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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I always waited for his advice after posting Visa questions! He was always spot on reliable. Hope he didn’t suffer through his passing!
  2. .What a tangled web the bidens and the three letter agencies have created imop It’s so critical to get the subpoena docs to get a better understanding of what this one particular WB is claiming ! “The subpoena seeks all FD-1023 forms that were "created or modified in June 2020" and that contain the word "Biden," as well as any related documents and attachments”. “An FD-1023 form is generally a report about an informant and may involve someone speaking to the FBI about alleged crimes”. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-bribery-allegations-explained-what-we-know-what-we-dont-1798224
  3. Has anybody ever declined car rental companies Insurance coverage and opted for the Credit Card company loss damage waiver instead! If so have you ever had the misfortune of having to file a claim? Ive tried to buy non owner’s insurance and get added to my kids policy but that failed!
  4. Yes ,Just the mention of Whistleblowers and that they are voicing complaints ,that’s real newsworthiness. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-accused-whistleblower-bribery-scheme-foreign-national-1798194 Comer has promised to use his time as chair of the Oversight Committee to investigate "waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in the federal government," echoing several of his Republican colleagues who argue that the federal government has been "weaponized" under the Biden administration.
  5. Close to 40 c mun laawn maak loi Cut Nong Aum some slack! She’s so cute, Happy to see she’s thriving!
  6. First ,Thanks for the newsworthy thread! Whether he belongs in jail remains to be seen. It was no secret that the Gop would be on oversight offense when they won the majority in the house .It was one of the reasons why they won imop The Gop have been bragging up to 14 WB have come forward ,this appears to be one of them. Now going forward hopefully the two recent Whistleblowers will come out in the open and share their experiences,live in front of the world.
  7. Good point from the retired magistrate! Cheers
  8. Look on the bright side of this ,at least he wasn’t a jumper!
  9. Years ago at Apples ,there use to be a full house of patrons on a Friday night . I remember 1 nite a Thai lady pulling up in a car screaming in Thai at a falang as he sat with his mates nursing beer and chewing the fat. He sat quietly without a word as she started to pick up a plastic chair to hit him ,when someone took it away, she started spitting randomly at everyone! The lady Mgr. finally came out and quickly apprehended the woman!
  10. “Why number of US mass shootings has risen sharply” Some factors Distress, law and societal trends can also factor in Some experts also point to the rise in life stressors, both in general and as a result of the pandemic, especially hardships related to finances, employment or family and relationships. These issues can lead some people "to act out or respond violently", said Jaclyn Schildkraut, the interim executive director of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the non-partisan Rockefeller Institute of Government. Also worth noting people are scared and are buying guns in record numbers to protect themselves and others. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64377360
  11. Most people accept and obey police commands ,when being detained . Floyd didn’t adhere to the first attempt to detain him. If only that occurred perhaps none of this would of transpired! How many times has society been exposed to people who rather dispute commands on the street instead of in court. In the video it shows his unwillingness to obey commands. https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/derek-chauvins-attorney-argues-george-floyd-died-by-drug-overdose/
  12. I went through the first page and decided to look at the posting date! One and done and not a repeat . Happy to hear it was resolved . Probably not to everyone’s liking imop What happened to the deviant bank rep?
  13. We are going to Bakersfield, Ca to visit my kids at the end of the month. My wife’s sister is living in Wisconsin, she told my wife to register our marriage when we get to there. My wife knows we aren’t going to live in the states as long as Im alive. Whats the sense of this request by her sister? side: she has a b1/b2 for 10 yrs
  14. “In that short time, Musk has provoked a reaction that tells us much about the power dynamic in this country, how it is dominated by one side of the political spectrum and how that side demands that it, and no one else, controls the national narrative”. A billionaire who does not share the left’s politics took over Twitter, one of the major social-media platforms” https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/philboas/2022/12/20/elon-musk-didnt-ruin-twitter-exposed-democrats-appetite-control/69741108007/ Happy Musk lives in the heads of the other side.
  15. Has t mobil introduced 5g sims ? Is it possible that these carriers would do this ,phasing out 4gsims that are only compatible with 4 & 5g phones? Im curious cause Im going to the states in 3 weeks and I would buy one . Im going to buy the ultra mobile pay as you go $3 dollar plan sim to supplement my mintmobile sim.
  16. So sorry about your relationship! Run to a lawyer without haste ! Discuss your legal options! Avoid any kind of argumentative confrontation with your wife. 75 , just when you think you have all your ducks in a row!
  17. update ,on the threat $80K reward offered in manhunt for Texas shooting suspect reportedly in US illegally. The 38-year-old fugitive was in the US illegally and was previously deported, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement source told Fox News Digital. He has re-entered the country “multiple” times with his last ICE encounter dating back to 2016, the source said. https://nypost.com/2023/04/30/80k-reward-offered-in-search-for-francisco-oropesa-in-texas/
  18. Sorry didn’t know that ,Ill check it out! Thanks
  19. Can you speak about your experience ? “worked wonders for me”. Where was your procedure performed at? Curious . Thanks
  20. Thanks for that explanation. “A gun is just a useless piece of steel without the mind set behind the trigger” ! Madeline Brame
  21. Another criminal who broke the law!imop For starters,this sick drunk mexican national disregarded Texas law by consuming alcohol and firing a gun. The neighbors asked him to stop shooting in his yard,while the kids slept.Puzzling ,why didnt they call the cops. Millions and millions of gun owners shoot weapons in a safe responsible way. Again why punish millions and millions of responsible citizens who obey the laws. https://nypost.com/2023/04/29/texas-shooting-suspect-armed-and-dangerous-on-the-run/ These laws are in place to protect both gun owners and other people. https://onlinetexasltc.com/legality-of-carrying-a-firearm-while-under-the-influence-of-alcohol/
  22. More economic bad news. Another one ,this time even bigger! “The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is preparing to place First Republic Bank (FRC.N) under receivership imminently, a person familiar with the matter said on Friday, sending shares of the lender down nearly 50% in extended trading. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/first-republic-shares-gain-hopes-rescue-deal-2023-04-28/
  23. The lady of our house agrees! She was very upset after hearing the news! “Dtaai” Its beyond heinous imop If found guilty I think A heinous act perpetrated intentionally should be treated with similar punishment! Imop
  24. For obvious reasons, it’s impossible to say for sure whether SVB might have been able to survive in an alternate universe without the 2018 rollback. And any bank collapse has numerous complex causes. So experts and advocates are divided on the extent to which the Trump law played a role in SVB’s downfall. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/14/politics/facts-on-trump-2018-banking-deregulation/index.html First Republic Bank financial dilemma is all during bidens watch not Trumps. Nice try trying to deflect “all the blame on Trump”.
  25. First Republic Stock Crashes To All-Time Low As Biden Officials Reportedly Scramble To Save Bank Another one reeling. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2023/04/25/first-republic-stock-crashes-to-all-time-low-as-biden-officials-reportedly-scramble-to-save-bank/?sh=4bea3c1e30b1
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