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Posts posted by wispyerk007

  1. Hi, I am at present staying in the Trang area and need to do a 90 day reporting, I have a Retirement visa, can some one please advise the best place to go, I have heard about Kantang but have also heard that they are not very friendly, would I be better going to Hat Yai, if so can someone tell me where exactly it is. Thanks in advance.

  2. hi,

    you can legitimately hold shares in a company without holding a work permit (as long as you dont do any physical work for the company), so that part is not a problem. No work permit required.

    Also, you cannot obtain a work permit on a retirement visa. You would need to convert to a non-imm visa and then request a work permit should you ever wish to start work.

    So, owning your condo on the strength of a retirement visa is not a problem in itself, however, as as been pointed out in several threads here if the sole purpose of the company is to support your ownership of a condo, you may be falling foul of the another set of regulations and this could result in potential problems for you. The story is a whole rather large quagmire at the moment and you'll have to read up here about more on this if your company itself falls into this category.


    Richardt, thanks for your info, are you saying that I and many more people could be breaking the law by owning and living in a condo because it is in a company name, many farangs have bought condos in company names because of the 49% 51% rule, I have no work interests at all, the company name was purely so I could purchase the condo and I am sure many farangs have done the same.


    Actually when you said 'property' I assumed you were talking about a house, but the facts apply equally, if not more so, in the case that you are considering buying a condo where the unit is not one of those which falls within the 49%.

    If anyone is using the 'company' tactic to avoid the 49% rule, it is illegal - especially if the company is specifically created with the purpose of evading the quota. Bear in mind that when you take control of the company, you may own a maximum of 49% of the shares. The minute you try to pass the other 51% of the shares to your wife or some nominee, then you fall foul of the law on nominee shareholdings. Note that this 'nominee' situation is basically the reason that the Supreme Court ruled against the ex Thai PM so it is a very hot issue now and definitely not worth considering in the present climate.

    Richardt, thanks for the info, I think it's time for me to talk to my lawyer, this will probable make my mind up on something I have been considering for quite a while, that is transfering the condo into my wife's name.

    And before all those people out there tell me thats the last thing I should do, let me tell them that we have been together a long time and I know I can trust her 100%. Now lets see if that sentence starts another thread.

  3. hi,

    you can legitimately hold shares in a company without holding a work permit (as long as you dont do any physical work for the company), so that part is not a problem. No work permit required.

    Also, you cannot obtain a work permit on a retirement visa. You would need to convert to a non-imm visa and then request a work permit should you ever wish to start work.

    So, owning your condo on the strength of a retirement visa is not a problem in itself, however, as as been pointed out in several threads here if the sole purpose of the company is to support your ownership of a condo, you may be falling foul of the another set of regulations and this could result in potential problems for you. The story is a whole rather large quagmire at the moment and you'll have to read up here about more on this if your company itself falls into this category.


    Richardt, thanks for your info, are you saying that I and many more people could be breaking the law by owning and living in a condo because it is in a company name, many farangs have bought condos in company names because of the 49% 51% rule, I have no work interests at all, the company name was purely so I could purchase the condo and I am sure many farangs have done the same.

  4. Not sure about that, but I think it is not legal to be on a retirement visa and have a work permit, the Mods will give you better info

    Beano, Yes as I understand it you cannot have both. I do not want a work permit, I am happy with my retirement visa. What I am refering to is, many people will have problems filling the criteria if a work permit is ever required if you own property or a condo in a company name, 1 problem that sticks out a mile to me is that you need to employ, I think it's 4 Thai people to qualify, lets hope it never happens, but it looks like it has been talked about.

  5. Hi all, I have lived in Thailand for over 3 years on a retirement visa. I live in my condo which is in a company name. Yesterday I was getting told that if you own property in Thailand, including condo's, which are in a company name, you will need a work permit. Has anyone else heard this or can verify it. Thanks.

  6. Reading this topic has got me thinking, I am 58, at present have a retirement visa, I am married to a thai and we have a 2 yr old daughter, if I interprete this topic correctly I should be eligible for the extension based on having a Thai child.

    My concerns are this though, (1) how possible is it that the Thai authorities could end this extension, (2) what happens when my daughter reaches 18 does the extension automatically finish, I dont want to have to revert back to a retirement visa, by then you may need 2 million baht in the bank, would the Thai authorities somehow grandfather it.

  7. Thanks macb, I had already looked at there web site but wondered if there were any more breeders in the Bangkok Pattaya area, they do seem to be the best option we have already called them, hopefully we shall be paying them a visit in a couple of days.

  8. Can anybody tell me where I can buy a Golden Retriever puppy in Bangkok or Pattaya, I am looking to buy from a breeder and not from a market, having had bad experiences from markets before, I recently bought 2 Siberian Huskys from a breeder in Bangkok with no problems, both lovely pups, but now the girlfriend wants a Retriever to replace the one from the market that died of parvo virus.

  9. I know sbk, I did find that useful, but I was specifically interested in experiences of bringing dogs from England, and to try and get more recent ones too.

    I am new at this sorry. Am I supposed to tack on to the pinned topic even though I really want info just from people importing from the UK?

    wispyerk007, thank you very much. Do you think that the new airport has different practices re: quarantine etc.?


    Sorry for the delay in replying but had no internet for 2 weeks. Yes I think there will be new practices at the new airport, we were told that the the dogs would have to go into quarantine at the airport as there were special kennels there.

  10. Please can anyone give me advice on the cheapest and best method to bring my dogs with me?

    My family is moving to Thailand in August. The dogs are 2 & 3 years old, skinny, thin coated crossbreeds but we love them.

    Where do I get an import permit from? I'm told I have to get it first (ie: not on arrival). I have the export health certificate application.

    They both have pet passports so are already chipped and rabies vaccinated & tested.

    Do they really have to do 30 days quaranteen on arrival in Thailand?

    If so, where would be best around Rayong?

    Any help greatly appreciated!


    Brought my 2 dogs into Thailand from the UK in Sept 06 into (Don Muang) Cairn Terrier & Border Terrier, we had enquired at the animals department in the airport 3 months before if they would need to go into quarentine and were told no, but if we brought them into the new airport once it was opened then they would have to go into quarentine. We brought them just before the Don Muang closed, no problems the ( I presume vet ) on duty looked at them signed the import permit and we walked out with them.

    We collected the import permit from the airport on our previous visit, and faxed it to them before we arrived.

    contact DEFRA in the UK 1st they will have all the information you need about exporting dogs to Thailand. I f you can find a number for the airport they may fax one to you, or you may be able to download one from the internet. Try the Thai agricultural web site.

    Try to fly direct from the UK ie no stops en route, we lived in the north but flew from Heathrow with Thai Airways, you need to contact the carrier 1st to inform them you are bringing dogs and on what flight you are booked on, they will contact Bangkok to check if that flight can take dogs. We had already booked our flights gave all the info to Thai airways they called us back after about 2 weeks to say the dogs were booked on the same flight as we were.

    The dogs were booked in as excess baggage at the check in desk ( not cheap cost nearly £ 1000 ) and went into the cargo hold, we did not see them again until we reached Bangkok, It caused quite a stir with other passengers when 2 dogs came along the baggage belt with all the suitcases, they were both fine and well.

    You will need special carriers IATA approved, do a search on the internet, plastic are best.

    Good Luck

  11. Moving to Pattaya in September, I have read some topics on here about sat nav and would be interested to here any recomendations about different models especially if anyone has bought one recently, the brand everyone seems to rave about here in the UK is the TOM TOM but dont know if it's available in Thailand, topics on here seem to recommend the Garmin although the Garmin iQue M5 PDA according to Garmins site has now been disscontinued. Also can sat navs be purchased in Tucom in Pattaya or is Bangkok better. Thanks in advance for any info.

  12. You failed to mention the size of the tv.

    If its a biggie, calc the unaccompanied airfrt cost at a min of 7 squid a Kg + Thai duty+clearance fees +++.

    Hardly worth bringing, is it?

    UDON, i know that but try telling the wife

  13. A simple question this, if i bring a tv from the uk to thailand will it work, or is the operating system different. And before anybody asks why bring a tv here i would prefer not too, its the wife, and as we are moving here in july with the rest of our stuff she wants to give the tv to the inlaws. Thanks

  14. Can anyone recommend a reputable motor dealer in Korat or surrounding area for the purchase of a secondhand car, not botherd about make or model as long as the dealer is legit. Thanks.

  15. I will be in Pattaya next week for an extended stay and will be applying for a driving licence, can someone give me directions to the driving licence centre from Jomtien, and if possible there hours of opening. Thanks.

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