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Everything posted by pj123

  1. Travelled on Raja on 5 May and Seatran 10 May last year, very noticecable the higher level of maintenance on the Seatran ferry. And the Raja belching out huge quantities of black smoke from its engines.
  2. I rented a Toyota hybrid C-HR in Portugal. Horrible constant whining noise on the motorway. I think this was from the CVT transmission.
  3. There is a Facebook group for Jaguar owners Thailand. A good place to start your search. https://www.facebook.com/groups/274521846404545
  4. I had a look at the T&Cs (Product Disclosure Statement) on their website and under exclusions it states: claims involving, arising from or related to Your impairment due to You drinking too much alcohol: a) which is evidenced by the results of a blood test which show that Your blood alcohol concentration level is 0.19% or above. (The level of alcohol in Your blood is called blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As a point of reference, a BAC of 0.19% is almost four times the legal driving BAC limit range in Australia which is currently 0.05%); or b) taking into account the following, where available: (i) the report of a medical practitioner or forensic expert; (ii) the witness report of a third party; (iii) Your own admission; or (iv) the description of events You described to Us or the treating medical professional (e.g. paramedic, nurse, doctor) as documented in their records.
  5. I am considering purchasing a house via a company. Purchase price will be about 10,000,000 THB. Funds will come from the UK. When I come to sell the house will there be any problems sending the sales proceeds back to the UK?
  6. Thank you thats very helpful
  7. I would like to purchase Reolink CCTV equipment on Amazon.com and import into Thailand for personal use. Has anyone done this? I ask as when I checked the HC code for import on the Thai customs website they advise you need a license to import digital video cameras and recorders. But maybe this is for commercial use?
  8. Lazada no use. Alibaba only offers wholesale
  9. Any idea where I can get a catch basin? I can find nothing online in Thailand
  10. Does anyone claim expenses for use of their own vehicle from their employer or their own company. Are there any guidelines on how much you can claim (for example the Revenue Department may question the amounts claimed.) In the UK an employer can pay their employee £0.45 per mile for the first 10,000 miles and then £0.25 for mileage over 10,000 miles. They can pay more but would then need to report the payments to the HMRC (tax authority)
  11. "The application she used can only be serviced in certain areas of Phuket but not for Kamala and not this particular venue." Which app is this? ? Can you use Grab Taxi app in Phuket?
  12. I always use Grab with no problems. Majority of trips in taxis. I tip most drivers as Im happy with the service.
  13. I did look at the MU7. You can pick up a +200,000 km 2005-06 for under 300,000. But too big for my wife. But we may need to compromise on size.
  14. I am considering purchasing a second car for taking the dogs out and mainly as a flood car. We are looking at 09-12 Ford Escapes or 05-12 Suzuki Vitaras. Both automatics. Any experience people may care to share about both cars? Or offer another suggestion. Maybe a CR-V? Budget is under 300k and we will spend some money on making the car more flood resistant (eg breathers). I would prefer to sell our current car (X1) and purchase a used Everest but my wife finds this size of vehicle too large for her to handle comfortably. Pick-ups not an option.
  15. Found this primer on HomePro but according to TOA its for brick and concrete. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1153447
  16. My wife wants to replace the door with non wood material. If we repaint even after cleaning thoroughly I am sure the mildew will return. That's why I am looking for an anti fungal paint.
  17. I plan to repaint this external door which suffers from I take to be mildew. Any recommendations for what to use so that this problem does not return? Any anti fungal gloss paints available in Thailand?
  18. Please share the link. Thanks
  19. Mitsubishi have a compressor here that would run 3 x 2.5KwH units: https://www.mitsubishi-kyw.co.th/Product/For-Home/2654.aspx
  20. I found an unknown charge for 23,000 THB from Facebook on my Krungsri card on 17 June. Raised the issue with Krungsri same day, they cancelled card. Submitted an Investigation Request Form on 20 June. Debit refunded 27 June.
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