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Everything posted by riclag

  1. For 10 years the definition of insanity has played out in real time by the leftest!
  2. Anytime a America First POTUS gets a chance to expose the lunacy of the radicals in the Dem party that supported terrorism , men competing as women in sports ,open borders,is good!
  3. The 47 th POTUS ,State of the Union address , has concluded. Sergeant of Arms for the first time had to remove a dem from the proceedings. Resist tee shirts being worn by Cultural Marxist members in the Dem Party. Some Dems protested by not attending. Some held signs up-in protests despite it not allowed. Radical progressives clapping for war. The international crowd got a taste of the party that use be liberals,transformed into war mongers radical lunatics who opened the borders to the same mind set. https://www.wfft.com/news/politics/rep-al-green-removed-from-house-chamber-as-some-democrats-ignore-party-guidance-and-seize/article_5734a0ed-5d61-5627-becb-0ea272add675.html Story based on a report by Wfft news
  4. Lefties are losing it!
  5. Sometimes , don’t you get a uncanny feeling that these comments are all coordinated by others. “Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the FBI and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and FBI policy,” Dennehy wrote last month, adding he was preparing to “dig in.” https://edition.cnn.com/2025/03/03/politics/james-dennehy-fbi-new-york-division-retire/index.html There are FBI WB that exposed your activist “dig in” obstruction Jimmy ! Also worth mentioning he sounds like another Jimmy thats being investigated .
  6. She assigned Patel to investigate why all the work product wasn’t included in her initial request! Bureaucrats thinking they know whats best, must be held accountable too.
  7. The rally cry of the Cultural Marxist! Trump is a fascist! Make America Great Again is Hitlerism!
  8. I concur,I have one too! I use it for when my wife invites her Thai girl friends over for dinner .Most are married to Socialist/ cultural Marxist supporters from European countries , that tag along with their spouses ! That brush cleans up the dirt , grime & scum with very little effort.
  9. The head of the NY office caught holding back work files and alike. When are the bureaucrats gonna learn? https://nypost.com/2025/03/04/us-news/ag-pam-bondi-says-truckload-of-evidence-related-to-epstein-case-has-been-delivered-to-fbi-hq/
  10. I think many can honestly say , this won’t be the last of the malfeasance exposed by a weaponized justice department , much more to come. “The departure comes just days after Attorney General Pam Bondi suggested the FBI’s New York Field Office was responsible for withholding thousands of pages of documents related to Jeffrey Epstein”. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-official-fbi-new-york-field-office-forced-retire The story based on a FoxNews report!
  11. 3 years of Americans paying out and Z cant account for a big chunk.
  12. More rubbish, from the people of the oppressed & divest. Usa: As of 2011, there were 460 gambling operations run by 240 tribes,[1] with a total annual revenue of $27 billion.[2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_gaming and govt freebies . https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/15-native-american-tribes-to-receive-580-million-in-federal-money-for-water-rights-settlement#:~:text=The Navajo Nation%2C which spans,the “role that tribal governments …
  13. Who knows what tasks their conscripts would be willing to to perform. https://nypost.com/2024/09/16/us-news/ryan-wesley-routh-was-rejected-as-wack-job-in-ukraine-sources/
  14. Chicago is run by the Cultural Marxist who took over the party of JFK. @Harrisfan do you ever think you would see these people who sympathize with extremism give gratitude to Trump in your life time?
  15. Everything about the left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything. Everything is 'Wag the Dog.' Everything is a structured deception. Rush Limbaugh Before I became a jewelry entrepreneur I drove Semi’s for 20 years! 5 days a week between 12& 3pm. I became aware of the femenazi’s , the mind numb robots and the drive by activists pretending to be journalists ! Indoctrinated by the GOAT, consrervitive patriot .
  16. I loved to see a cardboard cut out Of Rush ,up in the bleacher seats during the State of the Union address tonight! He was a mentor & inspiration.
  17. German , Norway , Canadian acquaintances of mine are anti Trump. One Norway guy hates illegal migration and wished the assassins didn’t miss. The German guy hates Trump cause all his leftist friends hate him. The Canadian, loves the status quo. When we sit together at dinner mums the word on Politics. The globalist leftist are getting paid back for 4 years of “We are the ones to make a brighter day so lets start giving” By using forced migration in the west. Elections have Consequences!
  18. I assume this is about our neighborhood , North America! We are literally getting killed by drugs and illegal migrants. No mention of that Right,Mr.Buffet.
  19. Activist pretending to be journalists, all looking from the outside, in. Joy Reid took it hard ! Goodbye Joy Lester Holt -NBC is another! More to come Based on a story reported by Senior reporter of Realclearinvestigations.com
  20. Thats a sure fire way to get some accountability! The left will never accept it because it comes from a Trump administration! I think whistleblowers are gonna be useful here , along with low hanging intel agents implicated in the cover up!
  21. Ripe : “An internal investigation at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services found Venezuelan gang members, dead people and stolen identities being listed as applicants. One case even used former first lady Michelle Obama’s passport number”. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/welfare-recipients-criminals-allowed-sponsor-illegal-immigrants-under-biden
  22. The system is ripe for fraud, waste and abuse! Can someone steal your social security number according to to AI , yes. How widespread is Social Security fraud? There are two common types of Social Security fraud involving immigration: When people who aren’t eligible for a Social Security number either steal one or create a false one so they can try to get a job in the U.S., and when people who aren’t eligible for Social Security or Medicare benefits use a fraudulent name or Social Security number to claim benefit payments. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/10/01/vance-fixing-social-security-requires-addressing-immigration-fraud.html
  23. You gave it away ! You aren’t American and you don’t have a dog in the fight! Think of it like this! Im American and i can tell you that millions of Americans are over the age of 100.(unbelievable) The new administration is investigating whether they’re collecting old age Social Security Security Benefits, or Social Security Disability Benefits. “Later, in a post on X, Musk posted a picture of a spreadsheet he said was from the Social Security database showing the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to false. It showed more than 17 million such records for people over the age of 100”. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/acting-social-security-chief-opens-up-doge-claims-dead-people-receiving-benefits Furthermore starting in 2023 through April 2024, 3 billion records were breached in the largest Database breach in history ,among the breach, were millions of USA social security numbers found on the dark web. Im one of those victims. https://www.strongdm.com/what-is/national-public-data-breach The above happened and there was no investigation or extreme curiosity as to the Reason. If you are collecting disability benefits, your friends might be legally scrutinized under a legal review process . https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/text-cdrs-ussi.htm
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