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Posts posted by notbritish

  1. So let's just buy TS dvds(camera with good audio) from street vendors instead of blue rays. They work dont they? why pay for the better quality, your eyes only see 30fps and in a few years they will fade

    let's just all buy proton, they run dont they? not more people die from them? why waste money on a strong car that will require less maintenance? that would be silly!

    let's just buy the tesco golf clubs, they hit the balls dont they? its all a conspiracy anyways! the 900$ drivers are the same as the 30$ ones, its just branding MAN *puff puff*

    let's just take the 300 baht cheaper go kart race track man, those extra safety the expensive place has it just <deleted>, nobody ever gets hurt from these small engines (read the gazette if you dont get that one) this accident is a CONSPIRACY MAN it's the other company trying to steal away customers!

    seriously, can you keep your conspiracy to you and let the man who is definitely not poor, provide the best and have guarantees on what he buys? Wear and tear exists and safety standard are just extra precautions, accidents HAPPEN EVERYWHERE, if 500-1.5k$ more can safe the life of a child, it's a very cheap price to pay.

    People life expectancy is getting longer and longer every year because of all those precautions we are taking, even though we are killing our immune system with meds and antibiotics.. so i guess those 'big brother tin foiled hat' safety standards are working? Just look at thai construction sites's ratio of accident compared to the west. CONSPIRACY i say! they just put fake numbers to WOW people.

    ps: saphan hin playground is terrible, it's full of toxic paint coming off the old toys, the slings are breaking off when u sit in them, there's huge red ants at the bottom of many slides, the gaps are too high for most thai children under 5. It's even more dangerous than the other one in phuket town which is made of concrete.

    and everything i have seen i have seen MANY TIMES. Just the pool thing that was a once in a lifetime thing close to me, but if you read thai newspaper you'll see that it happens on a regular basis. They certainly don't gate their pool for their other 5 children once the first one dies, just mai pen rai it.

  2. Yes very safe.

    running and falling on concrete is the safest way to play, it is really hard to scratch your foot on it or to fracture your skull from a 30cm fall.

    Heavy filled plastic car tires using as slings are the safest way for child to play, a 20km/hr blow to the head from these is only similar to a hit to the head from an elbow(of a metal robot).

    Yes those extremely not straight and slippery ladders are completely safe for the children

    Yes those cheap plastic are definitely not prone to getting hot in the sun and burning children.

    Yes those loose metal attachments for the slings making them not go straight, but rather left to right are completely safe, children hitting each other at high speed almost 1.5 meters in the air is not dangerous at all, especially for the 3years and less.


    I suggest you contact the indoor playground in Bangkok(near rama4's carrefour), they have awesome equipments, they can hook you up with their supplier for sure.

    What playgrounds are you reffering to?

    The one at Nai Harn, the one at Sapan Hin, the one in town over by the Town hall, amongst others are perfectly safe. If you can't supervise your children on that equipment, without them hurting themselves, then that's your failing, not that of the equipment.

    If you need EU politicians to help you keep your children from hurting themselves, then again, I would say that is your failing, no body elses.

    How did the human race manage to survive all those years without health and safety? Common sense, that's how.

    I dont know how long you've been living here, but as you may not know, Thai parents do not watch their children EVER

    If there's a pool and they have a crawling 1 year old, they will leave it by the pool and go hang upstairs by themselves

    If there is a rabid dog they will gladly let their small child go play with it

    If there is a wet surface being climbed by their child, they will turn around to keep eating and discussing what happened to their 5th neighbor last night.

    If there's a tied monkey next to a bar, they will encourage their children to go play with it, making sure they will get bit.

    So everything has to be extremely safe when you are allowing thai people onto your premises, they don't fend for themselves.

    All those lines i posted, are things i have seen this very year. 2 of them happened in th e last 5 days and 1 of them resulted in a death and the parents are still negligent with their other children. Also they are FAR from poor or even middle class.

    2 of them happened in a public park

    I dont even want to count how many times i have seen 1 year olds barely walking, just walking around those hard plastic slings, getting hit in the face and falling head first on the concrete(parents never coming, or never explaining to the 3year olds that they should play far from those slings)

    Im sure OP does not want to deal with angry parents and police. he's a western man, therefor every accident in his business is 100% his fault.

  3. The beauty of living in Thailand is you get to make your own decisions, like a big boy. Just like you did in the west decades ago. Nobody will be able to sue you unless you have been unnecessarily remiss.

    All the playground equipment in Phuket parks (except the very old stuff which is only made of metal and is rusting away) are completely safe. Assuming a normal level of adult supervision.

    Buy whatever equipment you deem to be safe. Put a sign up asking parents to be responsible for their own children, and job done.

    Forget about the people trying to sell you international equipment, with bull <deleted> safety stamps and 1000 pages of health and safety, risk assesment <deleted>.

    Yes very safe.

    running and falling on concrete is the safest way to play, it is really hard to scratch your foot on it or to fracture your skull from a 30cm fall.

    Heavy filled plastic car tires using as slings are the safest way for child to play, a 20km/hr blow to the head from these is only similar to a hit to the head from an elbow(of a metal robot).

    Yes those extremely not straight and slippery ladders are completely safe for the children

    Yes those cheap plastic are definitely not prone to getting hot in the sun and burning children.

    Yes those loose metal attachments for the slings making them not go straight, but rather left to right are completely safe, children hitting each other at high speed almost 1.5 meters in the air is not dangerous at all, especially for the 3years and less.


    I suggest you contact the indoor playground in Bangkok(near rama4's carrefour), they have awesome equipments, they can hook you up with their supplier for sure.

  4. As a child that has had 1 long term step father while seeing the father here and there

    I gotta say, i hated him..

    He didn't like me much, but he still gave me the same education he gave to his children and he really tried hard. He had money, so i got some really nice gifts and experience for sure and i still did not like him because he pushed me so hard.. In the end he kind of failed because my parents we're going the other way, giving me too much slack but he still gave it his best. He cheated on my mom at some point and we left, but i still can't hate him for all the efforts he's done. The only way a step parent would be there and hate children, would be if the mom was Hollywood super sex symbol hot. Otherwise he loves her because of herself and her family(which is an extension of you) so i don't see how the kids pose any problem?

    As an adult, i would definitely take care of step children, but i know i would never be put into a situation like that. I would never go for someone who's is 'leftover' Unless the father is dead, is means he found something better.. Im not looking for an average woman, i want the prize (which i do have with a child) the one that ex-boyfriends or old friends still call 20years later trying to steal away from you. (which i have) and im definately not looking for a thai woman who has... 'foolish' enough to get it on unprotected with a no future thai skirt chaser who works at 7/11. Most thai men who father children and have good education/jobs, will at least turn their main girl into paid mia nois or just offer small child support from far away. The middle class thais LOVE children, most of them dont run away like that.

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