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Posts posted by bumpkin

  1. Having just returned to UK from latest visit to BKK, I was again surprised at the poor state of the Klongs - canals- whatever.

    Surely, these water courses are an important part of the city's flood defence scheme.

    If so, wouldn't they be much more effective if flushed out occasionally.

    It is worldwide phenomenon that so many people believe that 'water course = rubbish tip'. It must be the responsibility of local government to act.

    It is also a worldwide phenomon that politicians prefer talk to action !

  2. There is another aspect, besides over prescription.

    It is important that patients taking a course of antibiotic should complete the prescribed course of medication.

    Stopping taking the antibiotic part way through the prescribed course of treatment, for whatever reason ( - cost, feeling better, forgetfulness, laziness, etc...) is also a contributory factor to reducing the longterm effectiveness of anitibiotics.

    Doctors prescribing such medication should seek to assure themselves that the patient is likely to and/or is capable of completing a prescribed course of treatment.

  3. by mentioning the involvement of International Policing Agencies, the Thai Police are probably over-emphasising their interest in this Case. What probably happened was they contacted the local Policing Agencies in the relevant countries of the suspects to veryfy their identities. This is implied by their mention of Interpol, which is an international police records agency. Also, checking to see if any of the suspects were wanted for crimes in their own countries.

  4. Indian and Phillapinos ? You ever noticed the heavy , over-riding accents these people have ? They are being considered to teach English , let the people pray it is understandable spoken English .

    Maybe you should think again considering the fact you can't even spell. Have your heard the heavy over-riding accents that some people from the UK speak with... haha

    .............. such as ending sentences with a preposition ? Or, maybe we should not be too pedantic about spelling and grammar in these days of computer-speak and TXT MSGNG. However, I agree with your implication that enunciation and pronunciation should be highly regarded.

  5. Did I read this right ? The mighty Thai Navy are going to protect their country against the tin-pot Chinese Navy, with 30 year-old subs. Is this the same Thai government that is encouraging the Chinese to construct a high-speed railway from the Chinese border into the heart of Thailand. Of course, the Chinese Navy would be frightened by the Thai subs, so they might catch the next train ?

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