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Posts posted by tonypace02

  1. I don't see that this system is any worse than the socio-political-economic lie called DEMOCRACY, which is nothing more than a power oligarchy dominated by elite people whose primary purpose is to protect the wealthy minority against the consequences of its inept attempts to increase its wealth.  This experiment began 225 years ago in the United States and it has failed everywhere it has been tried.

  2. But he's a police chief. He is not answerable to the law. Remember the last police chief who disciplined his subordinates for insisting he take a sobriety test at a road block when they did not recognize him out of uniform? Then he circulated photos of himself so it would not happen again. He was never disciplined. The municipal police chief is clearly above the law. Nothing new here.

  3. People, please. Stop being naive. The one thing people can depend on is that whatever Lying Donald says will not  happen. The second thing you can depend on is that, before he says it, he has already decided he will blame for its not happening on the press, the democrats or his opposition du jour.

    Read a basic psychology textbook. The man is a psychotic and a sociopath. At this time he cannot control the Fed so the currency should be relatively stable for two years, by which time he should be out of office.


  4. This is what you can expect with a Trump victory: Within six months, Trump will be required to give testimony to a Republican HR investigator. He will, of course, perjure himself believing that the Republicans will cover for him. However, this will delight the GOP and they will impeach him for perjury. With support of the Democrats, he will be easily convicted and removed from office turning the presidency over to a darling of the conservatives, Mike Pence. Within three more years, Scotus will be 6-3 conservative, capital gains will be taxed at 5 %, and Roe v. Wade will be a footnote in American History. The MIC will be resurrected to its Vietnam Era glory, the national debt will be at 21 $tn, 40% higher than it is today, U.S.'s S&P rating will be at A+, down from AAA, and the American dollar in Thailand will fluctuate monthly between 20 and 22 baht. No one is voting for Trump. People are actually voting for Pence. They just don't know that yet. 

    I am not voting. I expect to be dead before all of this really comes to fruition and I don't interfere in a fight I won't have a dog in. I have worked in political elections since 1952 when I and my friend climbed on each others' shoulders tacking up "I Like Ike" posters in South Jersey. In the '56 election, I was promoted to the thug squad,  tearing down Stevenson/Kefauver signs at ten cents a sign. As an adult, I worked on four campaigns and some of the things I saw then far overshadow this one in terms of evil. Nixon's first was the worst. I left the state to avoid working his second. Goldwater and Carver ran decent campaigns. But Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and especially Reagan hired campaign managers who ran campaigns that used extortion, blackmail, libel, larceny,  murder, and any tactics necessary to win. How did they get away with it? People cherish their freedom to vote. Politicians make sure of that. They just don't care to take responsibility for really learning what they are voting for. Politicans also make sure of that. But, in this age of social media, there is no excuse for it. However, there is justice in this system: the people will seldom get the government they want, but they will always get the government they deserve.

  5. Donald trump does not want to BE President of the United States, he just wants to win the office. Once he has done that, Paul Ryan will take over the government. Trump is not the fool people think he is. In spite of what people think he is doing now, he is being low key. No one will see the real Donald Trump until after the Democratic Convention. Then watch as all those so-called pundits hurdle themselves from skyscrapers in disgrace. Since his first speech concerning Latinos, they have been prophesying the early demise of his candidacy. Many still are because they refuse to believe that vox populi is alive and well and can change the destiny of a country where the people can still vote.

  6. Two former employers fired me. I had very strong litigation cases for violation of contract which were later settled in my favor. In retaliation for my filing litigation, both held my work permit beyond the new termination date but reported the termination to be sooner, which would normally put me in overstay. In both cases, the immigration officers, one in Isaan and one in Pattaya aggressively investigated the situation and ruled in my favor, chastising the former employers.

    Also, any time I report to immigration, I dress as though I am going for a job interview. I have never even once in eight years had the slightest problem. When one immigration officer found the paperwork from a new employer to be shoddy, she took the trouble to make calls and fixed it so I would not have to return. In fact, I have never had anything but the most courteous treatment from any Thai government agency. OTOH, while not exactly hostile, the police in the traffic office on Pattaya's Beach Road office were at best cool (not in a good way).

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  7. Brits can be overbearing and pompous at times. But here we are chatting about those survivors and children of survivors of Hitler's blitzes on London. During that firestorm they were a courageous and tenacious people. They haven't changed. They will easily survive this economic sun shower, most likely in a way that will be quite annoying.

  8. The Donald will win. He has an ace up his sleeve that he will not play until she is the clear nominee. If he uses it now, Sanders becomes the nominee and Trump probably understands he can't beat him. My guess is he knows what was in those speeches. After all, he runs with the same people she made those speeches to. Right now he does not need them except to counter her demand that he release his tax returns. But watch for the Hail Mary on November 4.

    As for Ryan, he has to worry about the the 247 Republicans (vs 188 Democrats) up for re-election in the House as well as the 24 Republicans (vs 10 Democrats) up for re-election in the Senate. He is doing the right thing for them, trying as much as possible to remove Trump from the equation.

  9. I don't really have a dog in this fight, I have never been an anglophile, and, in general, I am not opposed to people leaving their homeland to live and work in another country - I've done it several times. However, what I see here is about one-third of the population of North Africa and the ME trying to cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe. They bring with them an economy-burdening poverty and a hostile culture that dilutes the indigenous culture to the point that, were it not recorded in literature and academia, it would no longer be recognizable. European families, in general, have taken responsible steps to voluntarily limit population increases through reproduction. Third world countries from Africa and Asia continue to produce large families to increase the number of workers in their units and to guarantee security for the elderly. That, coupled with the technology compassionately offered from the west, has increased the survival rate of their citizenry but it has not increased the economic opportunities to enjoy the out-of-reach living standards in Europe as witnessed by them in the media.

    Compassion is an admirable trait, especially when exercised by nations with the support of their people. But in the modern world it is rapidly becoming a means of enabling that encourages people to leave their countries instead of struggling to fix them. Unless there is a radical change in the EU policy vis-a-vis immigration, continued membership in that organization will result in the accelerated dismantling of the UK.

    The British Empire is long gone. It is time for the British people to expiate itself of the guilt for sins it committed during that era and function again as a cohesive, focused unit the way it did during its heroic days of the early 1940s. That cannot happen if it continues to carry the burdens imposed by continued membership in EU.

  10. I know that if the employer decides to go against contract there's nothing I can really do about it.

    However, I signed a contract having second thoughts. I thought that if I don't like my teaching job I can just take the next paycheck and bail.

    If I do that should I be worried?

    After many conversations with people in my Moo Ban who are teachers, from my understanding schools usually do not issue a contract to new employees until after a 3 month probationary period.

    If this is the case how is it possible that you signed a contract within the very first week of school.

    Not so. I have worked for public and private schools and universities. I never spent a day in class without a contract. I sued 2 of the schools successfully and the lesson I learned from one of the judges is that in Thailand, the contract is everything. Also, the very minute you are terminated, contact the nearest immigration office to turn in your WP. The two schools I sued told immigration that I had been fired the month before I turned in my work permit. At first immigration was going to charge me for overstay because the WP must be turned in immediately. When I explained the situation, showed them my contract, and explained I was suing, they contacted the schools and raised hell with them. I was instructed then to go to the nearest port of entry and get my new visa and there would be no fine.

    Incidentally, both schools settled for 2 1/2 times the money I would have lost plus legal fees.

  11. I don't know about all the states but in New York and California, killing a person in the act of an immediate threat to the life of another person is the same as self defense. As he had a knife to the girl, the crowd was acting in self defense, at least until it was clear that he was disarmed. Now, under the Thai libel law, he could possibly sue Jerojero for calling him a scumbag if he could prove it cost him something, like loss of face.

  12. Talk to the Chinese interpol. Find out if hubby has a gf. If my wife is missing from my room, I...I..I go out to look for her. I do not contact the hotel people who do not know her. The report does not indicate what she was wearing at the time. When a woman decides to commit suicide, the most important thing in her mind is her appearance when she is dead. The act of committing suicide is the act of making a statement (been there done that and <deleted> that up, too.) If she had dressed as she was normally dressed, I don't buy it. If her apparel was unique, she offed herself.

  13. Lotus is very near my home so I shop there. I do however don't really care for the place and the way they operate. One example that really gets to me sometime is the timing for stocking their shelves. They stock during their busy hours. You can hardly get by due to all the boxes and people doing their work. Why don't they wait and stock in the evening or early morning ? Other issues but that one really gets to me.

    Another pet peeve I have is that if a product sells really, really well, it remains out of stock for ages. I think the staff feel it is just way too much trouble to continue re-stocking the item. It sells well, so it is a problem item! Reminds me of the movie theaters that play one movie on 8 screens. Why? Because the demand is there? No. Because it is far less work for the person who books the films. Just order 8 copies of the film. I am going to the beach now.

    Actually, I think much of that failure to restock is that the successful product that is selling well is usually a better value than other products of the same ilk. By restocking the more popular product, they would be slowing down the movements of those products - the ones with a higher profit margin - that are being outsold by the better product. This is an often used marketing strategy.

  14. I know it is so in the U.S., but I do not know if it so in Thailand: causing the death of a person while in the act of committing a felony can bring a charge of first degree murder. For example, in a small bank, a robber fires a gun at the ceiling to get everybody's attention and cast fear. The event so traumatizes a 70 year old man that he dies of a heart attack. Despite the fact that the robber had no intention of physical harm, the shooting of the gun being the direct action that brought on the heart attack, the robber can be charged with first degree murder. In the local case, the highly moral PM has granted himself the power to make that a law here if he so chooses and make it retroactive to the day before the accident or to erase the law if he so chooses making the existence or non-existence of such a law as moot.

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