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Posts posted by tollgate

  1. I've had an Ipad 1 3G version that I bought in the UK for a while now. Until last week I had never used it on 3G.

    Last week I passed the dtac shop in Big C Pattaya Klang. Time to try 3G I thought so purchased a B69 sim and a 70 hours per month data plan.

    Returning home, I tried the new sim in the Ipad, but could only get an edge connection. I thought may be I am outside the 3G area (I'm in Huay Yai). A few days later I was heading for Suvarbhumi, tried the Ipad all the way to the airport but still only edge. I checked the spec of the Ipad and it can certainly handle the 850mHz frequency dtac use.

    Back to the dtac shop the following week, explained the problem to the girl behind the counter. "I know" she said. Typed my sim card number into her computer, rebooted the Ipad and yes, 3G. Why 3G was not enabled in the first place is still a mystery though.

    Back home in Huay Yai - still had 3G, but a speed test only gives me a max download of 450kbps and 150 up. Tried it in a few other locations and the same result. So it seems I only have the 384 kbps service mentioned in the small print of the sim card documentation. Far far short from the advertised headline rate of 42Mbps. I will check this out next time I'm over at Big C.

    As a side point, I believe when an Ipad is switched into standby mode, the data connections stays "live". If you are on a time plan you need to turn off cellular data when you have finished using the internet.

  2. It may well be that your water it too acidic - have you tested the pH?

    As posted above, I have been looking after my pool since the end of March this year, so I'm no expert and still learning. But here's what I do:

    1. Everyday or two, clean the tiles around the water line. This stops the build up of that black scum line. If you leave it to build up it becomes quite difficult to remove. It takes just a few minutes in my 8 x 4m pool. I use one of those green scourers with the plastic handle.

    2. Everyday remove leaves and other debris with the net.

    3. Twice a week test the pH and Chlorine levels.

    4. Once or twice a week vacuum, or just do it when it looks necessary. At the same time empty the skimmer basket if you have one.

    5. Every two weeks, shock the pool as posted above.

    6. Backwash - not too sure how often to do this. The pressure on my filter has never risen to the "backwash now" level, so I have just backwashed when the water level in the pool has risen over the skimmer. I would guess it's a good idea to backwash once a month. Also, clean the pump strainer.

    7. Run the pump long enough to turn over the water twice per day. I run mine in two sessions, morning and afternoon.

    Pool supplies shop in Pattaya - I'm looking for a new one too as my local shop has closed.

  3. If you have a UK proxy, you can download any game shown on the BBC the following morning using get_iplayer. Works well for me on Linux, I guess the windows version will be OK too. It saves the file as an MP4. If you have a USB port on yout TV it should play it from any USB hard disk or USB stick. Or just watch it on your PC.

    I would prefer to watch on True - I invested in the PVR hard disk especially to watch the Euro's.

  4. Just plug a ethernet cable from your one port router to a port on the old router then you can use the other ethernet ports. Note you cannot use the ADSL port you’re only using this as a switch. The better way is to do as Astra says change the router you already have to the 3BB user name and password. Just plug a ethernet cable from your one port router to a port on the old router then you can use the other ethernet ports. Note you cannot use the ADSL port you’re only using this as a switch. The better way is to do as Astra says change the router you already have to the 3BB user name and password.

    Don't do this ! 2 routers on 1 network will make a ip conflict . You can do it but first have to turn of the DHCP of the TOT modem.

    This is not quite correct. I have two adsl routers on my network. One is using TOT and the other 3BB. Just make sure the routers have different IP addresses. I do agree that only one router should have DHCP turned on.

  5. I'm no expert on this. I have had my pool nearly 5 months. It's 43,000 litres, outdoor, but not salt water Chlorinated.

    I've been running the pump for 5 hours a day - 10.00am - 12.30 pm and 3.00pm - 5.30 pm and it's been working fine for me. This turns over the water almost twice.

    If we swim in the evening I turn the pump back on to help skim off insects attracted to the lights.

    As Naam says, you cannot generalise and I think you have to experiment a bit to find out what works best for you, but I beleive it's good practice to run the pump enough to turn the water over twice per 24 hours.

  6. Well shocking the pool certainly had the desired effect and my free Chlorine is now 3ppm - if anything a little on the high side. I've closed some of the slats on my floater to help it drop a bit.

    My pool only has light usage - probably about 7 man hours per week. But it's an outdoor pool so the water is always warm - around 30C. I think I will shock every couple of weeks. pH is 7.2 and alkalinity 50 ppm. Do you think I need to raise the alkalinity?

  7. Also are there only 3 channels available? If you want the extra channels i seen on their website it looks like 3 movie channels and a bunch of other HD channels. Im mostly interested in the HD for football and right now I just have one channel for HD sports.

    On the satellite service, yes, there are only thee HD channels - Truesport HD, HBO HD + one other that nobody watches. Truesport HD is normally the HD version of Truesport 1.

  8. Thanks for your comment on test kits. Now shocking was going to be one of my next questions. When I took over maintenance of my pool I did quite a bit of research on the subject. Shocking was mentioned a lot with different web sites suggesting a shock once a week, once a month or just "when needed"

    I asked the guy who constucted my pool. He said "no need to shock". So my pool hadn't been shocked for almost 5 months. But over the last few days my free chlorine has fallen to around 0.2ppm and I haven't been able to raise it much. I use chlorine tablets in a floater. Usually one is enough, but I now have three in there and I'm still struggling with free chlorine.

    Today I purchased some sodium hydrochloride liquid and have shocked the pool with 6 litres which I think will be enough (my pool is approx 43000 litres). I guess tomorrow morning I will find out if it has worked.

    I would be interested to hear other pool owners comments on shocking.

  9. My pool was completed on 31st December last year. For the next three months my pool was looked after by a "pool guy" and this was included in the pool price. Since April I have been doing my own pool maintenance.

    I have a question about test kits. Up until now I have been using a dropper kit and this was giving me pH 7.2 and Total Chlorine of 3.0. I recently purchased an Aquachek strip test kit and it gives me pH7 and free chlorine of 1.0.

    So which is more reliable?

    The Aquachek kit also tests for total alkalinity and stabiliser which is quite handy.

  10. Having made quite a few visa runs to Cambodia, I have just returned from Poi-pet after using my first e-visa. It's definitely the way to go. Went straight to Cambodia arrival, obtained an arrival/departure form (plus a spare one for next time), filled it in, entered Cambodia, walked straight across the road to depart Cambodia and then back into Thailand. The whole process from parking the car to returning to the car with duty free took less than 40 minutes. And it was a good feeling walking past all those "helpers" knowing I had my VISA already, and never had to let my passport go out of my sight.

    Well consider yourself lucky, last week the queue to get back to Thailand alone was over an hour..It was around noon

    Yes, I understand. Fortunately I was with my Thai wife so was able to re-enter Thailand in the Thai Passport queue. Well there was no queue actually. I would guess the Foreign passport queue was only about 10 minutes though. You may also find the queues shorter later in the day. I made my trip on Saturday. Don't know if week days are worse?

  11. Having made quite a few visa runs to Cambodia, I have just returned from Poi-pet after using my first e-visa. It's definitely the way to go. Went straight to Cambodia arrival, obtained an arrival/departure form (plus a spare one for next time), filled it in, entered Cambodia, walked straight across the road to depart Cambodia and then back into Thailand. The whole process from parking the car to returning to the car with duty free took less than 40 minutes. And it was a good feeling walking past all those "helpers" knowing I had my VISA already, and never had to let my passport go out of my sight.

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