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Posts posted by wispyerk007

  1. I recently (last month) obtained a passport for my daughter, the birth certificate was translated into English but not legalised,

    and had no problems. You may find you need to produce the Khor Ror 2 with your marriage certificate, which is what we did, and again this was translated as well. I did everything in person at the embassy, they checked everything and where very helpful. A friend of mine has also recently obtained a passport for his daughter, his girlfriend and daughter were not present, all he showed was her I. D. card and Thai passport. again he had no problems.

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  2. It can be the "missing peace of the puzzle" if it comes to recieving social security bennifits from your home country.

    registered inhabitants means proof of legal stay.

    furthermore one is an excepted(legal) member of Thai society.....with all the pro and cons.

    car/motorcycle, .......

    but also as a foreign husband in the house you all think is yours......and yes your Thai counterpart thinks that the blue book is ownerships book and still thinks she doesn't have to sign you in as a member of the household...........sorry....NOT ALL OFCOURSE.


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by social security benefits...........do you mean in Thailand or another country?

  3. I have been informed the people in the house are not the owners but are renting, the local chief is not forthcoming, It is not in Bkk,

    Regarding the Land Office, my wife and I originaly visited together and requested to see the chanut for the land the house is built on, I dont speak Thai but she said that, they told her they needed a copy of the owners I.D. card before they would show us............If I knew who the owner was I would'nt be asking to see the chanut.........I am not saying why I want to know who the owner now is.............I just wanted to know if there was a central registry somewhere where I could view records

  4. I am trying to find out who owns a certain House close to where I am living, I have visited the local land office to ask for details but they have refused. is there anywhere the general public can view land or house sales or transfers in Thailand. i.e. such as a land registry office as in th U.K. ............Thanks in advance for any info.

  5. Thank's Mario...........I thought it was free but was'nt sure.................I certainly wont be paying the guy 2000 THB so he can take his friends out for a New Years drink.

    If his offer to you was issuing the book without the normally necessary paperwork (translation and certification of your passport, being the worst headache), then his offer is a real bargain, which I think, you should take. Will save you a few trips to immigration in the future! thumbsup.gif

    I take your point soi 41 but with respect, as I originaly said in my post, and before the guy even said he wanted 2000 thb, I am unsure if I want the book or not, I have been here 6 years already on a Retirement Visa and have not had any problems.....IIf I have wanted proof of address I have gone to immigration.......Its the principle, I dont need it, if it's free I will have it, but I wont pay 2000 thb tea money for something I dont really need.

  6. Thanks for the replies so far...........since posting my original post the main guy at the Amphur office (I do not know his correct title but he is the one who signs the documents) has just contacted my wife and told her " to make it easy it will cost 2000thb" tea money again, I would like to know the real cost if anyone knows, but upto now I wont be taking up the option.

  7. If the gentlemans wife and children did manage to obtain 6 month visitors visas, could they apply to have there visas changed or extended so as to remain with him.

    According to the Human Rights Act, which the U.K. signed up for, it is a basic human right for families to be together. Would his wife and children really have to return to Thailand?

    I am not saying this is what they should do but merely asking if it is possible.

  8. Can the legaly married Thai wife of a British Citizen, in the U.K. on a visitors visa, obtain a Residence Permit on the grounds to remain with her family. There are 2 children from the marriage both born in Thailand, the youngest one has a British Passport, the couple have been together for 8 years and legaly married for over 4 yrs. Any advice how she can remain here legaly would be appreciated, or is the best option, return to Thailand and apply for a Settlement Visa.


  9. Hi all, Can someone tell me if it is possible to book a flight at the airport for the U.K. or do i need to go to a travel agent, i.e. are standby tickets still available at the airline offices within the airport. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  10. Thanks for the suggestions so far, I do not want to go down the marriage route as It looks unlikely at the moment that I will have the funds even for that.

    I understand I need a re-entry permit in my passport before I leave Thailand, but I was under the impression I would get a 90 day stamp when I re-entered Thailand because the original visa is basically a Non Immigrant O ..............or may be I am wrong.

    A visit to the Immigration office seems like a good option at the moment.

    Thanks so far

  11. Hi all, I am British, have been here in Thailand on a Retirement Visa for 5 years, legally married to a Thai and we have 2 children together.

    My Retirement Visa is due for renewal in March and as of yet due to unforseen circumstances I have not enough funds in my account, I use my pension as part of the funds so do not need the money in 3 mths before. I am now contemplating returning to the U.K. hopefuly taking my wife and 2 children with me, however I do need to stay here a few months longer so what are my options. If I do a border run before my Retirement Visa expires will I get a 90 day stamp or not. I have not been out of Thailand since 2006, will that make a difference.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  12. Further to my post, I now believe the female lawyer is known as Poi,(a nickname I presume)and the parade of business/shops where her office was located, higher up than Big C and the Festival center on 2nd road is called Pattaya Bazzar.

    The Lady will now be in her late 30s to early 40s and speaks excellent English. If anyone is at present or has in the past dealt with or know's a female lawyer with this name, or legal representative as some are known and they fit this description would they please let me know, any information no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.


  13. Hi all, this maybe a long shot but here goes.

    I need to locate a female Lawyer who had an office on 2nd road North Pattaya ( the parade of shops just before the Dolphin roundabout) The name of the office was " Smart Angel " however, the office closed down just over 4 years ago, I have recently been trying to locate the the female Lawyer who's name I cannot remember to return some documents to her, if anyone can provide me with information on where she or her office might be it would be greatly appreciated.


  14. Hi all, I have been living in Thailand for 4 years on a Retirement visa, my Thai wife and I are legaly married, we have 2 children, 5 and 1 who where both born in Thailand, I am now contemplating changing my visa from Retirement to marriage but have a few concerns. My wife is younger than me but what would happen if she were to die before I did, would I have to revert back to a Retirement visa or would I keep the marriage visa because we have children, if so would the visa then finish when the children reached a certain age.Thanks in advance. Any info would be appreciated.

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