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  1. Part of an advertising campaign for Microsoft

    and the reality from hoax-slayer

    haha cool... you can't trust anything on YouTube anymore, but even the explanation itself could be fake. Only thing that's very clear is with the landing the water should have spread all over the place.

    How about this one, lol :lol:

  2. The elephant population in Thailand has gone from 100 thousand to 2600. I simply posted the information so you could draw your owm comclusions. Most charaties like peta start out with the best of intentions then evolve into esposing the views of the largest financial contributer. Any abuse of an elephant for any reason is despicible, imho

    The different information is confusing, this site gives a totally different impression and they look more reliable to me.

    Even this is elephant abuse, it shows they really have no respect for the animals and for life in general.

    Daily Mail article


  3. While shooting a member of PETA has been present and an interview she admitted that the animal has been treated well. The scene in which the best was beaten was filmed with CGI Props. The animal was trained to make specific movements and expression with his head to make the idea that it was suffering pain. There is even a documentary made ​​about this this is available on DVD. These days you really can't get away with it when you mistreated animals in a film.

    However I think it's disgusting to even pretend that animals are being mistreated in a movie.

    In the meanwhile the totally sick Thai tradition of Phajaan (breaking an elephants mind by torture) is going on... http://helpthaielephants.com

  4. :)

    I'll chime in ... and am happily subject to correction.

    All the colored robes other than the Chinese grey/brown or Santhi Asoke's brown are part of the Thai Sangha ----(this would obviously exclude the other random Tibetan --Mahayana monks.) There are two main branches of Theravedan Buddhism in the Thai Sangha.

    Now --- to the question in the OP. This is of course a generalization because I don't think any monk hits 100% into either of these groups --- but the orange shade monks tend to be teaching and dhamma oriented monks. The darker red shade (not the Mahayana red -- often with yellow) are still part of the Theravadan Thai sangha, but are more contemplative (meditation) monks.

    Again,.... there are plenty of shades of "grey" to go with these generalizations but I have spent some real time with most types of monks (and nuns) in Thailand and I think my conclusions are correct.


  5. Giveawayoftheday.com a website that 9 out of 10 promotes crap software today has a very good deal, the paid version of IObit's Protected Folder.

    Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you. Protected Folder is safe and secure, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

    This software cannot be compared by e.g. TrueCrypt or BestCrypt, but to hide files for family members or co-workers this is a great tool.

    I do NOT work, represent, or financially profit from any company, product or service referred to herein.

    I made the time and effort, to bother posting this Message/Reply and I am giving what I hope is useful, interesting,

    information and material, or in response to a Question that was asked, and expect it to be received as such

  6. Today re-discovering the area between Chiang Mai University and Suthep mountain. There's a kind of steel structure 8 meters above the ground that looks like an elevated monorail track.

    Anybody who knows what this is ? Is it indeed a monorail track, where does it start and end and what's the length, and if yes has it ever been used or is it an unfinished and abandoned project ?

  7. The two main coloured robes that the Thai monks wear are bright orange and that more lacklustre brown shade we see a lot of around here.

    The brownish ones are worn by the 'Forest Monks' from the Ajahn Chah's lineage, while the brightly coloured orange ones belong to the 'City" Monks'. They are also issued to novice monks (nayn (เณร)) that are training at either city of forest temples. This is why you will see a mishmash of rags coming out for breakfast at first light.

    The forest monks stain their own glad-rags using dye from the jackfruit tree. This probably accounts for some of the variations in these ochre brown robes as seen on the monks from various wats.

    City monks on the other hand, have a consistent bright orange robe which is easily controlled by factory dying.

    But hey, just because I think I'm right, it doesn't mean I am. It just means I 'THINK' I am ;)


    Interesting, but it looks like Ajahn Chah is only a subgroup of Theravada, and not especially connected to the red robes, what you think ?

    Ajahn Chah - Wikipedia

    Biography of Ajahn Chah

    The Wisdom of Ajahn Chah

  8. Found.

    'The saffron robes monk wear dates back centuries. Orange was chosen mainly because of the dye available at the time. The tradition stuck and orange is now the color of choice for Theravada Buddhist followers in Southeast Asia, as opposed to a maroon color for Tibetan monks. Tibetans follow their version of Mahayana Buddhism. Red is considered a "poor" colour in Tibet so the idea of wearing red symbolises deflecting attention from yourself and focus on compassion & kindness towards other beings - that is one of the main principles of buddhism.'

  9. At shops that sell electric parts you can buy a few copper earth-pins, about 40 centimeter and 35b each, get also some 'installation cable' (the one with one thick center) and or either connect this with you equipment like guitar and computer, or connect it via extension cables with earth sockets/plugs and of course stick the whole pin into the ground. Important one is the water heater in the bathroom, very dangerous when it does not have an earth connection and tens of people get killed by this every year. In a previous condominium I installed my private earth cable all up to the 7th floor, lol.

  10. Can somebody tell us what are the exact differences between the monks wearing (often brand new) orange robes and those wearing the dark red ones ?

    Think I have heard that dark red monks spend most time on studying and meditation and are not as materialistic as the orange ones. Do the red ones practice a 'higher level' of Buddhist teachings ?

    Anyone who knows ?

  11. Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

    Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

    "....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

    This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

    So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

    'Nationalism or patriotism' thanks for explaining both words, let we take the second one then. Although 'love and devotion to their country' sure why not, but when force-feeding patriotic songs and teachings to very young children you see it as positive ? Freedom of thinking and respect for individual minds are positive, indoctrination is not in what ever culture include the American.

  12. Thanks George,

    Being a total nerd re internet what is CATCDMA? Aircard???


    CAT has 2 different CDMA usb sticks, one for 2400b prepaid with a CDMA SIM card inside, top up cards available for 1,15,30 days and the one shown is a post paid and cost over 6000b and around 800b per month. I've got them both here and although they say the postpaid one gives a better connection usually I don't see big differences.

    CAT does not supply external roof antennas but the technicians might be able to get one for you and put it on your roof, independently from CAT. The technician of the Chiang Mai office gives this service, he comes to your house put it on the roof you can try it if no improvement he removes it and no need to pay.

  13. DFM had some little food trucks at the motor show last year. I couldn't find any links to ready made trucks on their website (http://www.dfm-thailand.com) but they might be able to help if you contact them.

    Wow thanks, I like that one just what I was looking for :jap:

    Sorry for asking but are you opening a hot dog vending car or what?

    When I could start a Hot Dog On Sticks franchise I would for sure :licklips: but they are not available here, in the Philippines they are.

    No mainly local quality food and much more.

    Wow great ones !


  14. I wonder how many people know where this is, lol.

    Made this photo today... Is there anyone who can tell what this was, the name currently above the blocked entrance is 'Amazing Hall' and I guess it was a discotheque. I wonder when was it build and how long it has been open. Anyone who was inside when it was still in use, why it closed, any spectacular stories ? Other information ?



  15. Boy, not another wind-up thread. And a bunch of replies from clueless farangs who just love to batch the Thais about something. So are you guys suggesting that the kids just drop out of school, go to Pattaya, and sell their bodies to the highest bidder? And all this because the OP is annoyed that the kids are reciting the national anthem every morning. Well guess what? When I was a little kid growing up in America, guess what I did every morning at school? Recited the national anthem. Until it was seared to my brain. But that was patriotism. If the Thais do it, it's nationalism. I always wondered how you guys make the distinction. No, the Thai education system is not perfect. And neither are any of you blowhards.

    Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

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