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Posts posted by Bigfarang1948

  1. Whatever you do get legal advise and cover your arse/assets.

    Just curious why you would not ask this question to a lawyer instead of asking bar stool and lounge chair farang lawyers what your best recourse is? How many opinions do you need before you decide to get a lawyer. If you keep track of the replies giving you advise I bet you don't get the same answer twice.

  2. It IS Muslims who are doing this. They come out of hate preaching mosques. People have a right to be afraid of them because they can't know if someone is a threat.

    If someone put 500 king cobras in my living room and assured me a majority had been defanged and rendered harmless, I'd have no comfort at all.

    The world can look forward, in fear, to a future where Islam is the majority population and Shariah law is the law of the land. Muslims out breed other races of almost two to one, so some simple math will deduce they will be the majority population in two or three hundred years. Without firing shot they will have conquered America, France, Thailand, and many other European and Asian countries. There is no way of stopping this creeping tide of Islam, until our Lord God Almighty destroys all Israel's enemies by fire, brimstone hail and earthquakes when Armageddon is unleashed.

  3. Every year is cold there so why havent they cold weather clothes already? Most places have cold season but people alreaqdy have clothes to suit.

    My wife is from a small Isan village near Nong Khai. Every winter, without fail, it seems like the majority of the people get sick with dysentery, and a hacking cough and fever, several times, before warm weather comes around again. Sometimes, all the chickens die as well. I wonder what brings this kind of sickness on so many in the village and all I can think about is the chickens might get bird flu and possibly transfer that to the people, if that is a possibility. That coupled with the general filth right outside the door, including food scraps, dirty wash water and chicken doo all over the place, might be the right recipe for sickness.

    I have begged my wife to keep the living area outside where everyone sits and eats, cleaner, and to put up a fence that will keep the chickens from crapping on the table where all the food is placed; my pleas falling on collective deaf ears. Now that I am back in America for some medical reasons, I have talked to my wife and the sickness and dysentery have already started. All I know to do is pray to God to protect the people from this sickness and to keep them warm and dry.

  4. Jesus! That could have been anyone.

    I don't know many places where you can bring a gun in front of a shopping mall like Central World on New Year's Eve and just fire off a gun in the air and not be taken down there and then.

    The bullet fell at a 60 degree angle, struck the victim at a 40 degree angle and was fired from 1,200 meters HMMMMMM I was under the impression that angle of penetration was determined by first pushing an iron rod through the entry wound in the victim's skull. These numbers have me thoroughly confused, flummoxed, actually. Maybe someone can explain the numbers these wisened cops used to make this conclusion. The only way to find the gun owner is if the ballistics, assuming they do that sort of testing, are credible. They will probably never find the trigger man.

  5. Don't drive a car painted the same color as an elephant's skin, you dumb s...!!! Horny elephants in heat are like horny drunken tourists. If it remotely resembles its own species (Drunken humans don't realize their misperceptions until the next morning and see who they woke up with) they are going to try and screw it. Elephants are big mothers, and what is misconstrued as an attack is really their way of cuddling. Similar to the intimacy after a session of lovemaking in prison when Tiny takes a bride.w00t.gif

    As for the car being the same color as an elephant, that has nothing to do with it attacking the car, which bears no resemblance to any elephant, and for cuddling, the footage I saw of the enraged elephant jumping up and stomping on the hood of the car, does not resemble cuddling at all.

  6. RIP to the Guards.

    That will save the tax payer a bit of cash on keeping prisoners.coffee1.gif

    The prisoners are human also, the crude comment about saving taxpayers money is totally inappropriate. We have no information of why they were imprisoned. I only hope that their families are compensated. Remember, judge not, that you be not judged. He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone!

    Whilst they were not from an high security nick. If they were good people they would not have been on the bus. The staff were just doing a job.

    You can bet your last baht they were not on the bus because they were mere shop lifters and Swisher Sweets stealing thugs

  7. You need to find an intermediary who will speak with them and negotiate how much money you need to pay them to have them move the birds. The price will be high because they know the value and they moved in to collect it. They are waiting and you should act fast before your guest house reputation for no sleep gets further established.

    No way are they going to be bought out and move the birds elsewhere; better you move and save yourself untold years of heartache and misery

  8. Just thinking aloud here, so please don't shoot me down!

    You might consider throwing a big party to celebrate some local event/activity/charity and send formal and respectful invites in Thai to some people in police/local gov/local area and to local press as well?

    Supply plenty of food and drink, keep in the background and let well-briefed Thai relatives and friends do the talking. You might find out some useful info and make new 'friends'. You may even find that your situation is not as hopeless as you think, and that your neighbours are not as strong as you fear.

    Cholmony has a point, it's completely innocent and you did not complain about their activities

    Cholmony has a vivid imagination which would be better served writing one act plays for kabuki actors, maybe.

  9. Your wife is wise.

    They may not have mafia connections but I guarantee these will not be the nicest and most considerate people you will ever meet.

    Even if you do something anonymously, they know a Thai wouldn't do it, so you would need to watch your back afterwards.

    Wound a Thai with a black heart and there will be no forgiving or forgetting.

    Something will happen and you won't even see it coming. sad.png

    You are stuck in a no win situation. If you do ANYTHING, it will come back to trouble you. They will know it was the farang who complained and the outcome will undoubtedly be bad for you. I am not sure a lawyer would be able to make an amenable arrangement with your neighbors.

  10. Interesting story and I am sure you know you cannot own land unless you are Thai?

    Sounds like you just gave your wife a nice gift for her to do whatever she wants. I will wait on your next chapter to see how she manages the property for you.... it is surely out of your hands now because you have absolutely no rights to it as a land owner. Bye bye 1.6 million TB

  11. You can urge people all you like...But it's probably a bit late, after the horse has been allowed to bolt ...uncontrolled.

    Germany is beginning to sound like Hillary Clinton in regards to tolerance of radical terrorism, and that is a bad, bad mistake. Tolerance of this sort is what caused the massacre of more than 6 million people of one ethnic group just over 70 years ago. The world needs only to look back on history to see how easily this type of ethnic cleansing has taken place. How soon we forget.....

  12. That it is only at night and resolves completely once you are up and about suggests that there is some inflammation in the tissues and tendons around the scapula which is brought on or exacerbated by the positions you sleep in.

    But you need to see an orthopedic specialist to be sure. There may be stretches you can do that will help. You may also need to learn to sleep in a different position. Lying on a heating pad for a while before going to bed may help too. As may antiinflammatories.

    Less commonly, these can be referred paid from gastritis which often flares up at night.

    Gastritis causing back pain; now there is something I bet you can't connect on WEB MD.

  13. What I can do as foreigner who absolutly depends on these immigration officers? I was absoutly not in the mood for any discussion. As I said 2 years old son was with me and we waited already nearly two hours in the queue.

    Should I say "NO" I pay 1900THB and you will give me my 60 days. Probably she would give me only 30 days then sad.png I always read here in the forum about "ask for a supervisor". But the Supervisor was directly behind her, he was absolutly aware what was going on. How can you do something against someone who has so much power over your life in the country you choosed to life in.

    Corruption is a way of life here and immigrations is making a killing on Farangs. They might as well be god when it comes to making up their own set of rules for visas. I had only one overstay during my time in Udon and I was prepared to pay the fine but then the officer said he would not charge me the overstay if I put more money into the Lipton tea carton on his desk.I showed him a 500 baht note and he nodded and stamped my passport. Everyone is used to paying the 100 baht fee, I assume, when they check in, and I saw a log, for one day, which showed more than 200 people had checked in. That is about 18,000 TB. I wonder how that money is divvied up among the officers? I got so fed up with getting taken advantage of, I left Thailand, and I will now have a commuting marriage when I can save enough money for a round trip ticket. Corruption has gotten even worse, especially in the small village my wife lives in, since the coup last year. Shakedowns, payoffs, trumped up drug charges and monkey house time have made the villagers afraid of even having their normal daily card games.

  14. Well that's it then, self defence but why did it take him so long to give himself up? Is he going to be charged with selling pirated goods and have they been sized or is he back at work?

    Shame on the Thailand Tourist Minister for continuing to let the scam artists run rampant and assault foreigners. This has been an ongoing problem for years and Thailand does nothing to eliminate these scumbags. They must pay some pretty good tea money to someone high up the tourist food chain.

  15. Get a good lawyer this time and do not try and represent yourself in court

    Get your wallet out as it looks like it is time to spend your money to protect your kid

    she is the kids parent also remember and peoples situations change maybe it's time to talk

    All the best

    I am only puzzled that you would ask legal questions on this forum. You have been burned once by a lawyer, because you chose to let him represent you and your ex. Nobody on this forum is qualified to answer your questions except for a lawyer licensed in the Kingdom

  16. Weird here, isn't it. I think they're testing you (or taking the ****) as a 'good neighbour. Just keep saying no, that your landlord forbids it.

    You already know the nswer. Do you just need reinforcements so you can tell your neighbors the farangs on Thai Forum said I should not keep your dogs?

  17. Try using a weapon on dogs and especially chickens that many of the locals have a fondest for, then someone may come along and use a weapon on you.

    Your OP specifies another good reason why I would hate to have a farang as a neighbor.

    It is illegal for you to own one. If your neighbors see you shooting their chickens and dogs you are going to be in serious trouble, especially when they rat you out to the local cops. It is a cruel person who kills stray animals.....

  18. if you been coming here for 30 years and you didnt expect that, you been living in a cave. unreasonable? perhaps not. unrealistic? oh yeah!

    Of course, you are being unreasonable, and you have been coming here long enough to know you married the entire family. Just how do you think you are going to make your sister in law pay half your brake pads and your pressure washer or whatever? That is a pipe dream you can forget, and if you press the issue your wife is going to side with her family alll the time. You are here just to give her money, let her relatives use your car and tools too so sorry about that. WHY did you not keep the keys to your car in the first place?

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