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  1. No, I am not happy at all the way things turned out. BUT: After the end of the Cold War, the Russians have never understood why NATO has expanded to the east. Who else is in the East exept Russia? Of course they started wondering why NATO started to get closer to their territory, in a time when officially the Cold War had ended. IMHO, the eastward expansion of NATO was the dumbest thing the "west" has fabricated since the end of WW2. Completely uncalled for. Imagine this: If the newborn Pancho Villa would gather Mexican military forces to re-conquer California, Arizona and New Mexico? As they have been there before? Even Donald and his Muskrat would claim to be "encirceled". Nobody likes to be "ganged-up". Not in your neighborhood and not if States (NATO) do the same thing. I remain, uncalled for eastward expansion of NATO will go down in history as one of the greates "blunders" that the West ever produced. NATO must close the door for potential "Newcomers". Georgia next? Unlike the Ukraine, Georgia could be occupied by Russian forces within 3 weeks.
  2. I know. Few others seem to know. Whatever "more" the Russians will get, it will be a "windfall-profit" thanks to their military effort.
  3. What is so hard to understand? If you are "outgunned" 3:1 (personell and hardware) from the very beginning, how can one expect to win a war? The Ukraine was only able to resist this long with the help of the US. European help was never enough, as they never had enough hardware to be given away without deploring their own modest hardware stocks. From now on: The Ukraine will give the Crimea and the Donbass to Russia (mostly Russian speaking anyway) with the guarantee that the Ukraine will never join NATO (same goes for Georgia). That would be the best of cases for the Ukraine. With the Exit of the US, the Ukraine has definitely lost the war, having practially no more "negociation power" left.
  4. Another issue might be (on both sides of the Atlantic): Voters getting the impression the western Parlaments have detoriated into mere "debating clubs". Much talk without adressing the problems that concern the electorate. The "Ruling class" mainly occupied with defending their privileges. We had the same situation during the "Weimar Republic" in Germany with the result that on January 30 1933 the Germans voted for a guy that promessed "to make Germany great again". The similarities are freightening.
  5. I was hoping for many replies. I got them! Above summary I find the most significant one by far. Remarkable. It shows the many reasons why Americans are unhappy with "the way the world turns" plus an entrenched Political/Economical system that condems the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. Problems arise on many fronts simultainly. But then: Every empire must fall. Folks are starting to realise that the US will not evade this faith. No surprise, that someone entered the stage wanting to "make America great again". If necessary with a crowbar. (Surely, in the final years of the Roman Empire, folks called out: "Romulus make Rome great again"). TARIFFS? Every country that imposes such import tariffs is signaling to the world that "we can not compete successfully in a globalised market".
  6. What would improve the faith of "the working class" under those circumstances`?
  7. For heavens sake not. It would mean the end of the "American Dream". Much of it was financed by "foreighners", buying US Treasury Bills/Bonds. If China alone would withdraw it's US treasury holdings, Wall Street would take the dive of the cenury.
  8. No Internet sources. From state owned Radio/ TV sources with no commercial interests. Woldwide there are some unbiased newsourses left. Believe it or not.
  9. Currently, the "approval rate" of European voters supporting "Donalds Universe" is about 15%. According to polls.
  10. It is the "economical alliance" I mainly refer to. Economical alliances go hand in hand with military alliances.
  11. Still looking for comments like: " What is so terribly wrong with the political/economical system in the US, that has elevated Donald into the highest office that this nation has to offer?
  12. Currently, Donalds approval rating is around 53 % in the US, while the rest of the "western world" wonders how something like this could have happened. Wondering how a guy can put "the western alliance" in jeopardy that has benefitted all the members of this alliance since WW2. In Europe, the Person that is named Donald J.Trump is being considered as a pompous, erratic, overbearing character. If not for his money and fame, he would be spending his time in a psychiatric institution for his own good. General consensus. Europeans are still puzzeled: What is so terribly wrong with the political/economical system in the US, that has elevated Donald into the highest office that this nation has to offer? Me, and the overwhelming majority of Europeans would just like to know why the American electorate came to the conclusion, that the time is ripe for a person like Donald. Or, in other words: What is so terribly wrong in the US that made them vote for Donald? I look foreward to many contributions from US posters. The more, the better. It might help Europeans to better understand what is happening in the US. Europeans (and the rest of the "free world) hunger for an explanation, boiling down to 1 word = WHY?
  13. I allow myself to Quote you: "The US provides about 60% by value of mikitary hardware". No more need to comment this any further.
  14. Always interested what the "Black Rock" guys do. Even their customers are not so sure. Any "allowable" links?. As quoted by you, former ratios, for example Gold versus other equities don't seem to work anymore in form of an "Insurance". It's eighter everything up or down simultainiously. Running for a harbor called "cash".
  15. The "Drillers" in the US need 50$ per barrel. The Saudi's have painted themselves into a corner. They have kicked off costly mega projects. Just to keep going they need prices above 90$. Donalds 45$ goal not likely. Alternatively, instead of "drill baby drill" the US should go by "swill baby swill". That way at least Johnnie Walker and the beer breweries would profit and the price of "booze" would be lower, longer term.

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