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Posts posted by snarky66

  1. I'm sure that the fact that the world price of oil has been cut in half had zero effect on the Iranian GDP. But if lunar leftists want to claim that was Obama's doing that is their delusion. Nice try though. Keep the smoke screen going.

  2. The sanctions can never be reimposed. Because Russia and PRC are dying to do business with these murdering terrorists. The billions which will flow into the Iranian Treasury can be used in their ambitions of taking over the entire Middle East.

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  3. LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic. Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.


    Wonderful job of negotiating by Kerry & the stooges.

    So it turns out that Bibi's read of this agreement is spot on.

    • Like 2
  4. LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic. Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.


    Wonderful job of negotiating by Kerry & the stooges.

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  5. A lot of people lose sight of the fact that Hillary Clinton was working for us. We paid her salary. She is accountable to us. Stuff like the homebrew server is just so outrageous. It is an insult to the people who paid her salary. She broke many laws. hopefully someday she'll be held to account. Then she deliberately destroyed evidence after receiving a subpoena. But this is the culture of arrogance for anyone connected to this White House. Haughty contemptuous better than anyone else. Smarter than anyone else. The thuggish administration.

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  6. Considering the alternative Republican playbook is privatize everything, getting cronies to run it into the ground , cutting taxes on the rich, cutting food stamps/ pell grants/ medicaid/ medicare for everyone else, raising middle class and poor income taxes and property taxes and fees, then railing about how Government doesn't work... I'd rather vote for Obama's dog Bo in the white house.

    Sure. Cronies like Solyndra maybe. This is the result of the most corrupt administration in history. Glad you spotted that.

    Don't assume barry didn't funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to his chums. Because he did.

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  7. Khamanei never recognized a two stage schedule for negotiations from the start. Obama insisted on one for talks which had already been postponed on three separate occasions. Obama has folded as per usual, something for which he can always be relied on.

    P.s note the inversion of reality from the White House in claiming sanctions would force Israel to use military action when in effect negotiating a bad deal would. To keep folding to Iran guarantees a bad deal, if a deal can't be had then letting Iran run the clock puts the world in greater danger.

    Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Israel, North Korea, UK has nuclear weapons, in many more countries there are nuclear weapons stored, like in Germany.

    Why are they allowed to have Nukes and Iran not?

    Because they are deranged homocidal maniacs who have vowed to use them? Some posters are naive in the extreme.

  8. Its called running out the clock. And the Iranians are expert at it. As stated before this is the path used by North Korea to get nuclear weapons and ICBM's to deliver them. the p5 +1 are fooling themselves and trying to hoodwink we the taxpayers. Trump mentioned today that this whole exercise wouldn't take more than one hour.

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