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Posts posted by Gillespie

  1. OK, let's cast reality to the wind and assume that Thailand can sort the language issue out within, um, three years.

    We still have the problem that the Thai education system is based on rote memorisation and mechanical box-ticking, and prioritises knowing one's place and respecting one's superiors above any form of critical thinking.

    "OK, Somchai, how do we build a safe, durable, affordable bridge across that river?"

    "My ajarn he say the answer is C."

    • Like 2
  2. From a Thai physics paper:

    Q: If Thai electricity is not behaving in the approved manner, should you:

    a. Pour water on it

    b. Go to the wat and make merit

    c. Smile shyly and pretend you have an urgent appointment on the other side of town

    d. Blame the previous government (or better still, Cambodia)

    e. Go out and play football with a friend of the opposite sex

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  3. You see that, you bloated, pink-faced former insurance salesman from Basingstoke, your flabby arse perched on a Nana bar stool? You're not really a pitiful, deluded failure, desperately trying to resuscitate your youth with a cocktail of Singha, ersatz Viagra and your meagre pension! You're performing a social service! I'd pat you on the back, but I left my hand sanitizer at home.

    • Like 2
  4. For the single male traveler, especially those with fetishes for young Asian boys or girls - they will continue to come to Phuket and Thailand for their 'special adventures' - not many places in the world are cheaper and easier for these people, with no questions asked.

    Yes, I can see the TAT campaign for that one. Amazing/Miracle Thailand, Land of Fat Sweaty Paedo Lowlifes, Cheap Whores and Bent Cops. Of yeah, and Smiles.

  5. Keep your posts civil. Obscene and rude replies will be removed.

    It seems that whenever this subject is bought up we are in the world of the new 'witchcraft' - the 'burn them at the stake' mob come out and wave their flags. It seems to bring out the worst in people. I'm afraid that there may be underlying reasons why pedophilia is attractive to some people (mainly men) but it is something that you'll find has been part of society since the dawn of history. Why? I don't know. But I feel very uncomfortable with the 'hang 'em high' brigade simply because it just seems so archaic where mob prejudice takes over from rational thought. It brings out the worst in people - usually in the UK (eg The Sun readers or those that like the Daily Express and Mail). The sad thing to me is its OK for these people to enjoy their pornography with 18 (barely legal) or even 29 years olds dressed as schoolgirls - so they just fantasize that they are with kids (this includes Page 3 of the Sun which over the years has had plenty of schoolgirl look-alike models). I think many people may be encouraged to overstep the mark after seeing all this schoolgirl type modelling: It could actually encourage people to go after the real thing. So some rational discussion would be welcomed.

    There are boundaries. That is NOT open to discussion in my book. This guy has frequently stepped over the boundary.

    I have enjoyed several fantasies with 20 odd year old Pattaya girls dressing in uniforms etc. I have NEVER broken the law and I would NEVER suggest that such legal activities would ever encourage any right-minded person to cross line.

    To suggest otherwise puts someone in the same category as the scumbag Andrews

    When you're acting out your schoolgirl fantasies, do you actually wonder what it would be like to frolic with real schoolgirls? If so, how can you adopt the moral high ground? And if not, they're pretty half-assed fantasies.

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  6. If the Temple of the Emerald Buddha were to be completely underwater, Thais would have been dealt a big shock, losing all morale and strength to fight back. If the Emerald Buddha cannot protect the City of Angels, then the angels would have taken flight and the capital would have fallen.

    With talk like that, anyone would think Thailand was a backward, primitive country, its barely literate, ill-informed, pathologically incurious citizens still hobbled by pre-scientific superstitions and liable to the whims of fakers, charlatans and pseudo-religious, mumbo-jumbo-spouting con artists.

    Oh, right.

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