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space cowboy

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Posts posted by space cowboy

  1. KK - The first shop in Japan opened in an area called Shinjuku. There was a 2 hour wait to buy your donuts :o I walked by there on the 30th of January at about 4:30pm and the wait was about 1 hour. I am not sure if it is repeat business or people just wanting to try something new.


    Remember the long lines at Roti Boy in Siam Square and on Silom? They're gone now!

    I also think Krispy Kreme would work in Bangkok. They cook the doughnuts in the open for customers to see and serve them "fresh and hot". Very different and much more pizazz then Dunkin or Mr. Donut. (critical to Thai people is often the presentation and if it is perceived to be western and high quality.

    The Roty on Silom and elsewhere was a joke, paid people to wait in line to appear even more busy and product line was almost ONE non descript item.

    Yes, I think it works here but probably only the Minor group could pull it of.

    Have taken a beating on their stock over the past 3-4 years.

  2. OK....I am a non techie AND lazy (perhaps this is somewhere on this board already) BUT I do find these things change often so looking for a current update:

    Want to give my family ONE number to call me in Bangkok or elsewhere in Thailand and I PAY FOR THE CALL> I see many call back such options and I also have used prepaid cardes that I send to them.

    My kids are too lazy to call 800 number, then code, then number etc..... And parents too elderly to follow the lengthy instructions!

    ONE 800 or 866 or whatever number I give to them so they can call me DIRECT and I PAY via a credit card on file or some other way.

    NO VOIP or computer options. Need calls to originate from either a landline or cell/mobile in US direct to my Thai mobile.

    Help me out guys and gals. Thanks.......

  3. THE MORAL : If you know any expat who wants to start a business in Thailand THIS IS THEIR CHANCE !

    I might just do this when I start my electrical business...but I'll do it for friends now.

    I have an associate that has a back shop at Pantip but his main business is on the road all day fixing computers, he can speak english moderately well, very honest, very capable, very reasonable and NOT related. He has been to our house over the years and sometimes he doesnt accept money!! Im not suggesting that!

    But if anybody wants his contact number just PM me. Happy to help him AND board members.

  4. From a very non techie, can somebody advise where to learn more about how to get a site on the first page when someone googles a site. Im sure this has been dicussed but perhaps someone can direct me where to go to learn and/or give me some clues. Thank you much

  5. OK...here goes. My own head spins when I try to inquire about this. Need advice about this:

    Want to:

    transfer funds from my gfs account here in Thailand (Kbank or Siam Comm. or Bangkok Bank) to MY existing paypal account (opened in USA about 3 yrs ago but still active).

    then transfer funds from MY paypal account to MY US based Credit/cash card that accepts $$ from paypal.....

    Doable??? Thoughts are appreciated.

  6. go to thai post office and buy a CAT phone card that can be used for calls from US to Thailand.....instructions on card. simply call a 1- 888 number and then dial Thailand number. VERY EASY and dont bother with computers, just any phone to any phone here in Thailand. cost is about 5 baht per minute. I buy these cards and just email the code and info on the back and wala my kids call me cell to cell anytime they want and its free for them because I have already paid for the card here in Bangkok

  7. In Chicago and the midwest in general.....corned beef on rye, piled high. Never seen the same quality of corned beef here in Thailand and for that matter never seen the same quality of rye bread either! If it exists let me know..............still looking for the little Jewish guy with such a place in Thailand. On every corner in many areas of the US....

    New York Deli in Bangkok is worse than Macdonalds, the worst sandwich in BKK and the term Deli does not apply.

  8. Pendlasco, in a nice old house, pizza oven in the garden,

    Grand Majestic Hotel, has one of the very best around. Sukhumvit Soi 2.

    La Piola, just like going to grandmas house in Italy.Sukhumvit Soi 11,

    LaOpera, Perhaps the oldest place in town, down Sukhumvit Soi39. Nice neighborhood place.

    Dulios on Suk Soi 49.

    Gianis and Paisanos on Soi Ton Son.

    Zannotis on Soi Convent, nice. Best in town?

    Zannotis is on Sala Daeng not Convent....right?

  9. I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :o

    I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

    Thank you airborne for your years of service. Your quote was "I'm able to live a normal life" so please explain the 100% disablity to the many deserving men and women who push on without help from Uncle Sam. I think Senator John McCain would love to read your quest for good diving spots etc. now that you are on full disability. I'm sure many readers here are a bit confused.

  10. Looking for advice for the following:

    Want a listed phone number in the states that clients can call from anywhere and have the call transferred to my mobile in Thailand.

    A cheap way for my kids to call from US to my mobile in Thailand.

    Dont want to use computers, only mobiles. Thanks for the help.

  11. What many folks dont understand when they put down "real pizza" or "real burgers" or even "real Mexican food" in LA or San Francisco or for that matter most big cities in the US is that it is so diverse that indeed some of the best food of any kind can be found in neighborhoods around most big cities in the US......................because we are all mutts in the US. All of our families came from other countries so genuine food of any kind can be found in the US.IF you know where to look!!

    I will await the flack about mutts from the boring amongst us........

  12. OK...........go ahead and laugh but this is a serious post. I am looking for anybody that might be coming from the US to Bangkok in the near future. Trying to find someone that would purchase a few things for me on the way over and from stateside.

    First, looking for the "set" of mini mens cologne that is sold by the airlines on the plane on the way over........about 4-6 mini bottles of cologne, dont recall the cost.

    And from stateside looking for twinkies, hostess cherry pies and fritos! No joke, If anybody can help me out I will pay for the items of course and comish and/or a few rounds................Sounds like wacko but I am serious....LOL

    PM me please!

  13. I just learned that the US has a squad at the world cup so I think they will win....................just a cynical comment as an American that doesnt know anything about "football" and just thinks if WE are playing we must be the best. Couldnt resist the urge to.......................make a joke!

    Actually, as a resident of Thailand now I have learned to enjoy the sport. I do hope Rooney is fit. He is one tough and young player.

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