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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. What Thailand should be embarrassed about is the plethora of extremely unattractive older Foreign (white) men who proliferate here like rednecks with little subservient slave girls from poor families. The range of ugliness of these types of men living here is appalling.

    And vice versa. I used to work with young male Thai university graduates. They would ask me in amazement why wealthy farangs would marry and be with Thai farm girls who were extremely ugly in the eyes of these Thai men. I had no real answer for them...

    Oh no.... not ANOTHER farang worker feeling stigmatized whenever an 'educated' Thai co-worker pushes the "Isaan slappers are ugly" button?

    Does anyone go beyond the skin deep thing here? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder sort of thing, whatever gets you through the night. How about someone who's company you really enjoy and with whom you have some mutual respect, or even one of a polyamorous network you have.

    Personally I like little white fluffy maltese terriers, they really turn me on!! To each his own .. .


    Well done Eyes Wide Open. Very funny and the 8 points gets it about right. . .and I thought the video in the piece was also very funny.

    RE-BRANDING was how I went about it, when I had to "explain" my very youthful Thai wife, (mother or our beautiful 4 yr old) to certain people.

    In the same re-naming exercise, that has seen garbage collectors in my other country become Sanitary Technicians and Waste Management Contractors, with a completely straight face I sometimes call what she was when we met a . .


    and people actually say. "Oh right!" and mean it.

    Fits the bill and she has continued to entertain me in right royal style, ever since whenever I say she has "work to do". Its a family joke. Which is what this whole business is. Lighten up people. Unlikely the law makers in Thailand will be taking their cue from some journalistic wowsers. Too much money at stake.

    Anyway, what's illegal about leaving a bar with a partner?. If "its" not done on the premises what can anyone do?

    On top of that there are many a funny story about what may happen between the bar and the hotel.

    Get the filthy rich Bangkok elite to subsidise the poor farmers up north? That would ease some necessities. Relax its not going to happen. They have bars to run.

    • Like 1
  3. Guns are definitely, the cleaned, quickest and most decisive way of disposing of another being, however, if you are looking for a cause to use one, go no further than mixing alcohol into the blood stream, goes to the brain etc etc

    It is called a no brainer, for this reason and hey it was some time ago but last time I looked here ALCOHOL had pretty much caused

    someone to beat his friend to death with a hammer, arguing about the virtues of female prime ministers.

    Only ALCOHOL could possibly create such distortions of perception to make that a life and death issue. Even coke and steroids won't do that.

    WHICH is why this little pooch pretty well leaves the stuff alone.

    If you're gonna ban guns, you'd better put hammers in the slammer with them.

    • Like 2
  4. When applying for a tourist visa of any length during the last 4 years in Sydney Australia, the Consulate has always requested these details.<br>Explaining that I buy tickets in Asia because they are cheaper for travelling elsewhere and also stay with my family there, I have been<br>asked to put it in writing as a note on the form, or as an attached letter, which is what they are now asking for.<br><br>It appears to me that nothing has changed. There should not be a problem.<br><br>This could just be a case of new governments always have to be seen to be doing something. Usually useless.

  5. Apart from handing out ugly pills to Thai children, it would also be interesting to know what is prosecutable

    as prostitution. I have not personally see anywhere it is done on the premises, except some pretty extravagant

    lap dancing in dark corners of some clubs.

    Men go to bars. There are pretty girls in the bars whose job it is to get men to drink and the girls get paid for the drinks

    the men order. The men get tipsy and want to take the girl out somewhere for more fun. The bar charges the men for

    depriving them of one of their workers for the night. Perfectly reasonable.

    How the couple exchange their energies for the next hour or week or in some cases the rest of their lives is, it seems,

    their "business". What prostitution?[twitter][/twitter]

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