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Posts posted by RickeyParkany

  1. Is this the 5th or 6th in a month; on the same section of tracks...Actually, it's kind of harmless & cute; we tease the rail staff by saying it is a good thing we do NOT have hi-speed trains in Thailand, where you just get another smoking break, having already slowed to 15 kph rather than like in Spain or China where they KILL you (and IF you're lucky enough to be derailed in a tunnel, you can be additionally assured it will not tip over as a bonus!!!). IF you've ever ridden these trains, you KNOW where the bad sections of track are...the one in Lampang has /got/ to wake up anyone NOT comatose <machung-machong-machung-machong>...for an hour @ 4:00am going North); so these derailments are GOOD for State Railway of Thailand: they serve as gentle prompts to repair track lengths...one train-wreck after the other, one train-length at a time...at this rate, the tracks certainly will be repaired inside of 4 years? No? ;-} rap. giggle.gif


  2. **A team of copyright officials... ** just exactly what is a *copyright official*? it looks like from the article that they are merely a team of thugs working for some derelict software company sent on a mission to harass & shake down stall owners...why does a media source use the term *official*, here, when that term is traditionally, according to custom, reserved for *A person holding public office or having official duties, esp. as a representative of an organization or government department.*?

    Has the Corporation recently declared a Person by the Supreme Court of the US NOW been elevated to the status of Governmental Office-holder, in the eyes of The Media? nah! that's just plain ol' Fascist Think, ain’t it? 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif ;-} rap.

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  3. Backpackers peopling the /spawn/ of the Me-generation: ohhhhhhhh! those Millenialist couch potatoes...HUGE carbon footprint...costs as much carbon to ship a backpacking Me-ist from JFK, NYC to Bkk as it does to heat the average AmneriKKKan home for a year...then, there's the d@mnable *eco-tourism--killing reefs & stuffing beaches w/scum & Russians--what more could a Nation want? ;-} rap. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

    How did you get to Thailand? Did you walk it? coffee1.gif

    ...one way, pal...not crusin' th' planet, I...a down payment, one-time investment in my exile... ;-} rap.

  4. Backpackers peopling the /spawn/ of the Me-generation: ohhhhhhhh! those Millenialist couch potatoes...HUGE carbon footprint...costs as much carbon to ship a backpacking Me-ist from JFK, NYC to Bkk as it does to heat the average AmneriKKKan home for a year...then, there's the d@mnable *eco-tourism--killing reefs & stuffing beaches w/scum & Russians--what more could a Nation want? ;-} rap. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

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  5. WRONG!!! Typhoon's effects are immanent...no? ;-} rap.
    Monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation,[1] but is now used to describe seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea.[2][3] Usually, the term monsoon is used to refer to the rainy phase of a seasonally-changing pattern, although technically there is also a dry phase.

    The major monsoon systems of the world consist of the West African and Asia-Australian monsoons. The inclusion of the North and South American monsoons with incomplete wind reversal has been debated.[4]

    The term was first used in English in British India (now India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) and neighbouring countries to refer to the big seasonal winds blowing from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavy rainfall to the area.[5][6] The south-west monsoon winds are called 'Nairutya Maarut' in India.

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  6. It doesn't help much for the paragon of virtue, *The Land of the Free & The Brave*, and its NSA henchmen & handlers to be setting the moral ceiling by such egregious methods, leading the pack in a race-to-the-bottom for personal privacy and warrantless searchs & seizures...where? Oh! Where is Moral Authority in these dangerous times? ;-} rap. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

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