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Posts posted by Bigfarang1948

  1. On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 3:17 AM, Jim7777 said:

    Well I take what I read on this website with a grain of salt seriously because you can only believe maybe half of what you read on this site most of the time if that.  


    Although by 1 April that'd be interesting right before Songkran.  I'll be sitting in the back of the truck with the family during Songkran with the water guns just passing one around lol ????.  It'll make the ice cold water feel warmer at least lol.  Seriously though I've never tried it but I might be a good candidate for medical marihuana for real as a disabled veteran.  But I don't know I've heard good and bad things about it, I've also heard that it causes paranoi so I don't know I'd probably have to try it first under the supervision of a doctor.  

    Lots of information to sort through and wait, probably for several years before any Expat living in Thailand may be able to get Medical Marijuana. I will probably be better off moving to a state that has legalized recreational marijuana instead of waiting on the medical wheels of Thailand to put forth a clear policy.  I have used it for pain relief a few times and I would gladly give up all opiates I have taken the past four years for marijuana. For those of you there who suffer terrible pain from injuries or other conditions, I feel for you too. I have been away from my family  there for 4 years and I cannot come back to stay unless this medical marijuana issue has proven to be available for expats. Happy New Year!

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  2. I heard from a friend in Thailand, that the Thai Government has approved marijuana for certain medical conditions. l came back to the States about 4 years ago to have some major health problems taken care of. Unfortunately, modern medicine still has many medical conditions that cannot be cured. That is where I am; constant, severe, pain from a variety of illnesses, surgeries and nerve damage.

    I am married to a Thai and dearly want to come back to Thailand, but I will never be able to do that without some effective pain management. To make this as short as possible, have I been misinformed, or has the Thai Government actually approved the use of medicinal marijuana?

    Thanks in advance and Sawasdee Pi Mai and a Happy New Year

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  3. 21 hours ago, Ossy said:

    No, that's no good, C . . . Thai drivers would break this ban like they break ALL bans. Better that the Transport and Environment ministries club together and repair/resurface every road that is currently showing signs of cracking. That would ensure safe travel!

    Same propaganda for road safety, just a different year. Listen up people. There is NO substance to any of Thailand's road safety campaigns.  

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  4. 17 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Although most likely from the thong, I have seen cases of  parasitic worms causing itching. The  worms can be ejected or suctioned out for lack of a better term, because of vigorous anal intercourse. The  multiple thrusts accompanied  by musculature contraction and increased mucous flow causes the delivery. I also note that  practitioners of anal intercourse often lose control of their sphincters and are prone to leakage as they can no longer keep their contents inside. This is often indicated by a telltale odour of feces, wetspots  and the staining of garments.  

    Thanks so much for the detailed, disgusting info on anal sex, Dr. Feel Good.......


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  5. 17 hours ago, Ramdas said:

    Tourists should learn and adapt to the fact that there aren’t any traffic road rules and relgulations in Thailand, which means pedestrians are just mobile pawns at risk of being run over whether on the side walk or on the pedestrian’s zebra crossing, you are at risk of being injured at any given moment especially in Bangkok !

    In this instance, the fat lump who tried to impose himself on the Thai guy miserably failed, although needless to say the police aren’t there to prevent this clash from escalating as it did considering that in the end the Thai guy would have got away with it in spite of the fact that he’s not supposed to ride on the pavement..Sadly, a foreigner is always a target in Thailand, I very much doubt he would’ve won a court cause in an orderly manner   ?


    Win a court case?  Words almost escape me. This is not your hometown legal system here in the L.O.S.

  6. If you want to assign fault for this tragedy you can blame every driver who fails to maintain enough distance between his vehicle and the one in front of him.  I taught traffic safety for a few years and the rule of the road was, and probably is still, two second interval between your vehicle and the one in front of you, and that time doubles for every roughly 15 KPH higher speed. 50 kph = six seconds following distance and that doubles on wet roads.  I will be the first to admit it, I don't follow the rules on Thailand's Hells highway and I doubt anyone else does either, but the fact remains, if you want to stop safely you need to be far enough behind the other vehicle in case a BIB suddenly appears in the road 100 meters away.  

  7. 9 minutes ago, Benroon said:

    He’s rich and banging a porn star - who’s laughing at him ? 

    Due diligence for a marriage.  That seems the sort of thing one business would do when considering merging with another business. Next, someone will be asking if he needs the little blue pill before doing business with the Missus. This just reinforces my opinion that almost anything is news worthy.  Maybe her specialty was where Monica got her cigar talent for Slick Willie. Now that is a different kind of Humidor.....We are probably just jealous of him....Crows feet around the eyes; now that is getting really critical. LOL

  8. On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 12:48 AM, AhFarangJa said:

    Why on Earth the west gives so much foreign aid to a country that has enough money to develop nuclear weapons has always been a mystery to me.

    I agree completely. Why would we keep giving hundreds of billions in aid to countries that hate us and are driven by their Ideology and fanatical leaders to kill us?  I have been quite Pi%#ed over this since I started hating all Washington politicians. We give them aid, they buy weapons, support terrorism, kill us, and we still Kow Tow to them while millions here are homeless and hungry. America has lost sight of who they should be taking care of, and it need look no further than any American inner city slum or Ghetto.  Shame on us as a Nation.

  9. On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 6:59 PM, Moonlover said:

    In the full report, one of the drivers admits that the incident took place after a 'late new year's party'.


    So I guess that had the police been on the ball at the time they could also have had them all up for drunk driving as well.

    Objection, your honor!  Speculation about drunk driving. Judge.  Sustained.

  10. On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 7:56 AM, johncat1 said:

    The police could not subdue a 66 year old woman ?  Ever heard of tear gas or even smoke bombs to confuse her ?

    What kind of Micky Mouse cops were they  ?

    Confuse her, use smoke bombs, tear gas, you say. Please. This is not CSI and do not confuse logical decisions in this instance. Remember. We are in Thailand where many people hold positions they paid for instead of being trained for. 

  11. On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 11:18 PM, thailand49 said:

    Just my opinion,  based on 1 year,  is gold or cash.  Based on time frame not too big the bigger the bigger the expectation since one year isn't much to based a relationship since you aren't here full time?  To Thais gold is the same as cash, anything brand name is just that today popular tomorrow not! 

    Use some imagination!!!  I always opted for the hand made 4 meter cast net since we live on the bank of the Mekong River. I bought the net from her granny who always gave me a good discount, so I got out pretty cheap for 1,000 baht. Gold is a waste because as soon as the little lady needs some quick cash, off to the local pawn shop. As a sign of even greater love I gave her two well seasoned cane poles to use when her arms tired of casting the net. She loves me too much, sure.

  12. 5 hours ago, davehowden said:

    Normally it's the farang who falls from the balcony !

    Is this a news story or an excerpt from a cheap porn novel?  As they were about to climax, she fell over the balcony.  What a new low in journalistic reporting. I feel dirty reading the article and disgusted with what has been said.  How about life w/o parole in the Bangkok Hilton.  He's likely to have some weird times there I wager. 

  13. On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2015 at 9:17 PM, johng said:

    They have been slowly expanding since at least 2002 when these photos where taken.



    I don't claim to be a 747 expert, jet mechanic or even a commercial pilot, but I will wager anything left in my bank account by Jan 12th, that this plane is not a 747,  It is way too small.  Maybe the shape of the cockpit would give it away if anyone would take a close look at the 747 which has been sitting at the Udon Thani airport for years. This looks more like a military transport.  Business must be booming there noting the size of the outdoor restaurant...

  14. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 8:29 PM, Ahab said:

    Same story occurs daily in Thailand. Young kids driving small motorcycles recklessly. Not enough people seem to care about this issue to do anything to fix it.


    Sad but true, Has anyone seen anything the Transportation/ police/ PM, having contributed to a safety campaign for these young teens>  Sit them in a class and show them a day full of road carnage at about age 12 and make the parents attend to. That might make a lasting impression.  Life is so cheap here and nobody seems to care how many are killed in accidents like this.

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