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Posts posted by Pieter1964

  1. go to each wall socket and take a nail in each hand.

    stick it in there and if you feel some sparkling in your body, there is juice.

    if you not feel anything

    then it is not good.

    other option.

    better ask a real electrician to do the work for you if you not know how to do it.

    and if you not trust the man who installed it all, why the hell did you let him install it for you.

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  2. why in the hell you all like thailand so much.

    as all of you are complaining about it so much.

    if you not like the thai or the country or the spicy food or the way they want to live their lives, as same as the way they want to drive on the road or do their things, just leave thailand and stay in your own country.

    please not turn thailand into one the same dull shit country as all the western countrys are already.

    here in thailand there is at least some spice in your life.

  3. How does it feel to be able to play God as a judge? I really wonder. Thailand should move up in the ranks of civilized countries and abolish the death penalty.

    more country's should start again with the death penalty.

    in more and more countries the criminal can do all and live in a luxurious jail with tv, internet, movies, gym, schools etc while the victims get to live with it for lifetime.

    time for a change in the civilized countries, put them in a dark hole and only give bread and water.

    and for those who killed people just do the same, easy cheap and quick.

  4. why are people complaining about the country.

    if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

    thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

    that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

    if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

    look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

    it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

    just my 5 cents.

  5. emmigration services in both countries have some job to do - like asking why the person is comimg often to thailand (and refusing entry, if something is not right), why is extending their visa or what was doing in thailand on his visit. There are tell tell signs why somebody is travelling if you watch carefully. The extreme measure is to check luggage and laptop by customs (happens in the usa) for pictures.

    the process of selection can start already in consulates issuing visas, at least to compare with police database. Short interviews can be done, if needed, as they are done for thai applying for visas to the uk.

    thai, when applying to move or work abroad, are required to present their clean police record - similar can be required by thai consulates and emmigration offices.

    also police in both countries can watch out for those on the database and their international movements.

    certainly there is a lot to do on thai side, including educational programs and rising social awareness of the problem

    there have to be done a lot indeed, but the most in thailand, some of the pimps are policemen them selves, because there day time jobs dont give them enough money.

    a check on the airport for the laptop or luggage is only for the real stupid people, as many of the hotels have free internet on the room and many appartments also have internet, a non stupid idiot can setup a vpn connection very easy to home or somewhere on the internet and dump all te files there and delete them om the HD of the LT, only needed is a small laptop with only a connection.

    the rest is stored on the internet. the option is one which will anoy many people and wont get many hits, and it will cost too uch effort and time.

    asking what I come do in thailand when I arrive alone there, you can give any answer.

    it is very hard to find someone who dont want to be found, they always have the best answers ready

    awareness with the poor people that there children are not good to be sold is more important.

    but working in the fields get them 200 maybe 300bath a day while renting their kid will get them up to 5.000 a day.easy.

    dont think I im interested in these things, please not, I have a good thia wife and living half the time in my home country and the other half in thailand. and my god, if I see one doing it, he better get running very fast because I will kill him.

    for that the law in thai is better then europe, I dont think I will get too much jailtime for doing that

    for money you can get everything in thailand, because all the police are very corrupt

    a drive vrom bkk to sakon nakon cost me 500 bath extra because I drive to fast, well that is what they say many times.

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