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Everything posted by riclag

  1. No doubt! When my Daughter was in HS , she had a English test and she was texting her mother the questions live! Some of the Thai/ English teachers had no clue on proper learning techniques ! How should you speak to a Thai student who has a difficult time understanding English conversation ?Should you converse in pigeon talk or use proper vocabulary? imop
  2. It can be Sad & Hard sometimes when one’s heart gets disturbed! Speedy recovery to this young man!
  3. Much easier to arrest a proud British lad who has captured the hearts of UK past !The Cultural Marxist started this Globalization push! God speed to the Tommie’s of the world! imop
  4. The link i used from here for Youtube premium says free for 1 month than $18.99 p/m after! https://www.youtube.com/paid_memberships Didnt somebody mention 159 bht p/m?
  5. “ Well can't really say what was justified or I might get suspended, complaints are not necessarily nasty, most were just statements of how they had been treated and why they were not happy about it”. Havent been on TD but ive been on Reddit and the other! The admin here would be wise to check out the Pulse of opinions formed about them and AN general wellness. A perfect business tool, honest discussion of likes & dislikes about mods and their Ad popups etc!
  6. Back to the emoji crisis again & again & … I’ve been here(forum )long enough to realize some people just can’t get a long with others comments & opinions. Thumbs 👍 Thumbs down 👎 . Everything else including the anonymous posting of them, is ridiculous! imop
  7. Come on UN , step up and show you got a pair! Qatar hosted the World Cup recently , no doubt in my mind some of those Hamas elites made a killin! UN should shame them into covering these Thai’s expenses! imop
  8. you might have something there! In my world, anytime a journalist reports events without voicing activism , is newsworthy!
  9. So true! My ex father in law ( American)had Diabetes! His daughters always beat him down when they found his Stash of sweets! I loved that guy!
  10. No accountability, no responsibility! Dont accept checks in Thailand!
  11. Kennedy Jr. supports issuing reparations to the black community, making him the most prominent 2024 candidate to favor the controversial policy meant to atone for slavery and legal segregation. President Biden has largely been silent on the issue, leading to frustration among the far left. https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/rfk-jr-comes-out-for-reparations-forging-lane-to-bidens-left/# I cant see Gop/ conservatives voting for him , while holding this in his bag of neo political rhetoric!
  12. I previously gave this a look and only read the words! I didn’t pick up the Nazi sign interwoven with the Star of David until someone mentioned it on another platform! Sick !
  13. He claims there are some Hamas organizers,linked in the Organizing efforts! He claims this a a deliberate attempt to undermine Uk’s Armistice Day remembrance! I agree! I watched the whole interview ,cheers Murray! Hamas is a terrorist organization,Terror associated propaganda has no place in a peaceful protest .
  14. Thats very true ! I prefer slim! My Mrs said that Some Thais consider skinny as poor !
  15. So my wife’s mom asked her great granddaughter why she didn’t finish all of her food on her plate ! August( 7 year old granddaughter answered) , Da Licky mai Chaawp kon uaan! Imop Ya gotta teach them young!
  16. Thats a Bingo on your third point! The intolerant left which are plenty here , use it to passively troll with impunity for the most part!
  17. Ping pong capabilities! My wife would say that lady has good magic!
  18. The problem is this guy like others can be set free on good “prison” behavior after a short period in jail,only to possibly commit more heinous acts to society again ! Good “ prison” time is no deterrent! What he did, if true & found guilty shocks the conscious of “most law loving folks”. Death a thousand times for sexual violence on a baby(4 years old).
  19. Welcome to Thailand , where “some” havent learned proper manners !
  20. Whats wrong with your eyes? “I enjoy cutting my grass , its good exercise”!
  21. I live up here in Sakon Nakhon . I lived here full time for 5 years! I enjoy cutting my grass , its good exercise! I bought a new Euro petrol powered 22 inch mower over 4 years ago at Watsadu. Difficult to get parts! Sometimes months in waiting My next mower will be a brand with parts easily obtainable! That being said, How about Hasqvarna? Any suggestions ? Your thoughts?
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