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Everything posted by marioc

  1. I also had it, it was in January 2022 and it lasted 3 months. I thought I was going crazy, nothing was working.... Everybody I met at that time was scared of me because of COVID, I kept coughing all day long. Very annoying, physically and mentally.
  2. Bla, bla, bla....... So many meetings, endless talking, brilliant measures and good intentions by everybody..... but it is always the same story: we'll be choking in the smoke as usual. Yesterday in Chiang Mai AQI has been constantly over 100, I cannot believe they have already started to burn their <deleted>.
  3. I did read the article and didn't want to go through lots of speculations when I wrote my post. it appears to me that there has been nothing short of enormous negligence on the part of the doctors and hospital staff. "...Throughout her hospital stay from April 12 to 20, Chai noted that his wife did not see or interact with any doctors..." The doctors have never checked the state of health and the course of the prescribed therapy(possible side effects?) ..."It wasn’t until April 24 that the doctor questioned Chai and his wife about any prior infections..." The doctor worries when it is too late to save the patient's fingers and toes. I never disparage Thai people or anything related to Thai culture, after 13 years I still feel a sense of gratitude towards all Thai friends who are always kind and helpful. Mine was a veiled criticism of the professionalism of the hospital medical staff, a fact that could have happened anywhere else in the world Regards
  4. This is pure madness!! You go to hospital for a diarrhoea and you end up with your fingers and toes amputated.... bloody hell!!!!
  5. You must apply between January 1 and March 31 of each year. You must go to the bank or banks (if you have deposits in several banks you will request a certificate for each bank) where you have the deposits and ask for the document certifying the interest received. You will receive 2 copies of the document for each bank, one for the tax office and one for you. Don't get confused, you have to bring the one intended for them to the tax office (bring them both and let them choose) Then you need to go to your local Revenue Department Office with those documents and photocopies of your passport (all relevant pages, visas etc), photocopies of deposit books, tax ID (if you have one). Just in case bring with you also the original bank books to show or for additional copies. You can apply online, but there should be an employee at your local office to help those unfamiliar with PCs. I have a Retirement visa, never had a working visa, but managed to get a tax id 10 years ago when the rules for opening bank accounts were much simpler. I have no idea if without the tax id you can get a refund, I suppose yes since I got it for the first 2 years. You will receive a receipt confirming the successful application and a personal check will be mailed to you (in the Chiang Mai area approximately 4 weeks later) with the refund which you can deposit into your bank account.
  6. I have got my refund lastFebruary,as I have received it without problems for the past 12 years.
  7. It cannot be the same all over the world..... too many factors are involved, inflation rate for example.
  8. If it's him the culprit.... IF.... they will catch him, no doubt about that.
  9. I am sorry, I do not know. I've never used that service. I was just generally speaking. I think Red Phoenix in a previous post mentioned something around 4,000 THB.
  10. I totally agree with Ohyesuare. Nowadays it is getting very very difficult to open a Thai Bank account, even with long term visa. Basically useless to go from bank branches to another trying it. Better to save energy and peace of mind getting assistance from an agent. A little costly but well worthy in your case.
  11. Jeez.... it is freaking endless... it will never stop, won't it?????
  12. Let's hope these incoming gusts of wind blow away this freaking smoke and dust in the air!!!
  13. Around 12 years ago, I applied the same day of my birthday. They told me to come back the day after which I did and everything went fine. I could get my retirement visa 2 months later. This happened in Chiang Mai Immigration Office. Regards.
  14. It looks like it is not 2000 baht anymore, at least in CM Immigration. I do not know if it is old news, but it is a much stiffer fine now..... 5000 + 2000 for each day ..... And they stapled the note in my passport to make sure I knew it.
  15. There has been much worst in the past years..... Be strong na khap ????
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