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Posts posted by gerry1011

  1. I also think that Thaksin's return is long overdue.

    I thought it would be nice to quickly drop by and give you guys my opinion Posted Image

    Did not have time to read the thread though...

    Especially as the "grandfathering" of your "Thai Elite Card 1.0" depends on the survival of this cartoon government.

    BTW: Do you know that your Elite Visa 1.0 is now down to 90 days per stay? Welcome to the Visa Runners.

    Ouch !!! You go off topic... You should stay focused.

    I really think that Thaksin's return is long overdue.

    It's not only that I think he is the only real leader capable of running this country, that he is the one who has a vision for the future, is the right PM who can make endless talked about projects become reality, is the one who sees the need to increase the middle class and comes up with many other projects...

    Even if I think that this country is better with him than without him, in fact the reason I want to see him come back very soon is that I want to take a picture with him while having dinner in Bangkok and post it on this forum.

    Just for fun :)

    BTW: I am sure that by now you noticed your mistake. The Elite Visa (Thank you Thaksin) entitles you to 1 year per stay, without the need to make 90 reports at immigration. If you are interested, start a new topic and I explain you. It's great!

    Sent from my iPhone...

  2. No men in black involved? What a surprise smile.png

    I look forward to read the (renewed) theories of the most obsessed anti-government TV members about this matter smile.png

    The court was bought Thaksin himself?

    The judges were pressured by red shirts?

    The men in black stole military uniforms before to shoot their own people?

    A secret red underground service photoshopped all pictures taken that day and made the men in black disappear from the court's evidences?

    I am curious to read, really. There is a lot of creativity among TV members.

    On my side I am among the ones who would like AV and Suthep take responsibility for this massacre.

    Reconciliation for all... Except these two.

    And, of course amnesty for the person who orchestrated and funded it all. Some would say, even provoked the violence in order to further his own political designs.

    No responsibility for him or his stooges who were urging arson and violence.

    Might as well whitewash his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges too. After all, good for reconciliation.

    The only way to achieve reconciliation is for justice and the rule of law to prevail. What chance of that with a government that won't even answer questions about the illegal issuing of a passport to a convicted fugitive and a police force that choose which laws they want to enforce and against whom.

    AV and Suthep are at least willing to stand trial - unlike others.

    Yes sure. That will be perfect.

    Amnesty for everyone, including Thaksin, of course. And since AV and Suthep are willing to stand trial, up to them. It's even better. Let's have them condemned, then they are out of the way for a while.

    Everybody happy in Thailand (apart from a few irreductibles on this forum, as well as the last yellows left barking here and there), both AV and Suthep in prison, and finally this country can start to move on thumbsup.gif

    Very good plan. rolleyes.gif

    The downside of a true reconciliation is that TV members will not be able to argue (for nothing) with eachother anymore... That is bad news sad.png

  3. No men in black involved? What a surprise :)

    I look forward to read the (renewed) theories of the most obsessed anti-government TV members about this matter :)

    The court was bought Thaksin himself?

    The judges were pressured by red shirts?

    The men in black stole military uniforms before to shoot their own people?

    A secret red underground service photoshopped all pictures taken that day and made the men in black disappear from the court's evidences?

    I am curious to read, really. There is a lot of creativity among TV members.

    On my side I am among the ones who would like AV and Suthep take responsibility for this massacre.

    Reconciliation for all... Except these two.

    • Like 2
  4. A lot of people here seem to have more money than sense and waste their money because they can. They come out here and get a huge 5 bedroom house with pool and 2 cars and a Harley motorbike and maids whereas if they were still in their home country they would probably be in a 3 bed semi with a Ford Focus. You NEED a roof over your head, food and education. They don't have to run you these enormous sums each month. People spend the money because they can....For the record I am single and live in Bangkok and I can survive on 15,000 a month but I usually spend more ( also because I can )...

    I have more money than sense. Thank god :)

    • Like 1
  5. Pffffff ... You guys are still not tired?

    Some of you are really obsessed. It's not your country, relax !

    A bit of reconciliation would not hurt anyone.

    Uhm, of course you might have nothing to moan about anymore... Your life would be even emptier Posted Image

    I can't speak for anyone else, but as far as I am concerned, I live here, I work here, I've made my life and home here, and I pay FAR more taxes than 95% of the Thai's here, so to me I have a big stake on what goes on here.

    Your comments fly very close to the "if you don't like it, leave" brigade who either are too ignorant to see or care what happens here or live in some quaint little village up-country in their own little worlds.


    I still think you (and the other TV politics' "specialists") should relax a bit. It's still not your country and whatever you think or write is not going to change anything. Your opinion does not count at all. You have zero influence. Zero.

    It is probably very frustrating for some of you, but this is the way it is. And you know it.

    I see always the same names systematically appear on these political threads.

    I just have a hard time understanding some TV members' obsession for this subject and wonder if you have still time for your work or simply to enjoy life... Do you enjoy life? Or is anger and frustration consuming you to the point you need to stick to this forum and express your feelings here?

    Reconciliation would not change anything at all in your personal life or in your work. Except that you would be able to use the time spent on these threads for something better. Funnier too.

    Your nerves and your mood might well feel a difference...

    With reconciliation you might even end up happier, who knows Posted Image

    But you need to relax first Posted Image

    excellent advice you ought to try it.

    You are all wound up about what people you have never met and never will are doing. You are a prime example of a red shirt, want every body to do things you want done and enjoy it. If not attack. You might want to get out some more and find out how wonderful Thailand can be.

    You sound like one of those who have to work or go crazy type people to me. I was once that way. First two week vacation I ever had I just about went crazy. Now I am retired and have the time to do what ever I want money and physical condition allowing and I bring in far more than the minimum 65,000 baht a month.

    Just because some of us enjoy talking about the politics dosen't mean we are wrong. It just means we enjoy it more than sitting on a bar stool going home getting up (some times alone some times with some one you don't know) going to work etc

    Arf :)

    Relax :)

    The people who know me must laugh at what you wrote :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

  6. Pffffff ... You guys are still not tired?

    Some of you are really obsessed. It's not your country, relax !

    A bit of reconciliation would not hurt anyone.

    Uhm, of course you might have nothing to moan about anymore... Your life would be even emptier :)

    I can't speak for anyone else, but as far as I am concerned, I live here, I work here, I've made my life and home here, and I pay FAR more taxes than 95% of the Thai's here, so to me I have a big stake on what goes on here.

    Your comments fly very close to the "if you don't like it, leave" brigade who either are too ignorant to see or care what happens here or live in some quaint little village up-country in their own little worlds.


    I still think you (and the other TV politics' "specialists") should relax a bit. It's still not your country and whatever you think or write is not going to change anything. Your opinion does not count at all. You have zero influence. Zero.

    It is probably very frustrating for some of you, but this is the way it is. And you know it.

    I see always the same names systematically appear on these political threads.

    I just have a hard time understanding some TV members' obsession for this subject and wonder if you have still time for your work or simply to enjoy life... Do you enjoy life? Or is anger and frustration consuming you to the point you need to stick to this forum and express your feelings here?

    Reconciliation would not change anything at all in your personal life or in your work. Except that you would be able to use the time spent on these threads for something better. Funnier too.

    Your nerves and your mood might well feel a difference...

    With reconciliation you might even end up happier, who knows :)

    But you need to relax first :)

  7. Pffffff ... You guys are still not tired?

    Some of you are really obsessed. It's not your country, relax !

    A bit of reconciliation would not hurt anyone.

    Uhm, of course you might have nothing to moan about anymore... Your life would be even emptier Posted Image

    A bit of reconciliation would be fantastic. Unfortunately there's no sign of it with the current government.

    They are the only ones speaking about it though...

    Pity that the other side loves troubles and coups so much...

    What a loss of time.

    Sent from my iPhone...

  8. Pffffff ... You guys are still not tired?

    Some of you are really obsessed. It's not your country, relax !

    A bit of reconciliation would not hurt anyone.

    Uhm, of course you might have nothing to moan about anymore... Your life would be even emptier Posted Image

    A bit of reconciliation would be fantastic. Unfortunately there's no sign of it with the current government.

    It seems difficult indeed. The government is the only one speaking about reconciliation, while the "other" ones just make sure it does not happen, dream of more coups and more trouble.

    At least the government tries :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

  9. "Terrifying", "he would have shot us", "vulnerable position", "my instinct tool over" , "very dangerous", ...

    What a drama this guy makes. Too funny :)

    I loved reading about the "petrified girlfriend" too. What a great story :)

    I hope Barry will never drive in Russia. There he would be shot for real and would have no time to make his little whining in the local press :)

    • Like 1
  10. When a country can't even repair something as basic as a crumbling sidewalk with blocks, or keep electricla wires from falling down to street level, how can one expect the government to maintain something such as the railroad system. Sometimes I wish the Kingdome of Siam was "colonized" back in the 1800's so it would have picked up some knowledge in handling infrastructure.

    At the turn of the 19th century France was eager to "enter" Siam and make it a protectorate. It did not happen and Siam was not colonized.

    The first railways were however built with the help of German advisors.

    Even if the country had been colonized by France, it might not have changed anything concerning the railways... Did you read that the recent train accident in Paris was caused by a track maintenance problem?

    Just to reassure you that maintenance is not only a problem with the Thai government. Former colonial powers apparently have the same concerns :)

    I am also not sure about railways in Congo. But that country was colonized for a long time and I don't think that infrastructure is so much better there than in Thailand. The example is a bit extreme, you might say... :)

    But we could speak about the British rail system... Uhm, no. Better not.

    The spectacular Spanish high speed train accident of today was even worse. 78 people dead. Human error apparently... in a former colonial power.

    Well well... Those colonialists can't even drive a train you will tell us...

    Thailand does not look that bad to me.

    Can happen everywhere.

    Be welcome to criticize the whole planet :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

  11. A 12 month roling was introduced mainly because of Platinum status where you need 80.000 Miles 2 (now rolling) years in a row, on TG Business or First class

    Can a farang actually get platinum status now? I have only seen airline staff, wives and poo yais waving platinum cards so far....

    Sure a farang can get a platinum card. You just have to fly a lot in first or business class (with a paying ticket). Very very easy.

    I mysef have never seen anyone "wave" a TG platinum card anywhere. You are a lucky guy. It seems you crossed the path of many platinum card holders already :)

    Hurry up. Buy yourself 160.000 miles of first class tickets and soon you will be able to proudly wave your farang platinum card under the nose of the "wives and poo yais" too :)

    Next time I check-in I will also wave my card under the nose of every farang near me, hoping you are around :)

    Honestly, were you in a bad mood when writing your post?

    I don't believe you ever saw anyone "wave" a TG platinum card anywhere...

    Don't be envious and grumpy. Fly first class and get your card as soon as possible :)

  12. Many of you guys always come back with your desire to have crack downs on corruption, crack downs on dishonest politicians, crack downs on patronage, crack downs on dangerous driving, crack downs on discrimination towards farangs, crack downs on tourist scams, crack downs on police traps, crack downs on fake taxis, crack down on tax evasion, and this, and that, and more crack downs, and even more... till the Thai society becomes a replica of the western society and the great, and very well ruled, world that you left (or want to leave).

    Then I don't understand why there is a negative feeling towards cracking down on the illegal Internet content. You all should be happy :)

    Or is this a crack down that does not suit your "needs" ?

    I think the problem people have is that this type of crackdown us generally used as a cloak to cover up a crackdown on freedom of speech, on anti government sites, on anything that will criticise a corrupt government and expose its imperfections, lies, ineptitude and intolerance of any view but their own.

    I understand the concern the people have. They seemed however less concerned when the previous government was cracking down on the (red) opposition websites (and radio and TV stations, and newspapers,...).

    People will of course reply that that particular crack down was "different" and justified. Of course...

    Well, my point is not really related to politics. It is just that I read so many complaints on this forum that rules in Thailand are not respected and that it is so much "better" in the west, where there are rules and laws for everything. If people wish to have all types of rules enforced to feel better and more secure in their life in Thailand, then they should accept that rules are also enforced concerning illegal online content. Why not? Or should illegal online content be considered as a "special type" that you cannot crack down, for the sake of freedom of speech?

    Now, if you want my personal opinion, I prefer less rules than more rules. This is why I like countries like Thailand. But, contrary to so many people on this forum, I also don't complain all the time about the lack of rules, or enforcement of rules in this country. I quite enjoy this lack of strict rules that make life in the west so boring. I live with it and adapt myself to this environment.

    I just find it funny that people seem to react differently when enforcement of rules may come to disturb their online activities and anonymous freedom :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

  13. Many of you guys always come back with your desire to have crack downs on corruption, crack downs on dishonest politicians, crack downs on patronage, crack downs on dangerous driving, crack downs on discrimination towards farangs, crack downs on tourist scams, crack downs on police traps, crack downs on fake taxis, crack down on tax evasion, and this, and that, and more crack downs, and even more... till the Thai society becomes a replica of the western society and the great, and very well ruled, world that you left (or want to leave).

    Then I don't understand why there is a negative feeling towards cracking down on the illegal Internet content. You all should be happy :)

    Or is this a crack down that does not suit your "needs" ?

  14. Hi

    I live in sweden but have been in thailand many times.

    I want ask you guys what your idea is about this.

    Im interessted to have have a football club in Thailand.

    1. Buy a football club in thai premier league.

    How much does it cost you think?

    about 1 000 000 bath or 100 000 000 bath?

    2. Create a own team.

    What league you begin in?

    How many division is there i Thailand?

    A new created team start in div 2-3-4?

    I would be thankfull for all advice and ideas.


    Hello there.

    I can't answer all your questions but being quite much involved with one of the TPL teams I can tell you a few basic things:

    As a foreigner you can't "simply buy" a TPL team.

    You would better associate yourself with some well known local personality in a certain area of your choice and create a team with that person. I believe that there is no way you can succeed without strong local connections.

    I am sure you know that, but I confirm it: To have a football team is a long term commitment, as well as a heavy (long term) financial burden.

    You do not make profit at all with football in Thailand. Even in TPL. Even with sponsors. Even with a good team... So you must be ready to reach your pocket each year.

    Football is politicized. Which is a good or bad thing. It depends on the circumstances. It can be very helpful as long as you are open minded and don't think strictly on the football side...

    If you succeed in entering the league, you start in second division. Absolute minimum yearly budget for a second division team is 8 million baht. This includes some foreign players.

    The difficulty is to enter second division. Not as easy as one might think. You need support and connections again. Not only a good team and finance.

    If you succeed in second division and go to first division, your yearly budget jumps to at least 15 million. With good foreign players it goes up, of course... Out of 15 million budget you would be lucky to find sponsors for half of it. The rest comes out of your pocket.

    When you make it to TPL... The financial burden is much more important. 60 million budget at least. The big teams like buriram have budgets much over that figure.

    In TPL you get sponsors, TV rights, etc..., but you always end up short of money, so you still have to keep your wallet open.

    Political connections make everything easier... As long as the team performs. So, keep in mind that the football dream is not only about sport...

    All in all... I think that your project is very difficult to achieve. On your own, with money but without strong connections, I would dare to say that it is impossible to achieve.

    If your passion is football, you might want to find another way to involve yourself in Thai football.

    You might start a smaller scale team, a football academy, work with youngster and participate in local competitions first. After you build up your reputation and connections you can think about going further.

    Google "Chiangrai Hills Stadium"... This is a project that was done for a hill tribe team.

    You might like the story, why not make a project there...

    Such a place is perfect for a good project.

    But you still need funds for your team...

    Thanks for good answear...

    I maybe should try find a team to coach in Thai PL, need a agent with contact lol..

    Thanks again for that reply, good information.

    If you want to coach a team, a good challenge would be to try to find a coach position in a second division team and work to make the team progress to first division and TPL.

    Not only would it be a good challenge for you, but if you succeed you will be loved by the local community.

    If, on the other hand, you want to set up a team, an academy, or a nice long term project... You can always send me a message to speak about it.

  15. Hi

    I live in sweden but have been in thailand many times.

    I want ask you guys what your idea is about this.

    Im interessted to have have a football club in Thailand.

    1. Buy a football club in thai premier league.

    How much does it cost you think?

    about 1 000 000 bath or 100 000 000 bath?

    2. Create a own team.

    What league you begin in?

    How many division is there i Thailand?

    A new created team start in div 2-3-4?

    I would be thankfull for all advice and ideas.


    Hello there.

    I can't answer all your questions but being quite much involved with one of the TPL teams I can tell you a few basic things:

    As a foreigner you can't "simply buy" a TPL team.

    You would better associate yourself with some well known local personality in a certain area of your choice and create a team with that person. I believe that there is no way you can succeed without strong local connections.

    I am sure you know that, but I confirm it: To have a football team is a long term commitment, as well as a heavy (long term) financial burden.

    You do not make profit at all with football in Thailand. Even in TPL. Even with sponsors. Even with a good team... So you must be ready to reach your pocket each year.

    Football is politicized. Which is a good or bad thing. It depends on the circumstances. It can be very helpful as long as you are open minded and don't think strictly on the football side...

    If you succeed in entering the league, you start in second division. Absolute minimum yearly budget for a second division team is 8 million baht. This includes some foreign players.

    The difficulty is to enter second division. Not as easy as one might think. You need support and connections again. Not only a good team and finance.

    If you succeed in second division and go to first division, your yearly budget jumps to at least 15 million. With good foreign players it goes up, of course... Out of 15 million budget you would be lucky to find sponsors for half of it. The rest comes out of your pocket.

    When you make it to TPL... The financial burden is much more important. 60 million budget at least. The big teams like buriram have budgets much over that figure.

    In TPL you get sponsors, TV rights, etc..., but you always end up short of money, so you still have to keep your wallet open.

    Political connections make everything easier... As long as the team performs. So, keep in mind that the football dream is not only about sport...

    All in all... I think that your project is very difficult to achieve. On your own, with money but without strong connections, I would dare to say that it is impossible to achieve.

    If your passion is football, you might want to find another way to involve yourself in Thai football.

    You might start a smaller scale team, a football academy, work with youngster and participate in local competitions first. After you build up your reputation and connections you can think about going further.

    Google "Chiangrai Hills Stadium"... This is a project that was done for a hill tribe team.

    You might like the story, why not make a project there...

    Such a place is perfect for a good project.

    But you still need funds for your team...

    • Like 2
  16. Everybody is different and likes different ways of learning.

    Personally I would say that you don't really need a teacher.

    12 years ago I started to learn to read and write with well known books that you can easily find in book shops: "Thai for beginners", "Thai for intermediate learners" and "Thai for advanced readers".

    You just put yourself back to the school age, follow the exercises, ... and soon you can start to make your own exercises, writing about anything that is around you.

    Today I can read easily, chat on websites or using apps like Line, read newspapers, etc...

    I can't say that it is easy, but it is not that difficult with a bit of perseverance.

    A teacher, at least for me, would have been useless.

    But you might want one just to motivate you.

    Read and write is great !!!

  17. I have stopped reading responses at the end of the first page. Disgusting. All but one post were nothing but denigrating personal opinion, speculation or wisecracks. Practically a festive mentality for the opportunity to "kick 'em when they are down." Once again a tragedy has been shamefully used to belittle Thais by people who could really not care less about the victims.

    Depressing negativity is "pure Thaivisa forum tradition".

    Amazing but sadly true.

    I myself am still amazed. But there is nothing much to do. Whatever happens, this forum is locked in "automatic Thai bashing mode".

    By the way, there was a train derailment in France a few days ago....

  18. Hopefully they can hide behind their little mask.

    It may help not to lose face too much smile.png

    So you think that the protests are unjustified?

    Judging by the very (very) low turnout, it seems that for most people the "white" masks' reasons for protesting do not justify the effort of going there...

    I guess most people are getting tired of these silly protests.

    I am today in a place overlooking Lumpini park.

    At 5pm I saw a group of maybe 300 people gathering there. I looked again at 5.45... They were already gone with their cute little masks :)

  19. Thai was supposed to be introducing the A380 for the Bangkok-London route in December.

    They've just announced that there's going to be a delay of at least 11 months in launching the service.

    Once again, Thai is way behind the curve in terms of international service, and customers will be expected to pay an over-the-top price to fly in outdated, crappy Boeing 747s.

    Once again, Thailand and its visitors have been let down by the country's national airline.

    You look like a funny guy...

  20. What's with the negative waves, man...?

    In the absence of any political satire in Thailand (although it can occasionally be found in a column of the other paper) the TV forum often provides some amusement, albeit unintended, courtesy of politicians, officials and journos alike and for that we should be truly grateful.

    But if only some posters would remember not to take it all so seriously!

    Not sure who is taking what seriously...

    On one side there are the ones who read the posts and might feel depressed by constant negative comments. I can understand them.

    On the other side there are the depressed posters who, like if it was their mission, a duty that they seem to take very seriously, jump on any occasion, any thread, any subject, to rant again and again about the usual things (the present government being their prime target, follow by anything else that is "Thai").

    And if we succeed in bringing some positiveness and (genuine) humor in the thread, which they have a hard time to join in because there is no sarcasm,... then they quickly move away to another thread where they can go on with their negativity.

    To me, the second group seems to take their "role" very seriously.

    I am sure you see what I mean Posted Image

    Or maybe you don't...

    Sent from my iPhone...

    That all sounds very depressing... so I'll move on!

    Have a nice day!

    Did you recognize yourself in one of the two groups?

    Or maybe both :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

  21. Kind of disappointing to see so many negative people dwelling on other peoples success. Does every billionaire have to have made his money in a corrupt or dishonest way? Most billionaires work their butts off to get where they are. They have business savvy, they take advantage of tax structures that are mostly dead set on taking as much as is possible and yes they have connections and a network which helps. That does not mean all are greedy and dishonest. Most of the comments here have little basis in fact and are just conjecture. Seems like mostly sour-grapes from the posters here. Nothing new for TV members.

    Be careful Trouble... You will end up into trouble with all the sour grapes on your back whistling.gif

    You should not be so direct.

    You are totally right though... thumbsup.gif

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