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Everything posted by riclag

  1. riclag

    Isaan Woman

    Steve is looking for consultations. so far you and a few others have given good advice based on experience! Thanks
  2. riclag

    Isaan Woman

    Hope you didn’t spend as much as you could afford to lose! I lived with the young lady for 8 years while going back and forth to the states! I knew nothing was certain from life and women! Got married , built a house and the only downside are the 7 small yappers living next garden over from us. I don’t know how unhappy you are but tell her your issues and take a holiday without her , for rest and relaxation. Nobody likes to be yelled at thats for sure and when you come back maybe she can see her relationship with you in a better light. If not , go, get out!
  3. They pulled out everything from their Sakon Nakhon Robinsons mall facilities many months ago while the other major banks are still there! No atm and no store front in the largest commercial area besides the city center Big C! Daftly incredible.
  4. Let the left throw “rules of debate” out the window because some radical dems refuse to align to the order of parliamentary proceedings . cant imagine the chaos there would be with out rules!
  5. Im not going off topic nice try but I will say according to the Story from the local rag ! The dems have a opportunity to return. “Despite the high-profile expulsions, the three could technically return to the House within days”.
  6. Go rewatch the video I posted,its all there!Pay attention to the clerks charges as he reads them off!
  7. Uh the race card! They had a lengthy debate on the floor ! The accused broke the rules!
  8. Did it occur to you they broke the rules of decorum “on the house floor”. The recession is irrelevant!
  9. I watched 7 hours of the debate on the floor of the house! It all centered around a protest outside the chamber with 3 dem house reps shouting and chanting at the podium ! The debate centered around house rules of decorum being abused! The 3 dems would not admit their role in wrongdoing ( deliberately taking the podium without permission). 2 of the three were expelled by a two thirds vote!
  10. Neg results,Im happy for you Simon!
  11. biden assistant Kathy chung contradicts WH claims about his post vp dc office docs where in a lock closet and also revealed that WH counsel sought to recover the docs in May 2022. prior reports claimed November! I remember biden claims and criticisms during a 60 minutes interview in September and all the while according to this article his people were quietly looking for docs in May not November . https://nypost.com/2023/04/04/biden-aide-kathy-chung-refutes-classified-docs-locked-closet-spin/
  12. Why 2 sims ,In case one gets damaged or something?
  13. Now that Tmobile has purchased(gobbled up)ultramobile and mintmobile, do you anticipate a rate increase or radical changes ? Just curious on your thoughts J https://www.t-mobile.com/news/business/t-mobile-to-acquire-mint-and-ultra-mobile#
  14. Please provide a link to your claim that judge Juan Merchan campaigned for Trump's imprisonment. The poster didnt claim that, . They said: “Trump faces: prosecution by a politician who campaigned for his imprisonment; a judge with familial ties to Biden/Harris;” https://nypost.com/2023/03/23/da-bragg-boasted-during-campaign-about-suing-trump/
  15. My wife showers ( covers herself)with talc as do many up here in Issan .To keep cool and for appearance. They also use bpaaeng( powder) heavily during Songkran festivities. Growing up in the states we hardly used it . I got married , had kids and used it during diaper changes! When I ended up in Thailand I was astonished at all the uses by Thais. I doubt this news will change Thai behavior and curtail its use.
  16. My Sao sum noi ( young lady) thinks “ they” will find something to accuse Thaksin for just like in your country! Better not come. Imop if thats true what she says ,Thaksin would have to prove his innocence while being held captive. Aint know way “ they”will allow Thaksin to leave again.Issan people love the guy too much, thats for sure.
  17. You said: I sometimes wonder though how many times his supporters will see the light right in front of them and still not see it. I cant speak for all of his supporters but judging from many of the conservative sites and the last two weeks of experts discussing bragg / danials with all of its failed past attempts , federally and locally ( NYSD) to get Trump on the NDA charge,many supporters will never see the light or accept a dem elected official/ prosecutor from a heavily democrat infested jurisdiction and his sponsors attempt to take down the opposition leader through political persecution imop I anticipated the worse case scenario ( formal criminal accusations)in the NYSD court only because of the ham sandwich rule so often discussed by legal experts such as Turley and Dershowitz. I Being a American Independent voter who once voted in 2008 for Obama want to support the republic and the Constitution through the political process by choosing and helping finance a candidate like Trump who opposes the radical lefts agenda. I expect appeals and final conclusions to be decided by a higher court.Oh by the way,Ron DeSantas is a Paul Ryan sycophant imop https://nypost.com/2023/03/25/andrew-cuomo-blasts-alvin-bragg-probe-of-trump/
  18. There you go again ! Just being a beacon of truthfulness ! You are a inspiration!
  19. Your conclusions have put a new meaning to connecting the dots! You apparently have been listening to all the experts about the formal accusations. Its the radical left in New York attempting to sway public opinion again imop Listening to all the experts like Turley and Dershowitz the last few weeks has given me more confidence to reject the radical left attempts to arrest the leading candidate of their opposition party! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-lawmakers-slam-potential-trump-indictment-third-world-banana-republic-lunacy
  20. My favorite tech geek and free speech champion Elon ,says pause AI. Judging by the answer you got on tutes ,I agree. https://apnews.com/article/artificial-intelligence-chatgpt-risks-petition-elon-musk-steve-wozniak-534f0298d6304687ed080a5119a69962
  21. “Did the missiles not stop flying after Trump visited” In all seriousness,Dialogue by Mr. Trump and a reduction in war games was used successfully ! “Opting to end these drills with South Korea is part of President Donald Trump’s plan to foster a more positive relationship with North Korea, the officials said”. see original post from the military times on page 1
  22. We were always together. Later on in life I talked to her about this! Hey ma, why didn’t you come get me when I was crying in my crib! She said she was down stairs and probably didn’t hear me.Apparently after tucking me in she often went to visit her mom on the first floor. Thanks for asking .
  23. We lived in a three decker (3 floor apartment house) .My moms parents on the 1st , My family on the second. Aunt & Uncle family on the third. I was standing in my crib crying for my mom for what seemed like a long time. I eventually laid back down and cried myself back to sleep. Till this day it brings back ,sadness . Wow crazy huh ????
  24. If you got a phone with a Thai sim card just call the hotel and hand the phone off o the taxi driver! If no thai sim just give the hotel phone # to them.
  25. Is there a toy version,Candy Apple red for me please!
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