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Posts posted by HowardH

  1. Well if doco's are to be believed then to be the leader of the roughest gangs you have to basically be a cold blooded murderer, no-one ever says anything against them because that would warrant a death sentence with added slow pain in which they use drips to keep the person alive while they are bleeding them out.

    There is little doubt at all that this man should be locked away but this also is typical of the Australian government in the way they they seem to have so much problem with facing up to responsibility, if this man committed terrible crimes here then prove it, if you cant but you know from others but cant take them to court then do a sniper job, but DEAL with it, don't ALWAYS run from responsibility.

    They seem to have no problems at all in inflicting more pain on the poor and innocent, but the REALLY bad people they run away from.

  2. Why are people obsessing over carriage and undercarriage?? Who gives a damn?

    We ALL knew what they meant so therefore the right thing was said because it gave understanding of the situation.
    Obviously they weren't putting luggage on top of the darned wheels.

    According to the article the woman was just basically saying that if she could get liquid on board then so could a bomber.

    There is nothing wrong with this comment at all, all the authorities are achieving through this immature and moronic paranoia

    is forcing the REAL problem people to watch everything they say and therefore becoming more sneaky (helping to get their bad things aboard).

    The same happened here in Australia, (being the biggest paranoid moron country of all)

    Some guy had a violin and she (the over paid and under intelligent customs chick) asked what is in the violin case?

    The man said well not a bomb, and said it completely as a joke, you could hear the humour clearly.

    And all of a sudden all hell broke loose.

    When a society loses it's humanity, and people are afraid of speaking, or feel too small to ever step up, then perhaps it is time for that society to die off and another one to come up.

  3. Disgusting story. Hardly less disgusting that some on this forum dare to condone murder for the reasons given.

    No-one here is condoning murder that i have read, only that we shouldn't be surprised when this happens.

    It seems that a whole culture of tearing out Farang's hearts for the money is becoming normal, and with that a whole lot of emotion that can, for some, be overwhelming when they realized that they have been conned.

    Nobody wants to see murder happen, but just the same, i do not feel any pitty for the woman when this happens.

    Play the game and suffer the consequences, it is their own greed that really destroyed them, not the knife, gun, whatever.

    Perhaps if they actually had a brain they could learn from these terrible murders that are becoming more and more regular.

    • Like 1
  4. After reading all the comments i think that i am confused about my sexuality, am I a hetro? or someone that likes girls dressed as boy's girlfriends?

    Giks, hiks, dix, dee's ladyboy's lovers, who am I? lol

  5. Now I am confused. I thought a Dee was a lipstick lesbian. Why would she care if you called her a lesbian? There is also chapstick lesbian and butch lesbian and sport dyke, diesel dyke and a power dyke. And I don't think a baby dyke has anything to do with age. I do however think a lot of Thai women are “LUG's” or a “BUG”.

    Me I'm a pansexual Lesbophile.


  6. i find it amusing that you feel you have your finger on the pulse of the forum, and have appointed yourself spokesman for the board.

    I would like to point out also, that it was you who made a butchery of the word "honerable" whilst claiming that Thais had lost theirs.

    You even manage to get a dig in at the americans.

    The fact remains it is you who has proven unable to find a mate, and denigrated an entire culture as a result of that failure.

    KerryK is at least amusing. you, well, you are just miserable.

    So you pick my spelling as an important issue, and throw in the judgement of me being miserable because i defend the Thai from mindless know-it-alls like you?

    Regarding the finger on the pulse of the forum comment, i see you come from a long line of intellects, lol

    Whatever dude

    Go and have another drink on me :)

  7. Settle down lads this will NEVER happen.

    How many Thais do you know that can speak AUSTRALIAN......whistling.gif

    Did the Lebanese & Syrians speak English/Australian when they entered the country? Seems like Australia will let anyone and everyone into the country and then give them money to live on; not unlike the U.S.

    Yeah, we have many thousands living on the streets because they have no housing and /or cannot pay the impossibly high rents, and yet they constantly find billions of dollars to fund such important projects like super-stadiums etc.

    Australia has become a cruel joke.

  8. On a serioous note, the Aussies must be desperate, there are NO standards in this country. Thousands will die in Australia from collapsing buildings, bad electrical installation etc.

    The amount of racism and hatred on this forum is staggering. You would think think a forum about Thailand, based IN Thailand, would bring together people who either live here or appreciate what Thailand has to offer.

    Instead it's a forum full of haters.

    Mostly bitter, old men, I presume.

    Too true. Many posters on thaivisa should be deported. Racists like these shouldn't be allowed to live in Thailand.I'm surprised that thaivisa allows such racist comments.

    I wouldn't know if they are good tradesman or not, but the people here are just having their fun and not picking on any individuals in particular, they are not attacking the Thai, they are making light-hearted humorous comments is all.

    If most of them didn't love the Thai they WOULD leave the country.

    As for Thaivisa, it is a forum of free speech that allows people to be themselves as long as they don't abuse those rights. smile.png

    • Like 1
  9. I think it would be a huge culture shock.

    As some have already said English language skills to communicate, OH&S requirements in the Australian workforce. Add the fact that a lot of the jobs are in remote places with no Thai soap operas on TV, and few Thai food options.

    Yes! No som tam and cannot drive like a lunatic. They will return home in a week. smile.png

    hahaha you guys are so funny, i have been laughing my head off reading your comments

    Buildings falling down on our heads lol oh dear

    So i would guess that the buildings would end up looking the same as they do after a year in the hands of the indiginous population anyway, so i guess we could live with that. Northern Territory? a normal day. haha

  10. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now


    Assuming you are correct when were they honorable and proud?

    From what i have gleaned, before the very first American man stepped foot on their soil, this could be a long conversation kerryk, perhaps just look into the history of Thailand. smile.png

    Thailand only 60 years ago was a very different landscape to now. Only 40 years ago they were known for their generosity and kindness only, where-as now, the Brothel of south-east asia, the land of giks, and lady-boys, bar girls and sleazy old farang.

    When my father was a young man the majority of Thais were still serfs and slavery was still legal in Thailand with one third of the population slaves in some areas. Serfs and slaves are seldom known to be very proud. Maybe you should go back and gleaning.

    Oh and I was here 40 years ago. Thailand also had a large and well established brothel trade when the Portuguese first arrived in sailing ships. Way back when it was sleazy old Portuguese.

    I disagree completely with your last point, but i am not interested in arguing with you, you seem to be the type of person that goes from thread to thread and making smart comments to perhaps make yourself feel smarter than you really are.

    You seem to have an answer for everyone Kerryk, and most ignore your comments

    You even try to erode any good memory or pride for the Thai people with your acid remarks, just for your own amusement, or maybe to show off

    I like the others will ignore your comments from now on. :)

  11. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now


    Assuming you are correct when were they honorable and proud?

    From what i have gleaned, before the very first American man stepped foot on their soil, this could be a long conversation kerryk, perhaps just look into the history of Thailand. smile.png

    Thailand only 60 years ago was a very different landscape to now. Only 40 years ago they were known for their generosity and kindness only, where-as now, the Brothel of south-east asia, the land of giks, and lady-boys, bar girls and sleazy old farang.

  12. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now

    Although these sorts of problems are common, they are very much amplified by the selective experience and cynical POV of the posters here. I'm American and I can assure you that Thailand does not have a monopoly on being "immersed in sexuality" and "low class".

    However I suspect your cultural programming about the meaning of "honorable" in this context would lead you to judge most Thai women in a negative way, even if they are completely respectable in their own culture's terms.

    Stick with western women, they know how to more completely hide the fact they're just after your money better, and a higher percentage will actually follow that feeling of being "in love" as the basis for a long-term relationship.

    Best of luck with that. . .

    For 10K baht he can make the problem disapear permanently.

    I think you'd need to double that, given that the wife most likely has real feelings for the tom

    I don't think he means pay off the wife or tom. My feeling is that that's the cost of a hit. "Disappear permanently" kinda gives it away.

    Me too

  13. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now


    No its not horrible at all - its just that if you concentrate on readng the news that petains to this sort of thing, then obviously it will seem to be very unbalanced and bent on sex, drugs and bad traffic.

    I have lived in Bangkok for 20 years, and its a great place with an overall positive balance of good and friendly people...

    Just remember that any forum of expats will usually bring out the views of the extreme in either side, whilst the vast majority are happy with ther lot, and see no reason to post - I am happy, but I post the odd comment more in defence of my adopted country, than to criticise, but I am not blind to its faults.

    Its not perfect, but its certainly not horrible by any stretch of the imagination - come over, spend a few weeks, meet the people, then see what you think.

    As for the tom and the wife, the guy probably needs to sit down with them and have a talk. An open relationship may work, but if it seems to be going off the rails, he can always pull the plug (no pun intended)...

    Hi Greer,

    Thanks for that, i appreciate it, and i may do just that. i was starting to think that everyone was jumping everyone else and no thai could be trusted.

    I think many Farang here i would not want to know, but also there are decent ones like you too

    Again thanks :)

  14. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now

    Although these sorts of problems are common, they are very much amplified by the selective experience and cynical POV of the posters here. I'm American and I can assure you that Thailand does not have a monopoly on being "immersed in sexuality" and "low class".

    However I suspect your cultural programming about the meaning of "honorable" in this context would lead you to judge most Thai women in a negative way, even if they are completely respectable in their own culture's terms.

    Stick with western women, they know how to more completely hide the fact they're just after your money better, and a higher percentage will actually follow that feeling of being "in love" as the basis for a long-term relationship.

    Best of luck with that. . .

    For 10K baht he can make the problem disapear permanently.

    I think you'd need to double that, given that the wife most likely has real feelings for the tom

    Thanks for your post, and interesting that you should make that judgement, i have spent the last 15 years with the Chinese and i assure you that i DO know what honor means in the Asian way.

    If you look at the Thai people's past, then many of the people even posting here would have been dealt with harshly once, and yet Thailand has gone the opposite way.

    It made me sad was all

    As far as western women? No thanks!! you also judged incorrectly there, or perhaps i wrote badly

  15. More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

    I don't know why you are being aggressive to the English, the warmest and most welcoming people i have met so far, and i am Aussie born and bred.

    Maybe this 'feckless' guy is a jerk who knows? but go to Japan and see what the people over there think of Aussies because they only seem to meet the loud mouthed drunks over there, maybe a little like you, who knows?

    But i certainly would not like people on this site to judge me form YOUR actions here.


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