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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Sorry TonyBKK

    You are reporting a common Myth,immigrants do not go to the top of the housing list or indeed get preferential treatment,figures I read recently state that asylum seekers are not entitled to even go on the housing list,EEC subjects must have worked in the UK for at least a year before they can apply to be included on the list,which is only a basic starter,housing lists are notorious for the long wait involved.

    Further to that only 2% of Public/Association housing is occupied by foriegners and most of them have been in the Uk for a number of years.

    My wife as a Thai has been refused our joint application for housing "because she is Thai" (so forget racialism) it doesnt count for much anymore.On the present points system I scored zero and they ignored my daughters inclusion because they ignored the fact that she has a British Birth Certificate and a British Passport,clearly stating that she is British Citizen, this is now in the process of my demanding a correction to the joint application.

    Recently this government has brought in new legislation to favour locals and local housing,the criteria is 1.are you local born and bred 2. The Family history of residing in a particular area 3.Is the Applicant employed locally.This generates points which someone who is born and bred in the UK and moved to another part of the UK will be denied.

    I dont intend to take up an unlikely offer of Council Housing but there is a point of order here which will get undivided attention for mine and others rights as British Citizens.

    I used to think like you Tony until I looked the subject up,so dont take my word for it, its all there on the web.


  2. I realise the original poster has a point about drunks picking up his baby and the hiegene aspect also needs to be carefully considered.

    But having spent many years in Thailand mixing and observing Thai people I feel qualified to say that they as a nation are one of the cleanest in the world under difficult living conditions.

    They also love and care deeply for their children (males and females) and anybody elses come to that, and have a fascination for children that I believe is quite charming,normal, and genuine.

    Thankfully they havent got to the neurotic paranoid stage that we have in the west, whereby some schools of thought consider all males as potential abusers.

    I wonder if the original poster with the biased title of the post inferring that Thai men need to have a careful eye kept on them has a deep rooted fear that Thai men are also potential abusers?

    Perhaps the unbiased title could have been "Do you let Thai people hold your 7 mth old baby"

  3. You can't ask Thai people to stop being Thai. They are a very contact oriented people, and that is not going to change. Many in the west have developed a phobia about physical contact, which is a shame, because its one of the wonderful ways we can connect with others. There was a study done regarding physical contact during a meal, done in the US and Italy. Italians over the course of an hour long meal, touched each other over 60 times, while in the US it was like 2.

    What's the point? The culture you choose to live in, regards this behavior as the norm. If the behavior is that traumatic for you, you better move, because you are not going to change it. Personally, I think that showing our affection for others in this way is great. To many repressed, touch deprived people walking around in US, UK, etc, which is probably why you moved to Thailand in the first place. Khao jai mai krup?

  4. Kitch2

    I am sorry to say your wife will never understand the meaning of Political Correctness,not because you have not made your best effort to explain,but because it is not in their culture or nature.

    PC primarily means having regard to the feelings of others so that you do not offend them,Thais do not have this ability to understand.

    Consider my recent experience having lived in Thailand for 7 years and being heartily sick of the word Farang having heard it on average 5 times a day, Its Racialist and they well know it.

    Now please dont all jump in and give your explanations as to the fact it came from the French in Laos and at least 3 other countries blah blah.

    Here is the example,one week back in the UK and I found myself in Thai female company, the gist of the conversation was intermitten with Falang falang falang (sic).

    So I spoke to the most vocal one and explained to her that the use of the word Farang was offensive to most Foriegners in your country,and now you are in my country you must be the Farang and not me. She replied "oh no I can never be Farang I am Thai" and no amount of argument would convince her otherwise.

    This also happened with my ex Thai Teacher Girfriend and her reply was the same"I can never be Falang (sic)I am Thai"

    So try the acid test on your Thai wife or Girlfriend and ask them the question: If you come back to my country will you be the Farang? if not then dont keep mentioning the word in my company.

    This same Thai female in the UK also came up with a new slant on the old chestnut "Englishman him Butterfly no good he dont look after wife or children" sound familiar guys to your time in Thailand with the first word replaced with Thaiman.

    Sorry if I have gone around the houses here but no Kitch22 a Thai has no hope of grasping the concept of Political Correctness.


  5. would anybody therefore explain why an economic slump would affect expats (who are, i assume, the majority) living on their income generated offshore? will less exports and less tourists affect the lifestyle of expat retirees?

    What do you suppose is now (and has been for the past few months) happening to that income generated offshore for expat retirees in Thailand? Have you looked at savings rates in Britain or the US recently? Is there a Stock Market boom to cash in on?

    Read your posts with interest,

    I have a

    friend who has been here since 1994 who lived through the 1997 crash in which the Thai baht exchange rate to the £ was in the 90s he has been forecasting a similar crash for the past 6 years,so far after the 2500 - 3000 deaths of the great mans purge on Drugs,The Sunami,The military coup of 3 years ogo next month,Bird flu,Swine flu,5 new prime Ministers in 2 years,countless political encounters and upheavals between the rival factions ie Red and Yellow the baht is still strong so no forecast of a crash from me,seems like Thailand is exempt from normal world Politics and effects on countries.

  6. Hi Guys

    As a newbie on this blog I have been a regular vistor of Thai visa for about 5 years, I am writing this to help others who may be in similar hopeless situation as I myself, who was at his witsend. No I am not a benefit scrounger,having worked for 40 years and paid my UK TAXES AND NI CONTRIBUTIONS,so please no Flaming, this is merely to help other guys in a similar hopeless situation.

    I can on topic give you my experience of returning to the the UK after 7 years in Thailand for reasons I wont go into on this site (email me if you want more in depth info)

    Arrived at Heathrow,sailed through as a British Citizen and as one should expect.

    My mate put me up for 2 months,while I went through, re establising my right of abode/citizenship and the need to claim benefits through ill health (In Thailand I paid for my own treatment until it became financialy impossible). Yes you can try to make a claim for whatever you want with exceptions mainly on employment i.e Jobseekers allowance (too many migrants flitting over the channel to claim benefits),its all changed now all claims are done by phone expect 30-40 minutes on the phone,without all your paperwork on hand,you have to skip many questions which will come through the post 2-3 weeks later for correction.

    Then you will get hit with the letter that says you have been out of the UK for x number of years and now have basically prove your right of abode/residency in the UK," country of birthright,.

    Someone will contact you to make an appointment to interview you to take the HRT (Habitual Residency Test) at this stage I hadnt a clue what was involved, a few weeks later a very nice Lady came along and gave me a 1.25 hour interview/grilling, along the lines of why have you come back/ what are your reasons to be here in the first place and a hundred and one other questions.

    At this stage you are beginning to feel like an illegal immigrant (very depressing) but dont take it personal.

    However I must say I had very courtious and respectful treatment and a credit to the system, humane with it as well, when I said to the lady who's job it was to interview me"I feel bad about this and would rather not be claiming" she replied non committaly "You are a British Citizen for Gods sake" implying its your rights.

    So all you Guys out there who listen to the Know all Bar room lawyers,jobes comforters,and doom mongers,dont listen to them,you still have your Birth rights and your country behind you if needs be, lessened as they may be. If you cant go home in times of need,where the F*** can you go.If you have paid your dues in the UK all your doing is taking up your rights,which most of us have paid our dues into the system.

    Hope this posting has been of some help to someone out there.


  7. New swine flu cases down 50% in Phuket


    If one get infected they will treat you to a happy ending of your hospital visit? Now where was that coughing man I saw...

    Dale8 dont know about Thailand Medical advice,but UK medical advice is do not visit your Doctor medical centre, phone this ????????nuber for advice

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