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  1. it's the same every year. do nothing, air gets bad, talk a lot, rain season comes, everyone forgets about it, then burning starts, and air gets bad again. it goes round and round and round.
  2. There is a pretty obvious location. Lotus Baan Suan Kaew hotel and mall is now empty.
  3. so what ended up happening to this guy
  4. the casino even without local punters will be a HUGE success. Bangkok is the most visited city in the world and all the foreign nationals would flock there to gamble. the locals would go there too for the restaurants/bars/events. I imagine it would become essentially like a giant mall/entertainment complex, but the advantage of this one is that it is open after 10pm, when all the competitors close. The Thais would flock there to just hangout and socialize indoors. Think about an Icon Siam, but open 24 hours, with booze and events and gambling. Whoever gets this done, is going to make a killing.
  5. foreigners have to be among the safest and least criminal demographic in Thailand.
  6. it's not the USA tax payers responsibility to take care of Myanmar refugees in South East Asia. ASEAN nations should step up and be involved. Cuts like this wouldn't even be necessary if USAID wasn't just a giant money laundering scheme for left wing political ideology, instead of international aid.
  7. month to month means you don't have a contract and there is nothing you can do. all the landlord has to do is give you 30 days notice and then you must move out. just find a new place.
  8. did you end up buying there? what was your experience living there?
  9. agreed, doesn't sound like foul play involved here. most likely just an undiagnosed heart issue + vaxxed
  10. raises prices on all goods and services, they end up in the same place. it also makes small businesses less competitive and reduces the amount of jobs available, which means more unemployment and government support (which thailand doesn't have a lot of). it also doesn't address why they are in the bottom class to begin with. you can't raise minimum wage to bring people into a middle class, it just doesn't work. if you care about helping poor people, you should focus on educating them on basic finances and ways to build/learn skills to make themselves more valuable. artificially raising the floor of labor pricing just hurts the bottom and middle class
  11. raising the minimum wage doesn't help, it actually hurts the lower class.
  12. Yep. It was dead before then, but now it's super gentrified and backpacking in general is out of trend due to covid + higher cost of living + social media driving flashpacking/luxury over budget. You also don't need "hub" streets as much anymore with the pervasiveness of internet and phones. Now everyone has unlimited info on a country or city before they arrive. They can book a room online super easy on Agoda or with AirBnB. It's not like before where you would fly into a country/city and not know where to go or what to do and then just go to the "hub" area with the other travelers.
  13. Plenty. You realize Makasan is right next to Asoke?
  14. He said in the video that he hasn't had a job in over 15 years and it is preferable to be poor in asia than go back to the US and try to work and get a job. He has no intention of working. He is a gambling addicted loser.
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