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Posts posted by riclag

  1. 1 hour ago, smo said:

    This is the reply I got from SS Manila:

    "The automatic enrollment in Medicare, especially for Part B, only occurs if your mailing address in the record is in the USA. But if it is a foreign address, it is not automatic. Therefore, please print the attached form CMS40B and fill it out. Upon completion, please scan it in pdf format and email it back to me.


    Please note, however, that medical expenses incurred outside of the USA are NOT covered by Medicare (except if you are enrolled in Tricare – a health insurance for US military personnel). Therefore, you can only avail Medicare if you are physically in the USA. Otherwise, if you will not be back to the USA, you will just be paying for nothing. So I hope it is clear to you.


     Part A (Hospitalization) does NOT involve any monthly premium since you already paid for it while you were working in the USA. Part B (Supplementary Medical Insurance), however, is the one that involves a monthly premium."


    From the first sentence in the reply, to be on the safe side, I deduce that I'm not signed up for part A automatically either, but then the SS rep did not give me a form to sign up for part A, as he did for part B? I wish he spelled this out but he didn't...Also there this business of the red, white and blue card mentioned on Medicare website:


    "When you’re enrolled in Medicare, you’ll get your red, white, and blue Medicare card in the mail. If you're automatically enrolled, you'll get your red, white, and blue Medicare card in the mail 3 months before your 65th birthday or your 25th month of getting disability benefits. Your Medicare card shows that you have Medicare health insurance. It shows whether you have Part A (Hospital Insurance), Part B (Medical Insurance) or both, and it shows the date your coverage starts."


    As I haven't received the welcome packet, I haven't got the Medicare card either (the SS rep did not say anything about the packet even though I had asked about it.) Has anyone got it while still living in Thailand (or anywhere abroad, ie not in the US) ?

    I realize your question is while living in Thailand!

    I believe the reason you didn't get part A is because you are automatically enrolled in Part A,like everyone else! Also once they receive that CMS 40B they will act on that whether or not you decide to accept  plan B. Then I would think you will get your Medicare card with what your eligible for .

  2. 1 hour ago, wayned said:

    Not True!  He was never investigated for collusion as it is not a crime.  He was investigated for "conspiracy to defraud the US government"  and it was found that there was insufficient evidence to charge him or any of the campaign staff with conspiracy, but they colluded with the Russians on a regular basis.  His son's meeting with the Russians was collusion but if you read the report Mueller did not charge him with conspiracy because he thought that he was too stupid to realize it.


    Rudy's meetings and his phone call is definitely collusion, but is it against the law?  Unfortunately, even if it is who is going to bring charges against him?  The only way is to impeach him and try him in the Senate and we all know the outcome of that.  His dealings with the Ukraine are an example of collusion and possibly conspiracy so don't try to sweep it under the rug.


    In the end, he knows this, and is doing it openly and is using it to be the "star" of the current news cycle.  And he is succeeding!!

    Dealings ,what dealings? who  knows the facts , someone said something about someone is  the sum total! The media and dems have for, what seems like the 20th time,finally have the golden coffin nail, that will surely result in   impeachment, cause according to them he contacted a foreign leader to have them rein in on corruption! We will learn more about biden who want's to be POTUS,than what was in a faceless ,unnamed bureaucrat interpretation of what a POTUS communication was.Much speculation as to executive privilege on whistle blowers and the office of the POTUS

    • Confused 2
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  3. 7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Who needs conspiracy theories when we have a whistleblower report?


    Lets see the report and the transcripts of its subject telephone call.


    Wriggle all you wish, this isn’t going to be swept under the carpet.

    The Post, which cited two former officials familiar with the matter, said it was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver

        A familiar accusation  by god knows who that are familiar with god knows what lol Your goin to get disappointed again by these gotcha moments, cheer up you'll get a better chance of fulfilling your fantasies in 2020

    • Confused 1
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  4. 6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Although this could be a serious allegation, I wonder if it would even move the needle.  If Trump were to have offered Putin sanction relief in exchange for $1 billion to Trump's personal account, his supporters probably still won't care.  There is something seriously wrong with these people. 



    6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Although this could be a serious allegation, I wonder if it would even move the needle.  If Trump were to have offered Putin sanction relief in exchange for $1 billion to Trump's personal account, his supporters probably still won't care.  There is something seriously wrong with these people. 

    More conspiracy theories

    • Haha 1
  5. I can only talk of my Thai culture experiences. In the past especially, it was acceptable for some to have giks and mare noi's !


    I feel lucky my wife looks at a short time interlude as a males right to have fun!

    She has no interest to  reciprocate nor feel threaten when I gaze upon a beautiful women  !

  6. 1211186607_Kavanaughlieletter.docx

    4 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Well I don't need a credible witness to prove that trump lies consistently, because it is there for all to see and is well documented.


     As for Kavanaugh, look at this excerpt from a letter sent to Kavanaugh with regards to a sworn testimony he gave to the Senate to Judiciary Committee at his nomination hearing.


    "Your sworn testimony appears inaccurate and misleading. You participated in the critical meeting in which the Administration made a decision on whether to extend access to counsel to detainees, an issue that is clearly a rule governing detention of combatants. By testifying under oath that you were not involved in this issue it appears that you misled me, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the nation".


      Also known as a lie. 


    In the letter you attached post#66 to Kavanough from (2007)  ! It says Durbin said "it appears" that you misled me"

    and asked for a explanation  for a "apparent" contradiction.


     Durbin mention nothing about lying! Nobody knows what the Judge K response was to Durbin,It was probably  satisfactory explanation because there was no purjury proceedings after! Furthermore,  Durbin  nor anyone else who sat in the 2018 questioning to Judge K never brought it up when he was questioning Judge K during the Ford /K hearings that was full of attacking his character


    Besides this 2007 letter has nothing to do with the dems  impeachment proceedings in this topic 



    • Like 2
  7. 25 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    Mine was a complete success, despite the IO having to trawl through almost the 40 pages of income detail that replaced the single embassy letter. (I'm working on trimming that for next year!)


    So no, it is not a constant failure at all and I'm certainly not the only one.

     For most countries,Rules: Retirement 800k or 65k p/m. Must have bank letter and show bank book with 800k in the bank for 3 months or show 12 months of 65k or more deposits from a foreign source.

    This is the only way to keep in step with Thailand's different IO interpretation of the new requirements.

    IMOP  it must be a terrible burden on one's mind to have that 65k watermark be met every month especially with the exchange rate being so unpredictable 

  8. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    A good thought....unfortunately, I don't think many Thais notice rubbish...it's an integral part of their everyday environment...same as dogs, loud music and bad smells.

    God forbid if they clean up their building material trash after a new house construction   before they throw down  landscaping soil on the new premises. I mention this to my Thai neighbor,she said yes many Thais throw rubbish on their own premises and not think nothing of it.

  9. 35 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    He is a hero as Assange is a great Journalist who is detained by the slave of US deep state, no better definitions or adjective goes to who arrested him and keep Assange in jail for no motive, rather to have have exposed the true to the world !

     Snowden who has exposed how people in high positions in my government (Intel and gov. agencies) have tried to undermine people's freedom's for decades ,He is a American hero ! 

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    I'm 50/50 on this.

    I have insurance for here ( accident ) but even if we travel to other countries we always buy some kind of insurance.

    I really don't understand those that come here from UK USA for example, on holiday who don't buy any insurance in any way.

    Or buy it and don't read it re' falling off a rented bike etc when they don't even have a bike licence at home. Been a few stories on that on TV.

    IMOP I oppose being "forced" or have laws that mandate a level of coverage. Most Americans who travel here have credit cards that cover accidental coverage.


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  11. 16 minutes ago, Dogberry said:

    We could not have sent her original Passport anyway as we had a long planned trip to her step daughters wedding in the states. 


    Exactly I have a similar situation.If I can get away with what you did  I'll just go back to Udon (150k away) and get her passport certified at the Thai passport office . Thanks


    Any other comments welcome

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Dogberry said:

    Yeah, I've been having a side conversation with riclag and thought I'd just bring the original post up to date. We went to whatever the Thai government Office that issues Thai passports in the first place. There she obtained a Thai government stamped, imbossed, official certified copy of her Thai passport. I think it was like maybe 500 baht? Anyway, yeah ITIN issued, with-held taxes returned to me in US Treasury check, so something worked right.


    What I don't get is if you're going to submit her original passport why in the world would it need to be certified? And by the US Consulate? It's the original document! Now I'm not saying that didn't work but IMHO is unnecessary. 500 baht or 50 bucks - it's up to you.


    PS: It was like 500 baht for same day service... it went down to something like 200 if we returned at the end of the week... 


    Well I might be going back to Udon Thaini to have a certified  copy stamped of her Thai passport at the Thai passport office rather than going to Bangkok,U S embassy, from sakon nakhon (hotel ,flight and $50 fee)

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