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  1. She is loosing the black vote. You getting your false info from CNN.
  2. Let's not forget, the only reason Kamala got started in politics, is because she was sleeping with then Gov. Brown. He gave her the CA Attorney General job, gifted Then she got a Senate seat. We all know why she was selected as a running mate after Obama. She was ineffective as a Vice-President. She was nominated by the Democrat's without a vote in the primaries. Last night she had a left wing setup on left wing CNN, townhome meeting. She was given such soft ball simple questions. She could not answer any of the questions. Her answers, left you wondering, what the heck is she talking about. Again, she could not directly answer a question. Even CNN and the Donkeys are saying she looked bad. How can you loose a one on one debate, when every question, was approved before hand, yet she lost the debates. She is way worst President than Trump. Even the hardcore states that the donkeys have controlled, are loosing the black voters. I can't wait to see how the donkey's are going to fake the results, when this idiot, unqualified Vice President looses.
  3. There goes the last of a true policeman who would go after criminals. I have made a few complains to Pattaya police. They were justifiable complaints. I was alway told "If you want them to do their job, I had to pay them money. All Thai police are corrupt, and refuse to do the job they are payed to reinforce. I once called about a Thia man chasing a girl out of a bar in the early morning 7 AM, when the Thia bar should have been closoed down. The police station hung up the phone, I called again and they hung up again. I guess Pattaya police do not care about a Thia man beating, pulling a woman by the hair down the street. It is worthless to call Pattaya police, they will not respond. I was tire of being told more than once to pay them to do thier job. My motorbike was hit from behind from a speeding driver. I asked to have them review the street cameras, they told me I had to pay. I'd rather stay away from these clowns in brown.
  4. No country wants them. Law breakers, rude, abusive, what more you want?
  5. I know how this went down after altercation. The police say "How much you pay me to do my job?" If not worth thier time they not respond. I have gone to Pattaya Police before, filed a report/complaint. Made the report and then asked what they are going to do. The policeman tells me how much am I going to pay. That is corruption/exstortion. I refised to pay police to do the job they are paid to do. Another time some Thia man was beating a Thia girl on 3rd Road outside a Thai bar (never good) and the police hung up on me twice. Do you think you are protected in Pattaya-NOT
  6. Hey AgMech Cowboy, thanks for posting that notice about Mark Gorda. I just left Pattaya after 2 1/2 months. I got injured and could not see my friends, like Mark. I am saddened to hear the news. He was a great guy, very funny, sharp wit, great to party with. He was very actice in raising money for Thai children and schools through his annual Canadian Open golf tournament and contributing for the Jester's "Care For Kids" charity. He would MC the awards program for his golf tournaments and would have a wild coat made for himself for the tournament that would make your eyes hurt looking at it, always a clown. He was a Canadian native, who married a Thai wife. He worked in the oil business in the Thailand and surrounding areas. He was so energetic and fun to party with. He will be missed by me and most of the people who knew him around the Jomtien area where he lived. Rest in peace my good friend and brother.
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