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Posts posted by astanhope

  1. If life is like a holiday, then i should scrap thinking about the Visa's etc and just move to LOS.

    I would imagine that living up north is very different to living in a resort, so need to think about that one plus a little night life is a plus with a few bars.

    maybe a little house, sitting in a rocking chair with my chang and watching the world go by

    Bring some good books.

  2. Somebody mentioned Drysol. It contains aluminum chloride - I think it is the same type of product I once received a prescription for.

    My recollection is that the stuff burned like hell. It stopped perspiration in the precise spots where it was applied. You might try to get a bottle to use in a pinch.

    I find that the "Prickly Heat" mentholated talcum powder helps quite a bit.

    Button-down cotton shirts work better for me than t-shirts or polo shirts.

    Other thoughts:

    * keep hair cut short

    * remain clean shaven - (I think Thai ladies aren't terribly fond of beards generally, either. hehe)

    * If you've got an office or are out in your vehicle, bring a second set of each clothing article with you to swap out as needed

    * Move to Chiang Mai

    * Visit wat frequently to implore the universe to bring back the weather we had this past winter (excluding the torrential rain and flooding in the South)

    Am I right about the weather in December - March this past winter, Gentlemen?

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