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Posts posted by gray42

  1. For the sake of my girlfriend's dignity, and for those of you who can't read, this is a family owned restaurant and bungalows. There are no bar girls here, my girlfriend will not come sit with you for money, she would never go home with a customer, and she does not dress sexy. I live in a bungalow here. My girlfriend and I do not stay in the same house together. I'm interested in having a good relationship. There's some seriously disrespectful people here.

    "For the sake of your girlfriend's dignity" you should never have posted about her in TV . It's like throwing Bambi to ravenous wolves. coffee1.gif

    Lesson learned :)

  2. Look in the mirror. If you respected her you would not go to her place of work, period, stop, end.


    She dealt with it before you arrived, she'll deal with it once you've gone home.

    I suspect her real cause of embarrassment is you hanging around her place of work watching her all the time. Find another way to spend your evenings.

    You're obviously unable to read. Her "place of work" is her family's restaurant, which is where we both live. If she didn't want me around she wouldn't be my girlfriend.

    Anyway, enough for me. Thanks to everyone who helped.

  3. It's a bit of a ridiculous thread though,isn't it?

    How do you stop horny guys from flirting with a pretty girl...you don't!

    To be honest,your girlfriend asking you that question just sounds like a total wind-up to me.You didn't notice until she brought it up,did you?rolleyes.gif

    Heh.. I didn't notice because we haven't had any tourists yet :) Maybe 1 every month at the most come in here in low season. She was talking about the last high season. She actually said sometimes if she couldn't get a guy to leave she would say her dad is her husband. Now that I'm here I have a feeling things will progress from boyfriend to husband on a few occasions...

  4. Easy... just make sure the two of you act like a decent couple. Give and take a kiss from your girlfriend, and touch her waist when she walk pass, etc.

    Also do not make it too obvious that you are trying to flaunt it, but easily noticed by your patrons.

    By the way, obviously any girl would enjoy the attention. It's all natural. But there's a fine line and hope she doesn't cross it.

    Thanks. It's a little weird with her family her, but we can tell them it's necessary thumbsup.gif

  5. You probably didn't read all my replies, but what I said a couple times is she asked for my help with this.

    Thai's are not always direct.

    It could be her way of saying give me enough money so I don't have to work the bar.

    Or it could mean, if I have to work the bar please don't hang around.

    Sorry, but you don't know enough about her to make those comments. She can make plenty of money working in medical in Bangkok, but she's here to help her family.

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry but it is obvious that your gf is enjoying the conversations and having the horny tourists hit on her. if she wasn't, she would simply not work in the bar and she would change her body language towards the horny men she enjoys talking with.

    I'm sure she enjoys it. I enjoy it when Thai girls hit on me, so I can't blame her.

    Then take off your jealous hat and let her enjoy herself.

    You probably didn't read all my replies, but what I said a couple times is she asked for my help with this. Her talking to other guys isn't a problem. Her being uncomfortable with someone talking to her too much is a problem, but it seems like the best advice is she's just gotta deal with it herself as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

  7. All good comments. Thanks. This is not because of my own jealously, it's just her asking me to help her fend off the guys. Obviously the first thing I said to her was that she can end the conversation herself, but she said it's hard. I just want to help her out without being an a-hole. She's pretty good at taking advice, so I'll talk to her again about taking care of herself when I'm not around.

    phuturatica, as a girl do you have any advice I could give her? My advice was to tell the guy she's busy and can't talk, but that's a tough claim when she's behind the bar and no one is buying any drinks.

  8. The reason I brought it up is my girlfriend and her brother asked me for my help. I'd typically be more inclined to let them talk and if he goes too far (touching, groping, etc.) to step in and let the harsh words/fists fly, but she just doesn't like guys talking to her for 15, 20, 30 minutes at a time. I'm gonna talk to her more and give her some tips for getting rid of them, but I know it's uncomfortable for her.

    I'd definitely like to get her out of the bar, but her mom works in the kitchen and her brother waits the tables, so it would be hard to get someone else to do that. Oh and my girlfriend IS basically the supervisor here, but they all have multiple roles.

  9. I live at a small restaurant and bungalows owned and operated by my girlfriend's family. In high season there's lots of tourists and she works at the bar serving drinks and mingling. We've been together for about 4 months. With high season upon us, I'd like to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and has some advice.

    There's not too many girls here for the tourists, so anytime there's a pretty girl and they're looking to get laid, they see her as an opportunity. She's very polite, friendly and smiles a lot and many people mistake that for flirting. She has a really hard time ending a conversation if someone keeps talking to her. I've told her she needs to be more blunt when she doesn't want someone hitting on her, but it's very hard for her. That's where my roll comes in. The problem is by nature I'm not a very confrontational person and I'm not exactly threatening in appearance, but if I know someone is going too far I have no problem saying something. What I'm nervous about is since I'm not confrontational by nature, sometimes I don't know how far I should take it and I don't want to start any fights at my girlfriend's family's resort. If I just say "hey man, that's my girlfriend" he'll probably say he wasn't hitting on her and then keep hitting on her all night. If I say "stop hitting on my f*****g girlfriend" obviously there's a chance that could escalate. I can't stay by her side all the time, so if I see someone hanging around her too much I need to step in.

    In America I'd have a much easier time with this, but with all the different nationalities it's different. Hell, I've met some people who think saying "hi" to them is confrontational. Anyway, what I want to know is has anyone else been in a situation where they have a good girl who is subjected to constant hitting on by tourists? How did you handle it?

  10. Fishing is so different in every part of Thailand, but from what I've seen the big fish caught from shore are almost always caught with live bait (usually squid) under a float. Use a short metal leader so the fish's teeth don't cut the line. For smaller fish I've been catching a lot using shrimp underneath a float. If there's no shrimp or squid even pork works decently. Again use a short metal leader. Even the small fish have sharp teeth that can saw through plastic line. I reeled by line back in about 3 times with no hook before I realized what was going on. Their teeth were so sharp that all I felt was a slight tug before the hook was gone.

  11. What makes the OP think that money received from family is necessarily tax-exempt? It might be, if it were repayment of a debt, for example. If it were alimony, it would be taxable. On the other hand if it is a gift then the donor might be liable for the gift tax.

    Didn't even think of that. It really starts to feel overhwelming when you think of all the taxes. I mean, why should a cash gift be taxed? You're just transferring owners of the money, not spending it. Crooks...

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