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Posts posted by Texpat

  1. How often do passengers have serious medical emergencies on flights? Not very often.

    Require all flight attendants be registered nurses? Bit overkill ain't it?

    Perhaps they should have a few certified astronauts on board each flight in case the plane jets out of the atmosphere -- you know ... just in case.

  2. I've sanded off my fingerprints and hologrammed my face -- just in case.

    If you think the cardkey is the only place the hotel stores your personal information, you're sadly mistaken.

    Any rogue employee can access your info on the hotel's computer.

    If it's a KSR backpacker hotel without a computer, the liklihood of them having cardkeys is remote.

  3. Why do so many TD posters find it necessary to pick a side?

    Seems almost everyone either LOVES Thais and Thailand or thinks it's a garbage heap.

    The truth is in the middle and you waste your time and energy trying to convince each other.

  4. I wouldn't trust the results of a Thai necropsy.

    You're as likely to be told what they think you'd prefer to hear as the actual results -- assuming they even open the dog.

  5. He can sign up with a US service until his eligibility for Thai service expires.

    Who knows, he might make a career of it, retire to Thailand and employ some of those Thai generals as pool boys and gardenerers.

  6. I like going out to a nice restaurant with my wife.

    Enjoying delicious food and good conversation.

    While driving home a Krungthep Fortuner almost wipes us off the road.

    I really smile when I see the same Fortuner upside down and on fire in the ditch a few cliks up the road.

    And my dog. My dog makes me smile every morning when I come downstairs and she's waiting for me.

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