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Posts posted by bumpkin

  1. as the chinese secretly activate the webcams to watch over the "future"of LOS and steal all of its hidden secrets

    little do they know they will just know the outcome of last nights lakorn soap opera and the latest kpop gossip

    i wouldnt lend either party a grain of rice...but thats just me wai2.gif

    You think the Chinese are interested in which specific game the children are currently playing on their tablets?

  2. The reality is that the big money launderers are always a step or two ahead of the legislators.

    By the time a Country appears on the restricted list, they will have already moved on to a different destination for their ill-gotten gains.

    The legialation is passed to show the voters that "we are cracking down on crime" - always a great electioneering slogan.

    It may have some slight deterant value and catch a few small fry.

    It wont stop the world's dicators moving the peoples money into their personal Bank accounts abroad.

    . .

    Or, is this just too cynical ?

    • Like 2
  3. Clemency??

    She knew the deal and should be made an example of to other Africans.

    Sure, she knew that she was carrying an illegal cargo. Why else would the payment be so high ?

    It is probable that most first-time smugglers are unaware of the penalties.

    Whatever her sentence ( and I dont believe the death penalty is appropriate ), it is unlikely to deter other poor Africans or whoever, because they wont be aware of it.

    The Drug enforcement agency could spend money effectively in the relevant countries, by broadcasting the outcomes for drug smuggling.

    It is hard to see any objections to this by those Country's governments.

    Headline News in Thailand means nothing.

  4. Australia is looking at legalising cannabis and ecstacy, administered by the Government. A more sensible idea, because cannabis and ecstacy have medical benefits and then the quality and purity are not a health issue to the community. People use drugs because they want to feel good or pain-free and always will. Eventually Governments will work out, that only legalisation and state control will fix the health and crime problem wink.png

    Is there any evidence that legalising a drug will reduce the number of addicts or the crimes they commit while intoxicated. Has "legal" alcohol reduced the number of accidents caused by drunks? Addicts still need money to pay for their addiction, whether legal or illegal. Or, am I mistaken here ?

  5. Formula 1 in 2014?

    Bernie - for 1M US$ backhander.

    Red Bull - against 1M US$ backhander.

    I forecast Bernie doesn't need corruption.

    No Formula 1 in Thailand until Bernie dies.

    QED - VoopsIcrashed.... time served !! - or no gander for the profit of Formula 1 governmental geese.


    And I really hope the little sheepstick get's it upp the as-k no questions..!

    Bernie is 83, so might not have to wait too long . . .

  6. By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

    I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

    I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

    You seem to put a lot of store into what the police can or will do for justice in this country. The institution that decides on justice is not the police - they can pnly collect evidence. This case has still to proceed past a court of law, involving judges, lawyers, witnesses, forensics and then the higher powers who may have a different idea of what justice is all about. There are many hurdles to cross - the police in this case are not the final arbiters.

    Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

    Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

    Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

    Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

    Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

    Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

    Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

    But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

    Lucky he is not in Saudi as he would have already been beheaded.

    NOT if he was a hi- so over there - they do this kind of thing and much worse all the time and it never sees the light of day - except in rumours.

    or, they do it abroad, return home quickly, then claim Diplomatic Immunity ?

  7. Well if the bloke ain't married, the very best way to learn the language is to find a thai woman to sleep with, so sayeth the Thai people.coffee1.gifcheesy.gif

    If this is the case, how come most of the dead beat expat retirees living with local women in Isaan can hardly speak enough Thai to order another Singha?

    The Australian Embassy had someone who was very proud of the Thai he had learnt from his bargirl wife but it turned out to be a huge embarrassment when he tried to use it on Thai government officials. Hint: there are subtle differences in the language used by male and female Thai speakers, as well as regional differences and massive feudalistic class distinction.

    Just maybe, . . he wouldn't marry an Isaan bargirl ?

    What would his wife, Martine, have to say about that ?

    • Like 1
  8. They should have sent her to the hotel and at least tried to catch the Patong dealer.

    Agree !

    If what we read is the whole story, then it is surprising they didn't go after the customer in Patong.

    The woman is obviously suggestible, so I am sure they could have persuaded her to play along.

    One would hope that they are liaising with Mozambique authorities to identify that end of the business.

    This woman is only a small fish in a big and murky pool.

    A conviction and just sentence will stop her, but will do nothing to stop this Traffic.

  9. The raid obviously deterred no-one... There were 2 out on Bangla today at 12.45 with slow lorises.

    You mean early this morning or this afternoon? We were there between midnight and 3am last night/this morning and didn't see any. If people see them please call Mr. Awar or you can PM me when and where and we will get down there and take some pics and send them off to K. Awat and others.

    Well, he said 12.45, so that can mean only one time.

    But excellent you're doing something about this.

    It can mean two different times if he/she is for example American and using the 12 hour clock. 12.45 can mean AM or PM. The "today" part to me means probably daytime, but they are usually out late at night, and as I said we were up and down Bangla a few times during the 1245am time frame and did not see any. So still not sure what time he meant.

    I guess the clock was mis-sold, the sales description should have said 13 hour clock? Surely there can't be more than 12 hours on a 12 hour clock?

  10. Which version of the English language are they using as a Standard? There are many versions of English used successfully around the globe by different communities, each with slight variation in spelling, pronunciation, grammar and meaning. It incorporates "foreign" words readily.

    The Thai acceptance of new words into their language is a good sign. Slight variations in pronunciation and meaning can be expected.

    That is exactly what the English have done with many of the "foreign" words they have absorbed

  11. Which version of the English language are they using as a Standard? There are many versions of English used successfully around the globe by different communities, each with slight variation in spelling, pronunciation, grammar and meaning. It incorporates "foreign" words readily.

    The Thai acceptance of new words into their language is a good sign. Slight variations in pronunciation and meaning can be expected.

    That is exactly what the English have done with many of the "foreign" words they have absorbed

  12. Did she really say "the world's kitchen" ? Does she intend Thailand to be the major source of ready meals? Because it's meals that are made in kitchens.

    Maybe she means to say " a major exporter of agricultural products".

    Which new, high-value farm produce does she have in mind? and to whom can it be sold. Where are the big markets within reasonable flying cost/distance?

    Will China pay to import these crops ?

    This is a laudable aim, but politically and economically difficult. (Probably beyond the wit and resolve of any of the current Thai politicians)

    oh . . . and that's assuming the crop contamination aspect can be cleared up too.

  13. If they want to detect insurgents this would be the perfect way to not ever find anyone and one day get shot down in flames. Why not sell and purchase a couple of cheap unmanned drones for covert surveillance? Again shows how not serious they are about resolving problems in the south.

    Cheap unmanned drones?

    You can't but those in the night market.

    Not cheap, certainly not the one's that carry all the surveillance kit.

  14. I used them to ship stuff to Germany several times:

    DSV Air & Sea Ltd.3195/12 7th floor Vibulthani Tower 1

    Rama IV Rd,

    Klongton, Klong toey

    Bangkok 10110 Thailand

    Tel.: +66 2 684 8100

    Fax: +66 2 684 8198-9

    ask for economy/consolidated air cargo service CIP to closest international airport in UK, much cheaper than direct service

    THB 111/kg chargeable weight plus various fees to Germany

    was THB 43000 for 330 kg last time

    chargeable weight is 167kg /m³ or actual weight if heavier

    Thanks Sir

  15. hmm...... is it a very bad translation of the English word "Average", which then fits almost perfectly into the context of the rest of the article.....

    Or did someone miss their morning coffee before writing this article lol.

    interesting indeed. Surely, by defintion, about half will be below and half will be above average.

    How long must we wait until all 100% are above average, maybe the next election promise !

    That will be a tribute to Thai mathematics education !

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