Currently, Donalds approval rating is around 53 % in the US, while the rest of the "western world" wonders how something like this could have happened.
Wondering how a guy can put "the western alliance" in jeopardy that has benefitted all the members of this alliance since WW2.
In Europe, the Person that is named Donald J.Trump is being considered as a pompous, erratic, overbearing character. If not for his money and fame, he would be spending his time in a psychiatric institution for his own good. General consensus.
Europeans are still puzzeled: What is so terribly wrong with the political/economical system in the US, that has elevated Donald into the highest office that this nation has to offer?
Me, and the overwhelming majority of Europeans would just like to know why the American electorate came to the conclusion, that the time is ripe for a person like Donald. Or, in other words: What is so terribly wrong in the US that made them vote for Donald?
I look foreward to many contributions from US posters. The more, the better. It might help Europeans to better understand what is happening in the US. Europeans (and the rest of the "free world) hunger for an explanation, boiling down to 1 word = WHY?