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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Not sure but for me a non smoke I think it is a great idea can save lots of life's .

    Good on the thai government if it is true should do it in the west as well .

    You probably also think that stopping people from buying beer in the 7/11 between 2pm and 5pm is going to save loads of lives as well ?

    It will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop smokers from buying what they want they will just go elsewhere. Something that nevers seems to occur to people like yourself or the people who make these ridiculous laws

    We are not talk about drinking we are talking about smoking.

    You need to look at what smoking cost the governments in the long run with what happens to long time smoking it is a dirty habit and if I had my way I would have here like back home smokers smoke in the car park not were people eat .

    And back home the new laws come in next year no more smoking in mall and were people eat out side the best thing that can happen.

    Because people like you that smoke don't care about non smokers like me .

    Agreed and I'm a smoker. If cigarettes were introduced today and with the health effects and addiction known, they wouldn't be legal.

    I hate them. But I also love them.

  2. Thanks for advice. I have never heard of this combination calculation in the 15 yrs I have been here.

    I cannot have a married visa as Nat is a boy, and although we got married 15 years ago in a full Thai wedding, the officials told us we could not have a certificate.

    Our Wills were made here in Pattaya, and the only thing we seem to have omitted is what to do with my money if we both die. I have no dependents and Nat's family are not on my wish list for anything! They have taken, stolen, begged and borrowed for 14 years, live in Issan, and can stay there! Nat is the only good one out of a very big family. I have been so lucky all these years.

    Well thats a different story,I assumed Nat was a female!

    • Like 2
  3. drronnie, rather than look at what you perceive to be Thai attitudes on this matter, which any case rely on interpreting often subtle behaviours in a culture that is not your own, look at the attitudes to the poor here on TVF.

    This forum has a very special form of bile and disdain for anyone who falls on hard times or god forbid resorts to begging.

    Trawl through the posts referencing 'faring/expat begged/living rough/can't afford medical care .. etc'

    You'll see the worst of TVF in all its glory.

    It's always worth remembering the old adage "There but for the grace of God go I. Which should be repeated daily by those short on Empathy.

    I have seen many people in my life,who thought they were untouchable,a few bad investments,acrimonious divorce,serious downturn in business,and empathy takes

    on a new meaning,never say it will not happen to me !

  4. Sounds like Weils disease is no laughing matter !


    Diabetes is a much bigger issue with Thai food......never heard of Weils and likely will never again outside of this forum...if you want to campaign against something..make it something that helps the largest number of people not some orphan disease.

    I'm not campaigning against anything,I knew about Weils disease 30 years ago!

  5. On our last building construction I approached the situation differently.

    I gave the people operating the jackhammer a handful of disposable earplugs and the welder a cheap pair of welding goggles.

    They appreciated it and the small outlay worked in my favour.

    Welding goggles are almost as bad as sunglasses,I assume the welder was using Electric Arc,which calls for a Full face mask? and leather gloves?

    I often thought,welders in Thailand pay a high price for posing on the job, as you say skin cancer ! surely somebody in authority has told them?

  6. I don't see the problem, she was asked, she agreed. And she is effectively buying a future favour from her boss, being the "Thai" way". Who knows what her future might hold if she cooperates with her employer and proves her value to him.

    As an employee, I always did extra work when asked for no pay. Did that for three employers over 20 years, got serious promotions and pay rises.

    Eventually bought out my last employer along with some other workmates that had "can do" attitudes. Grew the company 20 fold and now we all live on the beach in various parts of the world having all retired at 49 or thereabouts.

    And now we're in the process of selling the business to the next crew of managers - blokes that we employed over the last 20 years.

    And guess what, these guys worked hard, always did more than they were asked, got pay rises and bonuses, didn't whinge or toe the party line when it came to Union involvement.....get the picture? They benefited from their extra labour in more ways than another dollar an hour or an extra day off on your birthday. Now they are all wealthy in their own right and have access to raising some serious debt to buy us out.

    Personally I have no time for whinging employees that think they are owed a living from their employer and open their Shop Steward's Handbook the minute you ask them to do one thing outside their defined job.

    Unions evolved because of employers taking the piss...

    Yea! £30 for a 40 hour week for slave labour and that was in the 80s !

  7. "In your thirties" is much too young to be virtually retired,especially to a Country like Thailand.

    Nobody can tell you what to do,the fact that you know you are in a rut,is a good start,think long and carefully what you want to do with the rest of your life!

  8. Seems there is no signs in Thailand of recycling, as yet!

    I wonder what those trash guys parked in front of my apartment for hours each night are doing with the garbage they spread all over the street, repacking it into separate bags.

    Or why the security and maintenance at my apartment separate all recyclables before the trash even makes it to the street.

    If they can make half a baht, they recycle it.

    Nobody wants the millions of plastic drinks bags strewn everywhere,or the rubbish seen on pretty well every Beach in Thailand.

  9. Charge for them (Plastic Bags) and buy a shopping bag.....wait, did'nt we do that 20 years ago....... it's working in the UK.....

    All that is working in Uk is that the supermarket chains already obscene profits are boosted by the revenue from plastic bags

    Well done.............................facepalm.gif

    What would work is if these profit hungry supermarkets gave you money back for every one of their plastic bags you returned

    on your next vist, wouldn't see plastic bags littering the roads/pavements then, BUT not profitable is it, so not going to happen

    is it?

    What is happening now is that the supermarkets no longer have to pay for the bags and are in fact making money from you and

    me for using them, they are more than happy to supply them at a profit.

    Have to agree with you Impulse this plastic bag nonsense pops up every few weeks, boring.

    It's not about profits for Supermarkets, i.e bring your own lifetime bag/or plastic bag and the Supermarket get nothing,...ecology is the key word!

  10. In the UK they have now caught on to recycling in many Supermarkets,which is: bring your own lifetime bag,or bring your own plastic bag, or pay 5p per new plastic bag!

    Seems there is no signs in Thailand of recycling, as yet!

  11. The idea is you get huge discounts on products. Not a scam unless it suckers you into buying something you don't need just because it's 'on sale' - in which case you just didn't have discipline.

    Exactly. Err..does anybody want to buy a matching pair of llamas? Cheap to a good home.

    Are they the spitting llamas,or just ordinary?


  12. Todays youth will never understand the hassle of telephone boxes,and losing your money in the poxy boxes,pressing button B for a refund,which you automatically lost by default...and all because you were interested in a job which had already gone! contact was very sparse and we learnt how to manage without instant contact,and more about passing on messages! through the grapevine.

    And then came mobiles,which cost an hours wages for a few minutes call,but made sure your GF wasn't spending her hard earned money on her new boyfriend without telling you! only because it was so expensive.

    Later on, Clever people became Computer literate,and ultimately made a fortune by contacting potential Boy Friends from around the world,and the girls sent out their best photos even if they were a few years old ,no matter, it got the ball rolling.......happy days? ....not.

    but if you are living in a village,without a phone box as many still are, a mobile must still be a luxury prize possession!

  13. Hiso is basically anyone else OP...bow your head and suck it up.

    there is no such as Hi So it's all in the mind of the one with a inflated Ego! No doubt you have met some already,the ones with their nose in the air to make sure even their own smell dosn't spoil the illusion of a perfect arrogant plonker!

  14. Reply to Post No 25

    @ Possum1931

    Yes OK, who is Global House? what I have said is true though, anyone from the UK want to back me up on this?

    Yes! absolutely true!

    My wife has seen me change three cordless mouse several months later,because they didnt perform properly! she couldnt believe it when the shop changed them instantly! with no quibbling,I can't mention the Major UK Store!

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