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Posts posted by monkeygirl

  1. the female backpackers are repulsive, walking around in their little tops with no bra and fat rolls dangling off or just skinny and dirty, unwashed hair. it's a conservative country, they should show some respect. brit girls especially seem quite slutty, hitting on anything that will look at them... don't know how they get any play here though with all the pretty thai girls around. :o

  2. Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

    I have not been there yet Did you feel anything strange?? I have the first anniversary ceremonies on tape and when they started reading names it got very windy all of a sudden :o My mom said it was the people who died during the attacks :D

    I saw Ground Zero a year after 9/11. Didn't feel anything, although you can probably make yourself feel something. It was a huge ###### hole. Can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like standing around there that day.

    Did get lots of chills at Dachau, but then again, it was winter in Germany....

  3. Nothing worse than all those overweight Farang girls, strutting their stuff in Thailand....yuk.......

    They should all be weighed at Bangkok International cust/imm ...any over 52 kg..

    entry denied..... :D

    Well in that case they should deny entry to all the fat, balding, old farang guys with less than 10 million baht in their bank account.

    Monkeygirl calm down :D there will come a time when they weigh them in when they arrive at don muang :o

    Please, the ones with speedos in their suitcases....

  4. i'm disgusted by the relationship between the US and Thailand. the US is a bully and doesn't care who is left in the wake of its maddening path, whether it is its own people or those of another country.

    i wonder how come millions come to live on the bully's land though :o please don't mix the government with the US people monkeygirl.

    heck, i'm a us citizen :D exercising my right to disagree with the government!

  5. Nothing worse than all those overweight Farang girls, strutting their stuff in Thailand....yuk.......

    They should all be weighed at Bangkok International cust/imm ...any over 52 kg..

    entry denied..... :o

    Well in that case they should deny entry to all the fat, balding, old farang guys with less than 10 million baht in their bank account.

  6. Contact Soi Dog Rescue in BKK, they not only work with stray dogs but also Wats and Children's homes where there are dogs living with the orphans. They are a great organisation and you can help both the dogs or through them help the kids there. www.soidogrescue.org.

    Also see:




    Bless you for helping this country instead of using it and taking from it like some of the other foreigners who visit and live here.

  7. I am half thai half farang, but i look like i am only farang to about 9 out of 10 people. grew up in farang countries, so only dated farangs and am actually kind of repulse by others. interesting how the half/half males go for the thai women. all the half/half females i have met go for farang boyfriends.

    do you mostly get spoken to in thai or english? are you more nationalistic to one country or the other?

  8. lmao. just send her on the course, it's cheap and fun and you can go too and sit in the back seat. they know where to take you to learn to avoid other cars and if she gets in an accident, it's not your car that's dinged up.

  9. All good tips, just adding:

    1. if you've never crated before, start doing it NOW before you go, a little each day, so they get more comfortable and aren't traumatized

    2. you can put one of those giant gerbil water bottles on the cage so they can lick the water off, instead of using a water bowl that will for sure spill and not only leave them wet, but with no water -- don't think that anyone is going to care for them en route, if they do, you got lucky

    3. try to fly in cooler weather but not cold -- many dogs die on hot runways and other areas where they are put before they are loaded

    4. most airlines allow a max of two small dogs or cats inside the cabin but it is a first-come, first-serve thing, so contact the airline well ahead of time and find out their policy

    About the birds, contact your vet, the airlines and the Thai embassy/consulate. it probably won't be a problem, but with avian flu (although gone now), they may have initiated some new rules.

    it's so awesome there's no quarantine in thailand or in the US for pets. kudos to these countries and kudos to you for shipping your pet instead of abandoning it!! i hope some day the UK will stop being buttheads and lift their 6 month quarntine between thailand and them.

  10. yeah, these are pretty freak accidents though. you should know what the heck you are doing when you dive and if you don't, then dive with a guide. padi lets people get certs when they are so not ready! okay it's another thing if the people running the boat are incompetent and don't even know you're not back yet!!

  11. Hey just seeing if there are other half Thai/half Farangs living here. Do you prefer to date Thais or Farangs or both? I'm married to a Farang, never been interested in Thais. I also look just like a Farang, got the white genes.

  12. what were these women wearing that they could be mistaken? i have seen some girls in the malls walking with farang that just had to be hookers from the way they were dressed. i was embarrassed for them.

    my mother is thai and has always dressed very well, she is upper class, and has no problems getting respect in thailand, even when she was young and with my dad. getting respect overseas is a heck of a lot harder. americans are incredibly racist.

  13. kee neaw means sticky shit

    slang meaning that you are so stingy that you don't even want to let go of shit, so your shit comes out sticky because you are trying to hold onto it because you own it, like you are stingy with your money or anything else.

  14. I don't feel the need to get my GF checked for STD's - you can judge how much of a slapper a girl is by how careful she is when you first start having sex, how much concern she shows the first time you stop wearing a condom and how much she's into sex in the first place.

    However, the contraceptive injection is something we need to get done and she keeps putting it off because it will hurt... Diddums.

    Just because someone is not a prostitute or they look concerned when you don't want to wear a condom, etc., doesn't mean that they don't have HIV or some other STD. If she's going bareback with you, she would with someone else too. And even if she didn't, there are accidents and other ways of contracting diseases as well. Even a 'good girl' could have caught it from someone else and not even know she has anything. To top that off, a woman can still contract herpes and HPV while using a condom.

  15. you know, i speak thai fluently with no accent, as a native would speak it, i am half thai so i grew up speaking it. however, i am very white, people cannot believe i am half and half and when i speak thai sometimes people look at me like i'm an alien and try to speak english back to me!! i think that when they expect english to come out of your mouth, they are concentrating sooooo hard on understanding your english that they don't even realize it when you are speaking thai!! it doesn't happen often, but it has happened a few times and taken several minutes for people to absorb and understand that i am speaking thai to them. must be even harder when you do have a 'farang' accent.

  16. when i was 16 i took driver's education here at a shop. they charge more for girls because supposedly we learn slower!! can u believe it? then they were shocked that i learned faster than the boys, but of course no refund on the difference!! didn't need a learner's permit or anything but that was almost 15 years ago...

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