

    Don't spend a fortune as the cheapest nastiest Chinese model will last you a lifetime if you keep the oil up to it.

  11. Who disagrees that every 1st world country was built on a history of bribery and corruption that was probably more endemic than what we see in Thailand today?

    Thailand is still several generations away from maturing into a true democracy and can be compared to the social/economic/political climate in England or the USA in the late 19th century. Bribery and corruption was the very grease that oiled the wheels of industrial and political development.

    A true democracy is a Nation that has managed to convince its own people they are getting a fair deal and are free of corruption, while casually applying more Vaseline to their nether regions - i.e still equally as corrupt, just not as visible as it is in places like Thailand.

    • Like 1
  12. As I eat out a lot, this happens more often than some might think ... getting UNDERCHARGED.

    Yes, getting overcharged is more common but this is about when you're undercharged at a restaurant in Thailand.

    It happened to me again last night.

    I "complained" about the bill, well the staff assumed I was complaining because why else would you question a bill.

    It seemed to really shock the staff that I was insisting they put ON an item they forgot to charge me for.

    I reckon they thought I was totally bonkers and perhaps they're right.

    Well this was a place I am fairly regular at and I didn't feel right about getting a freebie there unless they explicitly say, this is a special freebie for you, going back there and being remembered as someone who underpaid before.

    But I do that in any restaurant here ... insist on paying for all I should be charged for.

    Perhaps that is "very white" of me but conditioning dies hard.

    So how do you react when you're UNDERCHARGED in restaurants in Thailand? Do you just let it go?

    My situation was very similar, had the same experience thrice i believe, when i asked them to add on charge for another dish or drinks, they would thank me for doing so and yes they are surprised cuz i believe its not a very common practice out here, i mean thats my best guess, not sure..

    I was very surprised once when i asked a young lady to add on another 40 baht to the bill because the big chicken cutlet i ordered was supposed to be 120 and not 80 baht to which she replied the bill is correct actually as it was not a full plate of what i had ordered, little more than half dish but not full as her stock for chicken was over for that day, to which i was surprised. She thanked me for being generous.

    Finally respectfully joined her hands, bend a bit and very politely said khapun khrap....

    You get an apple for an apple. Land of smiles.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think she would have more likely said "khawp-kuhn ka". Otherwise, she was telling you the Thai transliteration of the capital of Afghanistan being Kabul (kha-puun), followed by the male polite particle. smile.png

  13. It completely disgusts me how the Thai "journalists" are explaining what happened according to what the murderer said.

    It's depressing how many morons accept what they read as true.

    It is according to eyewitnesses. not just the taxi driver.

    Disgusting that the Thai basher doesn't take the news reports into account because it doesn't fit their fantasy.

    What eyewitnesses? How many were there? Did the police take statements? Have they issued copies of the statements? Ddi they interview they seperately or all together to get their bogus story straight? You think the police did a professional investigation with these witnesses? I'd love to interview them. How is it that so many eyewitnesses just happened to be looking at a cab? Something special about cabs in Bangkok? I doubt anyone saw the coffee throwing even if it did occur. They might have seen the sword wielding maniac but that is about it. The rest is highly bogus. Read my previous posts. How can a guy with a package in one hand have coffee in the other and open a car door? Flucking impossible much less throw it thru a window which was probably closed because most cabs have air conditioning. And to suggest any newpaper story in Thailand is authoritative shows how pathetically stupid someone has to be to believe it. (Not just in Thailand btw).

    Sorry, but your inflammatory comments and bias is certainly no better than the Thai reporting.

    Agreed - he'd be better of playing Cluedo "Cl. Mustard done it wiv' th' candelabra in th' dinin' room".

    His comments are all over the show and make no sense at all - I think anybody with two hands can hold a plastic bag and a coffee in one hand, while opening/closing a car door with the other.

    • Like 1
  14. As a recipient of many (thousands) of rebuttals from attractive European women, I can say with some authority that the following is the best possible cause of action:

    1. Look at him as though he just crawled out of the gene pool swamp.

    2. Say (very quietly, and with a snarl on your face)...."go with you? You jumped up pratt, I'd rather slit my throat."

    Works for me coffee1.gif

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