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Bel Mondo

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Posts posted by Bel Mondo

  1. Opposite Penthouse is Cafe New Orleans.

    This fantastic restaurant has been around for 9 years and is always re-inventing its menu. The owner is an American and has obviously dined at Denny's, and the Pancake House many times. If you want a real American omlet, go there.

    Their French Fries and Home Fries with a Chedder Cheese Omlet is fantastic.

  2. I was a witness to a really "pathetic" incident tonight—Sunday—July 31 (I document the date and time, because I expect other posts relative to the outcome of this incident)

    "Pathetic" because I saw a fellow countryman drunk on his "ass", behave like an "animal", and do just about everything within the cultural context of Thailand that would (within a similar Western cultural context) land him either in a hospital or in a morgue

    Here's what happened----

    This guy (40+) goes into a very popular bar in South Pattaya around 7PM;

    He orders drink after drink for himself. He buys several “Lady’s Drinks” and rounds of Tequila—around 7,000 Baht;

    He “Rings-the-Bell” not once, but three times (Around 18,000 Baht);

    He buys 2 Full Board of “Lucky Numbers” (6,000 Baht)--And throws all the numbers-each time- into the air for all the girls and the customers to catch!!

    And then he bar fines several girls—Now 11:00PM—(Yes! He’s now VERY “Drunk”)

    Now each and every bill is signed by him (this bar operates like Philippine bars—each bill is signed by the customer just in case “drunks” can’t remember what happened);

    Now comes the bill—32,000 Baht—“Good Customer Discount” included—the customary practice of this bar;

    He refuses to pay it; He says he’s been “defrauded”; He denies he ever “rang-the-bell”; He denies buying “Lucky Numbers”; But he does remember “bar-fining the girls”.

    He just refuses to pay!

    The management and staff try to negotiate with him; He becomes combatant—insulting and threatening (physically) everyone.

    The Police are ultimately called and arrive.

    The manager and this recalcitrant customer go to the police station; the customer refuses to negotiate, remains combative, and is ultimately charged under Thai law for “Defrauding an Innkeeper”. He is jailed overnight, has to retain a lawyer, and is forced to make bail the next day.

    The case is a “slam-dunk” against him. He will have his day in court and be convicted. His conviction will lead to his deportation and his becoming “persona-non-grate” in Thailand—i.e., he will no longer be able to enter Thailand.

    How Pathetic!

    When will visitors remember that Western culture, rules and laws no longer apply here? This culture is unique—YOU have to adapt to it (go-with-the-flow) ---It doesn’t have to adapt to you!

    So—Bye-Bye Drunk Fah-lang! You got what you deserved—as they say in Thai—“Som-nom-Nah”

  3. Sounds like the onset of a new case of Mad Cow's Disease to me---One cow says to the other "Are you frightened about this horrible Mad Cow's Disease?" The other cow says--" Why should I be scared!---I'm a chicken!!"

  4. Where is it? On one of the Soi's on Beach, or off Walking Street.

    What's the full name "FLB" ? And I also would like to know its location. After all--if someone can spend alot of money there, it can't be all that bad!

  5. Stopped by Jupiter on Pattayaland Soi 2 last Friday and finally enjoyed a night of good music.

    Seems that every Friday (according to the sign outside) only Latin music will be played---Samba, Salsa, Bossa, etc. NO Rap, Hip-hop or techno or other unbearable noise.

    Had alot of fun. Everybody was dancing and throughly enjoying themselves.

    All I can say is that it's about time some club got the message---Stop playing the NOISE and start thinking about the customers.

    Hope some of the other clubs follow suit with some good music.

  6. Bye, Bye Phuket!

    Between the tsunami, the "ghosts", and the latest earthquake shock...glad I don't have to off-load any new property developments!

    The only problem is--all the Phuket real estate hustlers have now come up to Pattaya! Having t listen to all these scum-bag con-men is a real "bore" ("buea" as they say in Thai).

    Their by-line---"Pattaya just can't loose--due for upward momentum for the next 5 to 10 years!!".

    I can only guess they used this "line" in Phuket for all those "enthusiastic" investors.

    Reminds me of Mexico--Puerto Valerata, to be exact about 25 years ago.

    Sell the "sizzle"--NOT the steak!

    Point---In a property market that is a "made-market"--you invest at your own risk. Some people (agents, "flippers". etc.) make money---others LOOSE---ALOT!

    Pattaya's "growth potential" is as clean as its beaches! You be the judge.

  7. I see water truck after water truck coming and going to the Penthouse Hotle on Pattayaland Soi 2. I have many friends who are consistently without water in the EXPENSIVE homes and condos. Property price "booming" in Pattaya!!??? Take a shower in your 40 milion baht house/condo if you can !! Great property appreciation potential--if you own a water truck!!

  8. What!!?? You can't thank Blair and Bush with the help of these American guys and girls keeping us safe from all those WMP's--is that Weapons of Mass Destruction OR Words or Mass Deception??

    Anyway--their 2 day (after this, they go broke) infusion of USD helps all the girls and bar owners to brace for the DEAD June, July and August---because locals surely can't support these 3 dead months!

  9. Closing time will be moved to 2AM by the end of next week.

    There will be the "usual" visitation by the Interior Minister to "all" the bars in Pattaya with the following announcement that "Tourist Destinations" have this exemption.

    Point---Purachai was a DISASTER for the Thai economy. This guy was only interested in his own personal agenda and using something (i.e., Social Order) as a "flirtation" to help him gain power. He's out and so is the s--t he proffered! Simple as this!

  10. No sympathy!

    I own and run several businesses. I have had a work permit for years as well as the foreigners I employ. I pay the necessary taxes and my accountant files all the necessary forms.

    Want to "skirt" the law---suffer the consequences!

  11. Just watched the TV special on the Girl in bag murder case.

    What a piece!!!!

    Lots of gory pics of flyblown corpse and the Murderer explaning how it happened.

    Talk about reality TV!!!!

    VERY LITTLE OF JOURNALISTIC MERIT....that said I half felt for the guy.

    How many of you Vets have ended up in a loom with a raving nutter???

    No background given on the murderer at all.

    Great advertising for Sawasdee court room 501 prob wont exist from now on!!

    Talk about crappy journalism.

    As an aside one really dumb thing both the pattaya channels do is air ads with no english addresses....I must have watched 20 or so how dumb can they and their advertisers get ???.

    I like the idea there is a local news station, but their stories always seem to be the same... some farang murder, suicide or death, motorbike fatalities, bar-girl incidents and this month's police chief getting sworn in. They seem to focus on mostly negative stuff -- which to their credit is very much like any other news show.

    My roommate and I watch these news programs occasionally, mostly to laugh and the poor production quality.

    The "Girl in Bag" story could have been put together in a much better way... they could start by moving that cardboard box out of the background and not centering the person being interviewed in the frame. Then choose a darker background in a darker studio (or whatever), and light up the face, and don't show anything below the chest. Flouressant lights wreak havoc on video. The whole thing reminded me of an Al-Queda tape.

    These are just my opinions, however :o

    As for this poor Swede, I don't know what to think.

    Bad journalism?? This was a great "scoop" "Confession On-The-Air" --This is the "cutting-edge" of TV today---REALITY TV!!! This is what makes Multi-Millionaires of all those Reality TV producers!! This is what many people watch on UBC-XYTE Channel...Real Stuff...Real Horror!!!

    This "Killer" segment was produced and edited VERY professionally. I should know--I have been in this business for over 30 years. I wish I had an OJ or JACKO confession like this one...Pulitzer Prize...Guaranteed!!!

    Don't like local TV? I think all the programs (no matter how amerturish) provide the Pattaya community with INFORMATION.

    Laugh if you want...but remember.....You live in Thailand...better to be informed about what is happening than to be a victim of our own ignorance!

    What do I mean by this? Information about what you can or cannot do will keep you out of Thai prisons and off the Blacklist---and it is so EASY to wind up in BOTH!!

  12. I remember this guy. He and some associates held a seminar entitled "Pattaya Property Boom---Prices Can Only Go Up-and-Up".

    They were offering 22 square meter condos with a "spectatular" view of Freindship Market at only $200,000 USD with a guaranteed annual appreciation of 15%....only 10% down. Many subscribers! Glad I didn't buy into this one!

    But there are many other great deals like this one! Just read all the real estate publications.

  13. I see water-truck after water-truck outside Pethouse Hotel literally EVERY day as well on Pattayaland Soi 3. The same seems to be going on all over Pattaya--houses, guesthouses, hotels, etc.

    The crisis is here--NOW.

    One Question? All these new housing estates, condos, hotels, etc.? Nice to build them and "hope" to sell them.....but what happens when the "happy" new owners can't take a shower or flush the toilet in a few months?

    Think about this infrastructure MEGA problem before you "buy the sizzle and NOT the steak!!"

    Suggestion--Own property in Pattaya? Sell now while you can still get out with a profit! Purchasing Property? Wait for the Bubble to burst--literally thousands of used properties on the market---let alone all the new houses, and condos.

    Bargain prices in 18 months--

    Remember the economic collasp of 1997? Not just the currency, but the EASY credit for builders? Same is happening now---Low interest rates, easy construction loans----MARKET MAKERS ( shifty real estate brokers bidding up the prices)....an old story seen time and time again in every country.

    Summation--Water is not the problem--Stupidity is !!!!

  14. Anybody know if any place is selling expandable batons? Great self-protection weapons. Carry this along with some pepper spray and you can take down even the most obnoxious drunk.

    One suggestion on leaving personal protection weapons in your car or house when you are out and about-----won't do you much good. You need these items on your person if the "shit hits the fan". Better to be alive and make your explanations to the cops, than to be transported to the hospital or the morgue.

    Pattaya is no longer the fairly safe and quiet place it was 10 or 15 years ago. Better safe than sorry!

  15. Davethailand---

    Face it! It’s not about what this guy lacks in height (not even relevant to this thread), but what you undoubtedly lack in business acumen. You’re simply a jealous clod. You can’t accept the fact that this short (your description), American guy owns a large franchise, substantially capitalized and growing larger every year. It’s comparable to the big, stupid kid in high school who is jealous of the bright kid getting straight “A’s”---the big moron starts picking on the kid—his height, his cloths, etc.

    Suggestion—stop looking for the “balloons” in front of beer bars in Pattaya where you can get all the free food you couldn’t afford to purchase at Foodland, save the 49Baht you have to fork-out to get the food and maybe---JUST MAYBE—you can someday in the far-off future afford to purchase a franchise with a provocative name like “Crazy Dave’s” or :”Lummox Bar”. I would suggest the latter in your case—far more appropriate for a budding entrepreneur such as yourself.


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