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Posts posted by Cadan

  1. 3 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:

    We're fairly stable around 2,000 (a couple of days doesn't mean a clear trend) and the Songkran window is closing but I still think we really have to be on our toes here. The virus quietly brewed in Lombardy for weeks before it took off, it did the same in New York, then it exploded with a vengeance. And that was a less contagious strain. 


    I don't like these around 2,000 per day figures. Sure, IMO anyway, the Thai contact tracing has been first class, still is, but they easily could lose this one if it doesn't start to go down soon. Contract tracing could get overwhelmed and it's enough if a few of the 10?, 20?, 30? thousand they try to contact every day can't be reached (and is infected) and we could have a few more clusters every day. 
    Hospitals will get / are already overloaded. They are switching to quarantine at home so most or at least many of the other family members in the house hold will get infected.
    IMO, the Thai economy will lose much more not controlling this than what a lockdown will cost. Why? Most business will still go on as usual, factories will still produce and export. Only smaller parts of the Thai economy will be shut down. And what about the future tourism? Westerners with their gung-ho attitude to covid-19 will still come during 2022 but Asians will not! And income from Asian tourism is much greater than Western tourism. 
    The next 15 days will decide I think

    why would you think that Asians spent more then Western ?  Have you have counted the number of average stay per visitor ? Europeans dont fly her for the weekend. The average is at least 10-14 days. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Grasping onto how well you think Thailand has done in the past does not resolve the current outbreak that threatens the whole country with a new more infectious strain thats never been dealt with before here.

    This whatever st, nd or 3rd wave won’t be easy to stop. Spread too much plus the 3000 people party in Phuket. Can only wish for the best ans that thailand opens up to all available vaccinations earlier 

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  3. Wont increase the tourist numbers. Just business as usual. Ever wondered why the JNJ vaccine was not ordered yet by the private hospitals ? There is 100 million shots a months produced and only 1 shot needed. Once US is done by June thailand could have easily ordered for availability in July / August and get back to normality... BUT as it looks now we won’t be done until December or early 2022. Someone is hiding something we don’t know about ????

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