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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Wild and pathetic offer. NATO is a life or death institution. Not a toy for vain politicians. The idea that Zelensky's resignation would encourage NATO into a potential ARTICLE 5 trap calls into question his judgement and sanity. Truly absurd.
  2. I enjoy battling on this forum. I don't enjoy watching misogynistic stupidity spread. And I personally knew four outstanding female members who left the forum due to constant worthless attacks. It got that bad that they started a private subforum and you had to be telephone vetted to get access as some nutters were pretending to be women. So really, what you notice is irrelevant.
  3. It's rancid trolls like this misogynistic filth that drove our once vibrant female membership off this platform. An absolute disgrace. Permanent silence from this creep would be a good thing for this forum.
  4. Touchy. Your type won't be missed. You couldn't wait to attack the young lady. Worthless and cowardly halfwit.
  5. I think the basic dispute is dumb but the WHCA has doubled down today and they'll find that they cannot demand access for anyone to the White House. They have no authority whatsoever. None. And the WHCA better be careful cos Trump has history with them.
  6. I was thinking that myself. It must be a devastating blow. He made it impossible by not surrendering. I have a memory of the late, lamented NancyL being involved in a case where the man involved had dementia and was on overstay. Thai authorities waived enforcement and he was placed in assisted living, at who's expense, I don't know. You can sometimes luck out by doing the right thing.
  7. I knew a guy in Laos who had been there 27 years without a visa and had allowed his passport to lapse. Similar to yourself, no one cared to inquire as to his status. Best one I saw was a farang selling eggs at a country market. Thai official busybody questioned how he could do that legally and phoned the police. Guy had been in country about 30 years - and she was dismayed to find out he had Thai citizenship. To make it even more embarrassing, the guy was who the cops turned to for help with farangs in the area. He wasn't tourist police, just an ad hoc helper.
  8. There was a guy in Mae Hong Son who overstayed for 22 years. When the Thais introduced mandatory bans from the Kingdom ( around 2015/16 ) he left voluntarily, flew to the UK, obtained a visa and returned. This guy has just caught a mandatory ten year ban from Thailand.
  9. What do you mean, split? That split has been in place for my entire lifetime.
  10. Zero chance of NATO troops joining that war. None. It seems to deeply irritate some in the West but NATO owes Ukraine nothing.
  11. It is bizarre - and they also forget about the Abraham Accords from his first Presidency, the greatest diplomatic achievement in the Middle East this century, by a country mile. Another peace initiative - and if the Dems had pulled it off they would be showered with Nobel Peace prizes. But not Trump. multiple peace and recognition agreements in the Middle East and he's a "fascist." Just shocking.
  12. Yes - fascists are famed for avoiding wars at all costs and going out their way to negotiate peace treaties. Ridiculous.
  13. I do have a long list of insults at hand, but you're not worth the bother.
  14. American voters hate USAID - I hope the Left make it a central plank of the midterm campaign. "Vote for us so we can pay for transgender surgery in Peru." Great election slogan - go for it.
  15. I see this thread has descended into a morons tea party. Zero chance that Putin attacks a NATO country. He actually started laughing last week when asked by a reporter, saying that this was made up nonsense by the Western press to scare their populations into supporting Ukraine. So - for the morons among you - Putin cannot risk attacking any NATO nation as it activates Article 5 mutual self-defence. There is zero chance that NATO would not respond, not a chance in hell. Poland alone, in my opinion, would defeat Russia, never mind any other NATO powers getting involved. And here's why: The Russian military is rancid - as proved in Ukraine. NATO has always known that their military is rancid. Russia cannot be defended, their borders are too wide open and vast. Relying upon "General Winter" and the open spaces to suck in attacking forces doesn't work in modern warfare. You would find around 30 countries attacking Russia across a vast European border - then you would have the American 5th Fleet, as well as Australia, NZ, possibly Japan attacking from the Pacific. Russia knows it can't win. So for all of you morons cracking on about Russia will attack Poland blah blah, just shut your stupid mouths, switch off your Internet and go visit a shrink. Utter moron talk.
  16. They would rather innocents die than see Trump secure a peace deal. Psychopaths. But people forget that neoconservatism began in the Democrat party. It's some state of affairs when you see the Cheney's and John Bolton lining up with the Dems. The world has gone mad
  17. Correct. And apparently there's a proposal winging its way in to the White House for the Arab nations to take control of Gaza. I wouldn't want to be an Iranian backed terrorist ( Hamas ) when the Saudis show up with their swords. Hezbollah has already folded. Hamas are in for a shock.
  18. It's childish. I don't know what Trump is up to, none of us know what rabbit he plans to pull out of the bag. We all hope it's a good deal for Ukraine. But it's stunning to see the American left promoting the concept of continual or expanded warfare. Disturbing.
  19. The Allies decided the price to pay for freeing said countries was too high. So they walked. Bizarrely they walked when the USA was the only country in world history that had a dominant weapon of mass destruction. They could have obliterated Moscow with no fear of retribution. But here we go again with the brigade of clowns that don't understand a simple truth. US and NATO politicians will avoid war with Russia at virtually all costs. That's why Saint Obama did nothing, that's why Trump is pursuing peace. We in the West owe Ukraine nothing. It's long been a vipers nest of Russian nationalists operating a 5th Column. Peace at the price of land looks to be the only viable option.
  20. You're that busy spouting hatred for Trump but France & the UK are making it clear that Trump is correct. Not one of you keyboard warriors can explain how Ukraine can win this war. Not one. So we're going to end up with the same result we had at the end of WW2. Peace at the price of land. Cos surely you didn't forget that the Allies walked away from several sovereign states and left them to the brutal grip of Stalin?
  21. Can I also point out that the bum gun creates another level of problems. Never, ever use a bum gun in a public bar etc without deep cleaning your hands after. And I.mean, full soap and clean your hands well. Songkran - beware of cholera. Moat water in Chiang Mai is infested.
  22. I forget the name of the one I use. I make a point of taking a couse home with me every time I leave Thailand. It's a three day course. Walk into any pharmacy and ask for parasite medicine. It's routine, nothing embarrassing about it.
  23. I know of a Chiang Mai girl who died after a brain worm infection. She was misdiagnosed for three months and realistically the infestation had been in her brain for six months before diagnosis. She was put into an induced coma, the worms were killed off but complications killed her. Thais routinely take anti-parasite medicine, usually twice a year. It's available over the counter at pharmacies. Raw prawns are infamous hosts for parasites but undercooked fish is also a problem. There's no shame in asking for the meds, it's not a reflection of your hygiene, it's a reflection of the sometimes dubious foodstuffs that we are presented more than anything.
  24. They'll accept it in return for keeping the Donbass as it will be labelled the Tri-party security act or something stupid like that. And the USA will give Russia a guarantee that UKr forces won't attack. Wait and see, these are the weasel moves of old men after wars. Putin can then crow "no NATO in Ukraine. Weasel moves of old men after the war? Did we Allies not set out to defeat Germany and free Europe during WW2? Then walked away leaving half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain as we judged it wasn't worth charging into the Red Army to free Poland et al?
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