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Posts posted by nottocus

  1. 22 hours ago, Simbaya said:

    Boy, I HAVE been "overthinking things."


    And I don't mean this sarcastically, either.


    Today, I "got it," the penny dropped, the light bulb switched on.  And the answer was so simple.


    When I woke up this morning, I had the solution to my question: Why some western men seem to disparage us farang women, yet seek us out  (intellectually or otherwise) for "something on the side."


    First, let me preface this with saying, I do know the difference between a man saying he'd like me to meet his wife sometime, ask me to a group activity, or otherwise indicate he's being entirely above-board with me.  Truly, I know the difference.


    I'm talking about the invitation that just seems a little illicit.  The kind of invitation that I'm pretty sure that wife/GF won't be hearing about, OK?


    Anyway, my epiphany actually came to me in the form of a Venn diagram, believe it or not!


    Here's how I was overthinking it:


    I was thinking in terms of how some FARANG men disparage us FARANG women.  I was thinking of how some FARANG men also seemed to seek out an "intellectual" (or other) affair with us, quite possibly not revealing this to their THAI wives/GFs.


    And although these were not the exact same men, I knew they were *potentially* the same (kind of) man, but I couldn't quite see how this "love/hate" dichotomy worked.


    That's because it's not a dichotomy--it's an inter-relationship.


    Here's where the Venn diagram comes in.


    Picture one circle representing farang men who disparage us.  The men who have told me to "go home," called me a fat pig, the men who've trashed me and other women on this and other forums.


    Picture the other circle representing men who are (IMO) not being exactly fair or truthful to their wives by asking to take me out or call me (in what seems kinda like a down-low deal).


    The intersection of these two circles is the crux of it:


    MEN WHO DON'T FULLY RESPECT WOMEN (farang OR their Thai wives).


    Well, DUH!


    Why couldn't I see it was as simple as that?  


    There are men like this everywhere, not just LOS (although I would argue we have a lion's share here).


    There are women everywhere who are guilty of the same or similar behavior as well.


    Again, DUH!


    To all the men who have followed this thread and have felt offended, please remember that I never said all, most, or even many men engaged in these behaviors--I said SOME me do.


    To the nice guys, please accept my olive branch.


    I honestly have been trying to work through this phenomenon. Thinking aloud in this forum, receiving feedback--good and bad--help me see the glaringly obvious facts.


    So thanks to everyone.  I sincerely mean it.


    That's the last word from me.  I'm out!











  2. 7 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Well it not made me happy either.i just went to the next fruit seller down the road without making any comment but i sure they both got the message that such behavior is not correct.

    Where you were a victim of dual pricing without even knowing it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Simbaya said:



    I wasn't going to come back.  I thought I had asked my question pretty succinctly: "Why do some Western men seem to disparage Western women, yet sometimes seek us out to have their unmet needs addressed?"  I also said I struggled to understand this (generalized, yet still valid) question of this seeming love/hate dichotomy.


    I decided to respond again because so many male posters went on to ask, "What is she trying to say?"  "I can't understand the vague rambling of the OP (paraphrasing)". Some even going as far to ask, "What are you (all) women posters trying to say?"  


    I call this GASLIGHTING, and it a known form of abuse.  It may come in the form of, "You're crazy," "You don't know what you're talking about," "Chill out--relax," "You're too sensitive/can't take a joke."  


    This sort of manipulation is used to silence women.  


    I thank the two previous male posters who said my post was pretty understandable, and I was pleased to have that support.  There have been a few other male voices here that were understanding /attempting to understand, and accepting.  THANK YOU.


    And thank you to the female posters for their opinions and insight as well!  MUCH appreciated.  




    I think TV tolerates unacceptable levels of misogyny, and I can absolutely understand why some female posters write under pseudonyms.  I get it.


    But the misogyny we experience here EVERY DAY is not OK.


    I think it's up to moderators to be a little tougher, and for little boys to grow up.


    Changing gears...


    I want to address a couple of things, in no particular order:


    Men posting on this thread have put words in my mouth, as well as other females here.  You are not our mind readers, nor do we need you to "mansplain" what we just said.  Most of us female posters have not done you that injustice.


    Also, it's been questioned if I'm "creeped out" by Falang/Thai marriages--particularly those one with significant age differences.  The  answer is an emphatic NO.  LIve and let live.  I am especially touched to see long-time marriages where the western man and Thai wife appear to have grown old together.  Some of these couples are my friends.


    But when a Western married/coupled man asks me for my phone number...come on, do you think in most cases the wife is OK with that?  Of course she isn't.


    Knowing this, it feels like a form of marital cheating--and forget the bloke--I would NEVER do this to another woman!  It just seems like a sleazy move for a married man to ask me out on a date--however "innocent" it might appear.


    Last, the term "intellectual whore" has been brought up debate.  I didn't write it to be "click bait" (although I think it did),  It simply came to mind as I was writing the post. Perhaps a better term might be "intellectual affair."  There are some pretty good online definitions for it, and better expresses what I was trying to convey.


    We're starting a new year, folks, and it would be nice to see more civility amongst our community.


    I'll continue to try if you will.




    P.S.  THe GIF is meant in good fun.  Not ALL of you guys are scary aliens (!)


    Sounds like one of those "always the victim" people

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