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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. 17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    villa market has old style brown paper bags just like the 1970's for the last few months.

    they have a big sign that says "Due to global warming we no longer have plastic bags." not joking.


    I have had those paper bags at  Villa Problem is you can only carry 2 or 3 of them They should use the shopping bag style brown paper bags You can carry more that way Wonder if this is going to affect sales in the short term ?

  2. 1 hour ago, JMSIII said:

    So true.   I watch as the Thai's have been increasingly more rude, some even arrogant.  The attitude of some of the Thai girls is, that their you know what doesn't stink, and every western farang wants them...


    Then throw in that they openly ridicule us in Thai, think we are stupid, and can only think about how much money they can get from us...   I was in 7-11 last week when two very pretty, very sexy, European women walked in, and the Thai girls working there immediately started looking at each other giggling, making quiet comments in Thai.  After the two politely made their purchase, and walked out, the Thai girls started laughing out loud saying all kind of things in Thai.  The 7-11 is next to LK Royal Suite on Soi Buakhao.  The two European women quietly walked in, got what they wanted and left.


    I think the Thai gov't and the Thai people have become so comfortable in thinking that we will always be here spending the most money, that they are seemingly willing to bite the hand that feeds them....


    Yes, this is not all Thais, but then numbers just seem to keep growing..


    Lets be honest, the Thai's have brought this upon themselves.



    While  I agree with these three reasons I have to weigh in on this They have also scared away a lot of retirees and treated them badly 1000s have left and more will The shot themselves in the foot with this one  No foresight at all on it

    • Like 1
  3. I think what is sad is 1000s will leave and thousands of condos will go unrented Then the market becomes unstable Rents will surely go down If enought go unrented then there may be a condo crisis


    This whole visa thing was not thought out at all

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    God only knows how many 10s of thousands of condos will be sitting unsold for the indefinite future until this visa nonsense stops.....I doubt any one even with 800,000 in the bank would even be considering buying a condo now if they had half a brain....

    Not only that but how many condos will sit empty because there is no one to rent them This whole visa thing will backfire It was not well thought out

    • Like 2
  5. This policy by Thai immigration will cause many to not come to the land of smiles There are a lot of other venues that welcome people without going through hoops Such as the 90 day reporting among other things

    It gets to a point where some say the hell with it I will go where I am welcomed

    This day has come Imagine all the condos that have no tenants  You are going to have 1000s of condos without and that only hurts Thai people.

    This whole thing was not thoroughly thought out. When a new law or rule comes out on immigration in most countries they grandfather people in so they will not be affected. This did not happen

    It will affect the economy. The did not put any thought into that 


    • Like 2
  6.  Although this does not affect me the problem with this rule is they should have grandfathered all the current retirees rather then have it affect who is already here There are going to be big problems if they do not correct this

    No other country does this to their visa holders Its like just cancelling a visa without concern for the visa holder. On top of that It will affect the Thai economy and real estate values All of a sudden lots of apartments are not being rented 


    Reap what you sow

  7. "he advised as he agreed that the main cause of the haze could be put down to incomplete engine " The prime minister is badly informed It is not just engines on cars and trucks that are causing the problem There are millions of motorcycles that cause part of the problem Get the  MC manufactures to agree to stricter pollution controls. Decades ago the USA forced the auto industry in the USA to curb hydrocarbon emissions. At first the auto makers screamed they could not do it. Then said the price of cars would double Then said oh maybe we can do it and then the regulations came into effect, Guess what everyone they did it and it did not increase the cost of cars that much. So Honda and all you other motorcyle companies The game is over Start producing clean motorcycles Its day has come

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    • Confused 1
  8. That is a good story  Some Thai woman will believe it and feel sorry for you because they think you were taken advantage of


    Maybe you spend the money missing from your account You were out of it so this is plausible

    Regardless I see though this story Surprised your wife does not

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