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Posts posted by tonypace02

  1. So any tool in a uniform can go about shooting his gun and only apologize for his actions

    What happens when the same tool shoots an innocent bystander

    Same apology facepalm.gif

    If your innocent bystander poses the same threat to my family as an attacking dog, damn right I'd shoot him.

    Self defense includes protection of your family as well as yourself.

    I'm a dog lover. I have two. But if my digs attacked someone, except in defense of my family, I would kill them myself.

  2. In the USA, Canada, and, I believe, the UK and Germany, there is a limitation to the Statute of Limitations law. If the accused leaves the jurisdiction of the court for any time after the commission of the crime, the period that he has been missing is added to the SOL time. I do not know if that applies in Thailand but it would be interesting to know.

    For example, a man robs a Wells Fargo Bank in May of 2010 and hops a plane to Brazil. The crime has an SOL of five years. In June 2015 he returns to the U.S. He pleads that the SOL has expired and he cannot be prosecuted, while, in fact, the SOL period begins the day he returns.

  3. nearly a thouysand posts on the "guilty" thread.....if justice was do=ne by vote they'd be back in Myanmar by now.

    However I find it very saddening that the family for one reason or another had made their collective mind up some time ago.....and from my persective and that of many. many of those who wanted a "fair trial" and appropriate procedure, they have come done on the wrong side of the fence.

    There is no amount of "evidence" or argument that can turn me from the conclusion tht this was a rial that would never have happened in a country with proper separation of powers - e.g police, judiciary and legislative.

    It has been so unsatisfactory right from the start that no-one accused - no matter whether immigrant or even "Mafia boss" could ever have had a fair trial.

    If you have so much to offer the defense, why did't you testify?

  4. I had never participated in LK festivities before while I lived in Isaan. Last week my gf decided she wanted to participate and made her own Kratong. She asked me for money to put in it. I asked her what will happen to the money. She said she wasn't sure. I gave her a check for one dollar made out to "Buddha."

    As soon as she launched it, I left for the nearest 7 Eleven where, surprisingly, I was able to buy a couple of beers.

    It's the spirit(s) of the events that is (are) most important.

  5. What's the big deal? It only applies to government schools where thirty to fifty students in each class get to hear two hours of English once a week (if there are no holidays or alternative activities that week) from a ninety day wonder (store-front TEFL trained teacher) who speaks barely any Thai at all and who would likely never be certified to teach English in his/her homeland. If the Thai students are going to "not learn" English, why can't they "not learn" it at less expense to the Thai taxpayer. Students can be just as proficient at "not learning" English from a Thai teacher as they can from a native English speaking teacher.

  6. This happened a week ago and this is the first it is reported.

    This culture of saving face, covering things up or keeping things quiet is utterly nauseating.

    No doubt the authorities in Pai were more concerned about potential negative impact on tourism than actually seeking justice for the poor British victim.

    The police officer's comments here are insensitive and unprofessional at best and downright reprehensible at worst.

    What this cop said is very valuable because it is what he believes. At least he is honest about what he thinks unlike higher authority that is spewing propaganda. It is a hell of a lot easier to change a man's thinking when you know what he thinks than it is when you don't know it.

  7. At the Congressional 911 hearings, Condoleezza Rice said, "It was not until late March of 2001 that we had evidence that Osama Bin Laden was reponsible for the attack on the USS Cole. But we decided not to go after him because we did not want to give him standing with the Arab community." I guess that makes GWB responsible for the destruction of the twin towers in NYC and the Pentagon.

    When Saddam Hussein advised U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glasspie, that he was considering an invasion of Kuwait and asked her how the U.S. would respond, she told him the U.S. would fall back on the 1967 accords and had no interest in Arab to Arab problems. I guess that makes GHWB responsible for the invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm.

    I am a lifelong Republican and I am not so thrilled with the idea of a second President Clinton, although I thought the first one was pretty good. On the other hand, I feel exactly the same way about every candidate on our side of the aisle. The only Republican I would support for the presidency is not even a candidate; but I might give some thoughts to Ron Paul.

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