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Everything posted by riclag

  1. “Hale was a former student at the school, and police confirmed Hale cancelled plans to target another school in the same area as it had too much security”. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/three-kids-and-four-adults-including-gunwoman-dead-in-us-private-school-shooting/news-story/66ea66aa9a965cc641738c631f95587a Protecting courts and banks must be secondary to Protecting schools from people who snap !
  2. Hale left a manifesto ! Hope the Fbi can figure the motive! Sick Sick mentality disturbed individual! https://www.foxnews.com/us/nashville-shooter-audrey-hale-transgender-woman-opened-fire-covenant-school
  3. Sure do miss the former Potus deescalation attempts with rocket man . The world in general was a much safer place compared to now,under this moron. I wonder if rocket man would ever consider meeting 46. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/03/01/trump-admin-to-end-major-military-exercises-with-south-korea-report/
  4. Not much to go on as to the reason these people went there. Is it possible they didnt get a good quality wacky weed batch from a prior sale and wanted a return on their purchase?
  5. Whats your contract say! My contract allowed 1 month for the landlady to return the Security Deposit !
  6. So happy they exposed the nationalities, and not just reported FALANGS!
  7. I watched sports all my life , amateur and professional! I particularly enjoy watching world summer and winter games. I like men competing against other men and women competing against other women. I don’t want it any other way!
  8. What is it with you , I didnt say you couldn’t post!
  9. I liked your comment very much it was very well articulated. So whats your thoughts on the far left’s accusations about the Louisville Slugger bat photo?
  10. Ok thanks, Doesn’t the op want to avoid filing a FBAR ? If he has money over $10k even for 1 day he has to file, right. Im just saying!
  11. Ihave a question you mentioned The agent deposits funds and withdraw. Whos bank account is the agent depositing in? I never used a agent and don’t intend to but just curious .
  12. From the article: Republicans hold supermajorities in the state House and Senate, so Democrats have no power to even slow the GOP from approving the measure. The new proposal, and “24 hour law,” are strong indicators that some GOP-led states will continue to crack down on abortions in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe. Elections have consequences. The voters by majority elected these politicians in Fla to represent them, I wish the opposition media would respect the consequences of their decisions when enforcing law.imop
  13. The thread quickly turned Political ! Protest pics ,Trans , alphabet people ,religion ,political parties . Oh my
  14. Some good advice and some …never mind! Go to the police you got nothing to gain by sticking your tail between your legs! In the future get everything in writing and take pictures of the facilities! side note : Many years ago I did have a contract and the owner tried to weasel out of paying me my 10k security deposit back ,in Sakon Nakhon! My GF at the time didn’t want to complain (lose face issues) but I pressed on . The next time I came back from the states the landlord gave me a free rental until the 10k was covered with no security !
  15. From the source article In response, Jordan, Comer and Steil said their inquiry is legitimate because “the potential criminal indictment of a former President of the United States by an elected local prosecutor of the opposing political party (and who will face the prospect of re-election) implicates substantial federal interests”. Bragg didnt have all of his ducks in a row , now he’s forced to rethink the whole matter. Happy to see this has become a election issue. Winning the majority in the House after the midterm by the Gop was so important for America ! After inviting Mr Trump to come infront of the GRand JURY, he didn’t expect to have the convicted felon liar Cohen’s lawyer produce evidence that Cohen took it upon himself to settle Stormys NDA. https://nypost.com/2023/03/22/2018-letter-shows-michael-cohen-lying-to-federal-officials/
  16. Good luck “ with all that $hit” , cancer and needles that could cause infection! Hound these people everyday till you get your results.
  17. I dont think TC and Fox has much to worry about imop! One minute Epps is on a poster ,the next poster his name is gone. “Magically, Mr. Epps disappeared from the public posting.“According to public records, Mr. Epps has not been charged with anything. No one’s explained why a person videoed urging people to go to the Capitol, a person whose conduct was so suspect the crowd believed he was a fed, would magically disappear from the list of people the FBI was looking at.” https://nypost.com/2022/01/11/cruz-rips-fbi-on-capitol-riot-conspiracy-theory-at-senate-hearing/
  18. We personally dont have dogs in the moo baan ma(dog village )that we reside in but the neighbor who lives next to me has a chihuahua along with 6 other varieties of dogs . I must admit none of his other small yappers can hold a dog bone to the chihuahua . Its mouth is on alert 24/7! My friend also has them at his estate but his are trained to shut up after several hand claps! Good luck hope this helps
  19. Taking my bride to visit my kids soon ! I sold my car in California in 2019 before coming to Thailand to stay on a Marriage extension visa or whatever its called , Non O immigration visa based on marriage. We are going for a couple of weeks and considering on renting a car but Im suspicious of rental car companies insurance purchasing tactics. Anybody been to the states recently with a similar experience in renting a car especially in California? I was thinking of buying my own car insurance instead of the car rental companies.
  20. Didnt even know this was on the burner 555 Thanks
  21. I dont think the teachers should be disciplining kids!They should approach the children with stern warnings ! If it continues then the parents have to be informed ! If continued the parents must be disciplined !
  22. Why dont you have your wife send it to the IO and ask “ good enough” ?
  23. I ve never tuned in to watch it ! I see enough of it on Tucker segments ,if you know what I mean!
  24. In December we went on Vacation to Phuket from Issan! Just so you know I used all kinds of mind altering drugs in the past except for meth/ice. I did notice a huge presence of pot establishments in Patong and thought that they would over take the massage shops, as far as commercial establishments! What was concerning to me was watching the parasailing staff on the beach smoking blunts and carrying on.imop That being said many Thai children aren’t supervised properly ! The grans let these kids do as they please while the mother is off working! I don’t want cannabis being used willy nilly especially when kids have access to it! Phuket is a fun place but beware! Thai culture isn’t ready for a cannabis society !Maybe the tourists spots but not everywhere in Thailand! Just my opinion.
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