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Posts posted by Pontare

  1. Thanks for the opinions. I'm specifically looking to untie some of the many muscle knots all over my body, and I am all for some pain if there is gain. Feeling my shoulders you would think they were made of burmese teak, muscles should be soft when not flexed. Do any of you have some highly recommended places in Bangkok?

  2. I have great fate in the therapeutic effects of a good Thai massage. But it seems they are different every place I get them. Some places I can easily fall asleep, while others makes me want to scream in pain. How should a good Thai massage be? Should it hurt? If you base your opinion on actual knowledge on the subject, please say so, as I guess most opinions will be based purely on personal preferences. And yeah, I'm talking about clean massages, so please keep it polite, as threads seem to be closed down easily these days.

  3. Narin near soi 10 and Tanika between soi 14 and 12 actually do the craftmanship in-house. They are more expensive than the indian-run ones, but the only ones I've been to that deserves to call themselves tailors. A suit would probably start at between 12-20.000 I went to much-regarded Rajawasong for some shirts, I was not very happy with them. They were unresponsive to my wishes and they managed to disregard all the ones I did get trough for the first fitting.

  4. In the large discos that opens up after all the other places in town have to close, how many of the Thai girls there would you reckon are working girls? Some, all or none? It can be confusing trying to figure out who’s what.

  5. Cheers BuckarooBanzai, thanks to you I found the place. They didn't have Massaman, but served up one of the best red duck curries I've had in Thailand. So well worth looking for.

    I'm still just as confused about the numbers though. I thought some of the numbers ment it was in a soi, but it was facing the main street. Oh well...

  6. So this eatery is supposed to serve up a great Massaman, and I live right next to it. But how the hell do I find it? I have no idea what the numbers in the address is telling me. This is more about learning the address system in Bangkok than finding the restaurant, although the two are obviously intertwined. The address in question:Baan Ajarn Restaurant, 107/7-8 Soi Rangnam Rd.

  7. Thai people leave much of the communication up to the listener. So when you ask a question, the Thai will answer and expect you to fill in the blanks. Since you are a farang with no training in filling in the blanks of a thai, you will think they have avoided the question, when in fact they think they made themselves as clear as they needed to be.

    This could be a problem on the thais behalf if they were living in our country, then they should learn to communicate on our terms. Since we are in Thailand, best to learn how to interpret their completely adequate answers.

  8. Thai's practice forward thinking just like all humans do to the degree that is necessary. My wife's family back in the village grow rice and store it for the season. Her aunt has a wonderful organic farm with a fish pond that produces an array of produce. Her uncle is one of the cleverest people I've seen who can seem to make anything out of nothing. Everywhere I go I see day after day Thai's trying to be great at their jobs and create a future. You just have to look at the big picture.

    The other extreme is farang who live for tommorow. Those poor souls miss experencing today. I know far more farang who live for the elusive carrot sacrificing their health and their balance.

    Spot on. Have any of you guys grown rice? No? Well, let me tell you that you won't be able to get much rice out of the field if you lack the ability to plan ahead. It seems like most of you guys left your head back in the west.

  9. Thanks for great advices, keep the coming I'm sure this is a topic many can find helpful.

    Buy an new Laptop dude. This time with Thai characters and programs installed.

    The day I can afford to buy a new MacBook just to get Thai characters on the keyboard is the day I will buy everyone posting in this thread a round of belgium beer at an overpriced Thong-Lor club.

  10. I don't have an adress up an running yet. They found nasty stuff in creatine in Norway, so I wouldn't feel to safe here. At least I need to know that it is creatine I'm buying and not flour.

    Then go to the GNC shop your overpaying a lot but if you dont have an adress you are safe there.

    Cheers :)

  11. อ่าน ๆๆๆๆๆ หนังสือไงครับ

    I'll do some reading, but that doesn't bring good pronunciation and listening skills.

    Thanks for the ANKI tip, it seems like a great tool, and there's quite a few modules downloadable. Is there any of them that are especially recommended?

    And for something just slightly related, where can one buy Thai letters to stick on a western keyboard?

  12. Hi! I'm trying to learn Thai. I've been living here for some months, and I'm meeting Thai friends two-three times a week. But I struggle with a limited vocabulary. What is the best methodology to increase ones vocabulary?

    I have a dictionary and can read Thai letters, but just finding words in the dictionary and trying to remember them by writing them down/saying them out loud doesn't quite do the trick for me. I am hoping to learn 5-10 new words a day.

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