I had a look at the T&Cs (Product Disclosure Statement) on their website and under exclusions it states:
claims involving, arising from or related to Your
impairment due to You drinking too much alcohol:
a) which is evidenced by the results of a blood test
which show that Your blood alcohol concentration
level is 0.19% or above. (The level of alcohol in Your
blood is called blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As
a point of reference, a BAC of 0.19% is almost four
times the legal driving BAC limit range in Australia
which is currently 0.05%); or
b) taking into account the following, where available:
(i) the report of a medical practitioner or forensic
(ii) the witness report of a third party;
(iii) Your own admission; or
(iv) the description of events You described to Us or
the treating medical professional (e.g. paramedic,
nurse, doctor) as documented in their records.