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Everything posted by theblether

  1. You must be off your nut to think D.O.G.E. is going to audit individual taxpayers.
  2. That's good. As a former British army soldier I look forward to them sending in the troops. I only signed up due to a deep and abiding hatred for the Soviets. However - they'll never do it. All talk and no action as far as boots on the ground are concerned.
  3. Dear me, you cannot be serious.
  4. And? In which planet is it illegal for employees to voluntarily accept a pay off package?
  5. I'm always keen to hear the word from inside the asylum. You'll be disappointed to hear the Arab states are meeting on Feb 27 to prepare an offer to take over the rebuild and security of Gaza. Bad news for Hamas cos those guys have swords and they know how to use them. Trump wins again.
  6. Aye, well, the Eastern expansion of NATO was started by Clinton, who just happens to be a Democrat. I'm starting to see a pattern form here.
  7. If Trump negotiates a peace deal in Ukraine and ends the Gaza conflict, should he get two Nobel Peace prizes or just the one?
  8. Russia has just said any peace deal will include Ukrainian input - bursting a stupid bubble floated by Zelensky that he wouldn't accept a deal done between the USA and Russia with his involvement. As if that was ever going to happen.
  9. If I've ever regretted starting a thread..................................🥲
  10. The Dems can't answer as to why Saint Barack and Sleepy Joe allowed Russia to run riot.
  11. I worked with the 11th ACR, Fulda Gap. We knew in the 80's Russian forces were dysfunctional. This latest imbroglio has proved it beyond doubt. The idea of Putin picking a fight now with NATO is ludicrous.
  12. The pitiful thing is you truly believe you are correct. Take it up with both Joe Biden and Barack Obama who both blank refused to put US boots on the ground to assist Ukraine. It's no fluke both invasions happened under Democrat administrations.
  13. Correct. I will repeat the mantra. You need to be mentally ill if you think Putin is in the Kremlin thinking the Ukrainian invasion went well, lets go pick a fight with NATO now.
  14. This is why I never comment on these threads. They are full of lunatics like you spouting delirious drivel. The Baltic States and Poland are all NATO states, unlike Ukraine. Under no circumstances will Putin step a foot into any of these countries - no chance.
  15. Wait till they hear that the DOGE team has increased from 6 to 100
  16. It appears that this force reduction will save the Federal government around $9 billion a year, so around $30 billion over four years taking into account the salaries are guaranteed till September.
  17. Is English your first language? This line is not a statement of fact, it's a journalistic opinion. Feel free to show me where these words left any politicians words verbatim yesterday. "This is all in stark contrast to the oft-repeated and now rather hollow sounding Western mantra of sustaining Nato support for Ukraine "for as long as it takes".
  18. I don't know if its just unbelievable or flat out embarrassing. Maybe both. Daily Mail link to the buy out result https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-rules-trumps-sweeping-plan-persuade-federal-workers-resign-can-m-rcna191947
  19. Did you read the BBC reporters words? This is all in stark contrast to the oft-repeated and now rather hollow sounding Western mantra of sustaining Nato support for Ukraine "for as long as it takes".
  20. It matters because the average income is a primary deciding factor as to whether a country had the advantages allocated of being categorised as a developing country. So, it matters. And you will never see Chinese average income match the USA. Never.
  21. I can't believe people are commenting "oh, no - it's going to cost money to hire the cost cutters!" You're either trolling or you're post-lobotomy. No one can be that stupid.
  22. This is one of the reasons why I don't comment on the Ukrainian War. Everyone's an expert. The point of my thread is that I'm surprised to see the BBC put the boot in to this extent. Anyway, realpolitik is rearing it's head. We'll see what happens.
  23. Apparently 75,000 workers have accepted the offer. Trump has now withdrawn this program to new entries. What I think will happen is that he'll wait and see how it works out then reintroduce it again. Some employees who were swithering may well take up the offer if the see former employees doing well. We'll see. But, anyway, yet another win for Trump, reducing the workforce by 75,000 in his first month. Also, irritating for the left who seem to believe that the courts will block everything that Trump proposes. In my opinion, it would have been outrageous for the courts to interfere with adults personal decision to quit their job. No wonder they found that the unions had no standing to interfere in individuals right to choose. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-rules-trumps-sweeping-plan-persuade-federal-workers-resign-can-m-rcna191947
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